Staff List
Papers: Monteith, D.T.*, Stoddard, J.L.*, Evans, C.D.*, de Wit, H.A*., Forsius, M.*, Hogasen, T.*, Wilander, A.*, Skjelkvale, B.L.*, Jeffries, D.S.*, Vuorenmaa, J.*, Keller, B.*, Kopáček, J., Veselý, J.*
(2007) Dissolved organic carbon trends resulting from changes in atmospheric deposition chemistry. Nature 450 (7169): 537–540. Research impacted |
Kopáček, J., Borovec, J., Hejzlar, J., Kotorová, I.*, Stuchlík, E.*, Veselý, J.*
(2006) Chemical composition of modern and pre-acidification sediments in the Tatra Mountain lakes. Biologia, 61 (Suppl. 18): S65–S76. Research impacted |
Kopáček, J., Marešová, M.*, Norton, S.A.*, Porcal, P., Veselý, J.*
(2006) Photochemical source of metals for sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 40 (14): 4455–4459. Research impacted |
Pražáková, M.*, Veselý, J.*, Fott, J.*, Majer, V.*, Kopáček, J.
(2006) The long-term succession of cladoceran fauna and palaeoclimate forcing: A 14,600–year record from Plešné Lake, the Bohemian Forest. Biologia, 61 (Suppl. 20): S387–S399. Research impacted |
Kopáček, J., Veselý, J.* (2005) Sulfur and nitrogen emissions in the Czech Republic and Slovakia from 1850 till 2000. Atmospheric Environment, 39 (12): 2179–2188. Research impacted |
Veselý, J.*, Majer, V.*, Kopáček, J., Šafanda, J.*, Norton, S.A.*
(2005) Increasing silicon concentrations in Bohemian Forest lakes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9 (6): 699–706. Research impacted |
Kopáček, J., Hardekopf, D.*, Majer, V.*, Pšenáková, P.*, Stuchlík, E.*, Veselý, J.* (2004) Response of alpine lakes and soils to changes in acid deposition: the MAGIC model applied to the Tatra Mountain region, Slovakia-Poland. Journal of Limnology, 63 (1): 143-156. Research impacted |
Veselý, J.*, Majer, V.*, Kopáček, J. (2004) Vliv oteplování na chemizmus vod šumavských jezer [Climate warming and chemistry of the Bohemian Forest lakes]. In: Dvořák, L., Šustr, P. (eds.), Sborník konference Aktuality šumavského výzkumu II. Srní, October 4-7, 2004, Správa NP a CHKO Šumava: pp. 95-96. Others |
Kopáček, J., Cosby, B.J.*, Majer, V.*, Stuchlík, E.*, Veselý, J.* (2003) Modelling reversibility of central European mountain lakes from acidification: Part II - the Tatra Mountains. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 7 (4): 510-524. Research impacted |
Majer, V.*, Cosby, B.J.*, Kopáček, J., Veselý, J.* (2003) Modelling reversibility of Central European mountain lakes from acidification: Part I - the Bohemian forest. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 7 (4): 494-509. Research impacted |
Veselý, J.*, Majer, V.*, Kopáček, J., Norton, S.A.* (2003) Increasing temperature decreases aluminum concentrations in Central European lakes recovering from acidification. Limnology and Oceanography, 48 (6): 2346-2354. Research impacted |
Kopáček, J., Fott, J.*, Hejzlar, J., Majer, V.*, Stuchlík, E.*, Veselý, J.*, a Vrba, J. (2003) Obnovit či neobnovit přečerpávání vody do Černého jezera? [To renew or not to renew reverse water pumping into Černé Lake?] Vodní hospodářství, 53 (3): 65-67. Others |
Vrba, J., Fott, J.*, Kopáček, J., Soldán, T.*, Veselý, J.* (2003) Sto třicet let výzkumu šumavských jezer [130 years of lake research in the Bohemian Forest]. Živa, 51 (1): 25-29. Others |
Kopáček, J., Kaňa, J.*, Šantrůčková, H.*, Porcal, P., Hejzlar, J., Picek, T.*, Veselý, J.* (2002) Physical, chemical, and biochemical characteristics of soils in watersheds of the Bohemian Forest lakes: I. Plešné Lake. Silva Gabreta, 8: 43–66. Research non impacted |
Kopáček, J.*, Kaňa, J.*, Šantrůčková, H.*, Porcal, P., Hejzlar, J., Picek, T.*, Šimek, M.*, Veselý, J.* (2002) Physical, chemical, and biochemical characteristics of soils in watersheds of the Bohemian Forest lakes: II. Čertovo and Černé Lakes. Silva Gabreta, 8: 67–93. Research non impacted |
Kopáček, J., Stuchlík, E.*, Veselý, J.*, Schaumburg, J.*, Anderson, I.C.*, Fott, J.*, Hejzlar, J., Vrba, J. (2002) Hysteresis in reversal of Central European mountain lakes from atmospheric acidification. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus, 2 (2): 91–114. Research impacted |
Evans, C.D.*, Cullen, J.M.*, Alewell, C.*, Kopáček, J., Marchetto, A.*, Moldan, F.*, Prechtel, A.*, Rogora, M., Veselý, J.*, Wright, R.* (2001) Recovery from acidification in European surface waters. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 5 (3): 283-297. Research impacted |
Kopáček, J., Veselý, J.*, Stuchlík, E.* (2001) Sulphur and nitrogen fluxes and budgets in the Bohemian Forest and Tatra Mountains during the Industrial Revolutin (1850-2000). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 5 (3): 391-405. Research impacted |
Prechtel, A.*, Alewell, C.*, Armbruster, M.*, Bittersohl, J.*, Cullen, J.M.*, Evans, C.D.*, Helliwell, R.*, Kopáček, J., Marchetto, A.*, Matzner, E.*, Meesenburg, H.*, Moldan, F.*, Moritz, K.*, Veselý, J.*, Wright, R.F.* (2001) Response of sulphur dynamics in European catchments to decreasing sulphate deposition. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5 (3): 311-325. Research impacted |
Rohlík, V.*, Hejzlar, J., Veselý, J.* (2000) Řízení jakosti vody ve vodárenské nádrži Římov (Water quality control in the drinking water reservoir Římov). In: Geller, W. et al. (eds.), 9. Magdeburský seminář o ochraně vod, Berlín, October 25-26, 2000, Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka, pp. 92-93. Others |
Vrba, J., Kopáček, J., Fott, J.*, Šantrůčková, H.*, Veselý, J.*, Vicena, I.* (2000) Dlouhodobý výzkum šumavských jezer - výstupy pro lesnickou praxi (Long-term research of the Bohemian Forest lakes - outlines for a forest management). In: Podrázský, V., Ryšánková, H., Vacek, S., Ulbrichová, I. (eds.): Sborník z celostátní konference Monitoring, výzkum a management ekosystémů Národního parku Šumava, Kostelec nad Černými lesy, November 27-28, 2000, Správa národního parku a chráněné krajinné oblasti Šumava, pp. 44-50. Others |
Kopáček, J. - Hejzlar, J. - Stuchlík, E. - Fott, J. - Veselý, J. (1998) Reversibility of acidification of mountain lakes after reduction in nitrogen and sulphur emissions in Central Europe. 5 s. Limnology and Oceanography, 43 [2] 357-361 (1998). Research impacted |
Kopáček, J. - Veselý, J. - Hejzlar, J. (1998) Bedrock and soil compositions: Crucial factors governing phosphorus input and trophic status of forest lakes in Bohemian Forest. 5 s. Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Geologica, 42 [1] 55-59 (1998). Research non impacted |