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Soudní znalectví - osobní jména

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Editorial statement

The newly introduced linguistic journal KORPUS – GRAMATIKA – AXIOLOGIE is neither narrowly focused within a single thematic area, as e.g. Acta onomastica, nor generalist in scope in the way Naše řeč or Slovo a slovesnost are.

The launching of this journal reflects a new orientation emerging within the linguistic community: the interest in empirical research that can be supported by relatively objective quantitative evidence, based on electronic corpora, which provide large amounts of authentic material in a wide variety of genres.

In contrast to the existing periodicals in Czech linguistics, the new journal focuses exclusively on two areas of research:

  •     corpus-based study of Czech and other languages;     
  •     critical analysis of linguistic forms and texts.

With respect to the corpus-based work and the publication of research results, this journal’s primary concern is the study of grammatical structure in the broadest sense (inflectional morphology, word-formation, grammatical meaning, syntax, word order, issues in text cohesion and coherence) and the results of grammatical analyses based on large electronic corpora.  Our focus thus is not on the study of the lexicon, results of lexicological and/or lexicographic work, or corpus-building methods. The editors will give preference to contributions that bring new empirical discoveries about the grammar of natural languages and will be less inclined toward publishing results of corpus-based studies that are limited to corroborating known facts or providing empirical support for existing theories.

As concerns the axiological aspects, submissions in the following areas will be particularly valued:

·        general and specific aspects of stylistic registers, as they reflect various cultural backgrounds and functions in social interaction;

·        issues of acceptability in verbal communication;

·        functional motivation in verbal communication;

·        grammaticality of morphological or syntactic structure;

·        the language and style of literary texts;

·        typology of linguistic errors in non-native text production.

Contributions concerning any language are welcome, as long as they address issues in one or more of the above domains.




© ÚJČ AV ČR, v. v. i. - Letenská 4, 118 51  Praha 1 - Poslední aktualizace:  1. 5. 2010