Tomáš Marvan
0. Knihy/Books 1. Od Frega k Davidsonovi: Úvod do analytické filosofie jazyka. [From Frege to Davidson: Introduction to Analytical Philosophy of Language]. Forthcoming in late 2009 from Togga. 2. Realita a relativismus [Reality and relativism]. In progress. 1. Články a příspěvky do sborníků/Papers and contributions to books 1. ‘Spor o povahu jazyka: Davidson a Dummett’ [‘The Debate on the Nature of Language: Davidson and Dummett’], Filosofický časopis 45 (1997), 4. 2. ‘Externalismus, pojmový relativismus a třetí dogma empirismu’ [‘Externalism, Conceptual Relativism and the Third Dogma of Empiricism’], Filosofický časopis 50 (2002), 3. 3. ‘Brandomian Aporia ( 4. ‘Dva druhy pojmového relativismu’ [‘Two Kinds of Conceptual Relativism’], Organon F 10 (2003), 2. 5. ‘Interpretability, Perceptual Sensibilities and Triangulation’, Sats – Nordic Journal of Philosophy 4 (2003), 2. 6. ‘Svoboda, pojmy a pravidla: Ještě k Brandomovu Articulating Reasons’ [‘Freedom, Concepts and Rules: Once More on Brandom’s Articulating Reasons’], Organon F 10 (2003), 4. --- Reply by Jaroslav Peregrin: ‘Ještě jednou (a naposled): O co jde Brandomovi?’, Organon F 11 (2004), 2. 7. With M. Lasonen: ‘Davidson’s Triangulation: Content-Endowing Causes and Circularity’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 12 (2004), 2. 8. ‘Körner o nemožnosti transcendentální dedukce’ [‘Körner on the Impossibility of Transcendental Deduction’], in B. Horyna (ed.), Kant redivivus ( 9. ‘Putnamovy realismy a pojmová relativita’ [Putnam’s Realisms and Conceptual Relativity], Studia Neoaristotelica 3 (2006), 1. 10. ‘Smyslové vnímání jako druh ,myšlení‘ u Descarta’ [‘Sense-perception as a Form of ‘Thought’ in Descartes’], in J. Fiala, M. Polák (eds.), René Descartes: Scientia & conscientia (Pilsen: 11. ‘Co vlastně říká Quinova teze o neurčitosti překladu?’ [What Does Quine’s Thesis of Indeterminacy Say?], forthc. in Aluze 10 (2006), 2.12. ‘Obstacles to the Relativity of Truth’, Organon F 13 (2006), 4. --- Reply by Dan Zeman: ‘Overcoming the Obstacles to the Relativity of Truth’, Organon F 14 (2007), 2. 13. ‘Konstanty Quinovy filosofie’ [The Constants of Quine’s Philosophy], in 2.3. 14. ‘Quine a realismus’ [Quine and Realism], Reflexe 31 (2006). 15. ‘The Davidson—Quine Dispute on Meaning and Knowledge: A Concise Guide’, forthcoming in Theory of Science 16 (2007), 1. 16. ‘Goodman’s Arguments for Worldmaking and Their Critics’, in 2.5. 17. ‘Quine a Goodman: Fyzikalismus a fakta’ [Quine and Goodman: Physicalism and Facts], in 2.6. 18. ‘Dyskusja Davidson-Quine na temat znaczenia i wiedzy. Krótky przewodnik’, Analiza i egzystencja (2008), 7. [Polish translation of 1.15] 19. ‘Quine, Goodman a otázka mnohosti světů. Odpověď P. Stojanovi’ [‘Quine, Goodman and the Question of the Plurality of Worlds’], Filosofický časopis 57 (2009), 1. 20. ‘Davidsonovy argumenty proti empirismu’ [Davidson´s Arguments against Empiricism], forthcoming in 2.7. 21. ‘Přímočarý realismus a jazykový konstruktivismus’ [Direct Realism and Linguistic Constructivism], forthcoming in proceedings of a book symposium on Interpretace a subjektivita (P. Koťátko). 22. With Ivan Blecha, ‘Reference a realismus pohledem fenomenologie a analytické filosofie’ [Reference and Realism in Phenomenology and Analytical Philosophy], forthcoming in Reflexe. 2. Editor/Volumes edited1. With D. Mik: special issue of Filosofický časopis (50 (2002), 3), on externalism and internalism in contemporary philosophy of mind and language. 2. What Determines Content? The Internalism/Externalism Dispute ( 3. With L. Dostálová: W. V. Quine: Vybrané články k ontologii a epistemologii [Selected Papers in Ontology and Epistemology] (Pilsen: 4. With J. Hvorecký: Filosofie jazyka a mysli: Základní pojmy [Philosophy of Language and Mind: Basic Concepts] (Pilsen: O.P.S., 2007). 5. With M. Zouhar: The World of Language and the World beyond Language. A Festschrift for Pavel Cmorej (Bratislava: Veda, 2007). 6. With L. Dostálová: Quine: Nejen Gavagai [Quine: Not Just Gavagai] (Pilsen: 7. With L. Dostálová: Studie k filosofii Donalda Davidsona (Pilsen: 3. Překlady/Translations 1. With P. Glombíček: René Descartes, The Principles of Philosophy (An Abridged Version, together with Two Letters to Princess Elisabeth) (Prague: Filosofia, 1998). 2. Donald Davidson, ‘Dialectic and Dialogue’, Filosofický časopis 47 (1999), 2. 3. Fabrice Pataut, ‘An Anti-Realist Perspective on Language, Thought, Logic and the History of Analytic Philosophy: An Interview with Michael Dummett’, Filosofický časopis 47 (1999), 4. 4. 5. With P. Glombíček and P. Zavadil: René Descartes (et alii), Meditations on the First Philosophy. Objections and Replies to the Meditations on the First Philosophy ( 6. René Descartes, The Search for Truth (the French part), Filosofický časopis, 51 (2003), 5. 7. Paisley Livingston, ‘Text, Version, Work: Borges´ Pierre Menard and the Ontology of Literature’, in Text a dílo: případ Menard, eds. K. Císař a P. Koťátko ( 8. Göran Rossholm, ‘À propos Menard’, ibid. 9. With J. Kolář: Donald Davidson, Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective ( 10. Jean-Luc Marion, ‘The Original Alterity of Cogito’, in P. Glombíček, J. Kuneš (eds.), Cogito, ergo sum ( 11. Crispin Wright, ‘Does Philosophical Investigations I, 258–60 Suggest a Cogent Argument against Private Language?’, forthcoming in P. Glombíček (ed.), Soukromý jazyk, pravidla a Wittgenstein [Private Language, Rules and Wittgenstein] ( 12–13. W. V. Quine, ‘Epistemology Naturalized’; ‘The Nature of Natural Knowledge’, in 2.4. 14. James Hill, 'Descartes and cogitare: A Reply to Professor Sobotka', Reflexe 33 (2007). 15.
Göran Rossholm, ‘Ars Combinatoria in Beckett´s Novel Watt’, forthcoming in K. Císař, M. Petříček (eds.), 4. Různé/Miscellanea 1. ‘Analýza v rukou metafyzika’ [On Strawson’s Analysis and Metaphysics], Literární noviny, 2. ‘Letní škola analytické filosofie "The A priori"’, Filosofický časopis 51 (2003), 4. 3. Slovníková hesla/Dictionary entries: ‘anomální monismus’, ‘behaviorismus’, ‘deskripční teorie vlastních jmen’, ‘dualismus’, ‘introspekce’, ‘kvazi-indikátor’, ‘mozek v kádi’, ‘myšlenka vyššího řádu’, ‘Tarského teorie pravdy’, ‘teorie identity’, ‘triangulace’, ‘verifikační teorie významu’, ‘významové postuláty’, in 2.4. 4. ‘Rortyho nepokojné cesty po filosofii (i mimo ni)’ [Rorty's Obituary], Reflexe 33 (2007). 5. Recenze/Reviews 1. Review of Descartes and His Contemporaries: Meditations, Objections, and Replies, ed. by Roger Ariew and Marjorie Grene, Acta Comeniana 36 (1997). 2. Review of Philosophielexikon. Personen und Begriffe der abendländischen Philosophie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, eds. Anton Hügli and Poul Lübcke, Filosofický časopis 46 (1998), 3. 3. Review of Interpreting Arnauld, ed. by Elmar J. Kremer, Acta Comeniana 37 (1999). 4. Review of Donald Davidson, Čin, myseľ, jazyk, transl. into Slovak by E. Višňovský, M. Popper, T. Sedová and D. Kamhal, Filosofický časopis 47 (1999), 2. 5. Review of the new edition of Wilfrid Sellars, Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind, Filosofický časopis 48 (2000), 3. 6. Review of the Slovak tranlsation of Richard Rorty, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, transl. by Ľ. Hábová’, Organon F 8 (2001), 1. 7. Review of Petr Koťátko, Význam a komunikace [Meaning and Communication]’, Aluze 5 (2001), 1. 8. Review of Robert B. Brandom, Articulating Reasons. An Introduction to Inferentialism, Organon F 9 (2002), 4. --- Reply by Jaroslav Peregrin: ‘K Brandomovu Articulating Reasons’, Organon F 10 (2003), 2. 9. Review of The 10. Review of Jaroslav Peregrin, Meaning and Structure, Filosofický časopis 50 (2002), 4. 11. Review of Gábor Forrai, Reference, Truth and Conceptual Schemes, Organon F 10 (2003), 2. 12. Review of Joseph Almog, What Am I, Filosofický časopis 51 (2003), 5. 13. Review of Colin McGinn, Making of a Philosopher, Filosofický časopis 53 (2005), 3. 14. Review of Darrell Wheeler, On Davidson, Aluze 9 (2005), 1. 15. Review of Lynn Hankinson Nelson, Jack Nelson, On Quine, Organon F 13 (2007), 1. 16. Review of Daniel Dennett, Sweet Dreams, Reflexe 31 (2006). 17. Review of Radim Šíp, Richard Rorty. Mezi jazykem a zkušeností, Aluze. 18. Critical Study of Paul Boghossian, Fear of Knowledge, and Steven D. Hales, Relativism and the Foundations of Philosophy, forthcoming in Filosofie dnes. SELECTED FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS: CIMO Fellowship (University of Helsinki) * British Academy Visiting Fellow (Birkbeck College) * Alexander von Humboldt Research- and Return Fellowship (Humboldt University, Berlin) * Otto Wichterle Medal. |