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  Date         Start Time      Counter   Class. Reamarks
"2003-12-24"," 10:53:09 UT     00:00:00    3-4    NOAA 0528 ph+ch",""
"2003-12-24"," 10:55:51 UT     00:00:41    3-4    H-alpha disk",""
"2003-12-28"," 08:31:27 UT     00:01:10    4    H-alpha disk",""
"2003-12-28"," 09:13:39 UT     00:01:30    4    NOAA 0528 ph+ch",""
"2003-12-28"," 09:37:28 UT     00:02:00    3    NOAA 0532 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-06"," 09:33:58 UT     00:02:20    3-4    NOAA 0536 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-08"," 11:44:14 UT     00:03:00    3    NOAA 0536 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-08"," 11:48:44 UT     00:04:15    3    NOAA 0537 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-11"," 12:28:25 UT     00:05:00    3    filament NE whole disc",""
"2004-01-12"," 08:55:23 UT     00:06:00    3    filament NE whole disc",""
"2004-01-12"," 09:11:12 UT     00:06:45    3-4    NOAA 0536 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-12"," 09:17:34 UT     00:07:30    3-4    NOAA 0537 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-12"," 09:58:15 UT     00:08:30    3    filament NE",""
"2004-01-14"," 11:05:50 UT     00:10:08    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-01-14"," 11:12:28 UT     00:10:26    3-4    NOAA 0537 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-23"," 09:35:50 UT     00:10:54    3    NOAA 0540 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-23"," 09:38:10 UT     00:11:25    3-4    NOAA 0543 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-23"," 09:41:03 UT     00:11:50    3    NOAA 0542 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-23"," 09:43:30 UT     00:12:25    3-4    NOAA 0544 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-23"," 09:45:54 UT     00:13:00    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-01-24"," 10:13:43 UT     00:13:25    3-4    NOAA 0540 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-24"," 10:16:31 UT     00:13:50    3-4    NOAA 0543 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-24"," 10:18:41 UT     00:14:10    3-4    NOAA 0542 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-24"," 10:20:13 UT     00:14:35    3-4    NOAA 0544 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-24"," 10:22:04 UT     00:15:00    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-01-31"," 11:29:39 UT     00:15:20    4    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-01-31"," 13:33:47 UT     00:15:40    3    NOAA 0545 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-31"," 13:36:34 UT     00:16:00    3    NOAA 0546 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-31"," 13:40:59 UT     00:16:30    3    NOAA 0547 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-31"," 13:47:11 UT     00:17:00    3    new N12E73 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-31"," 13:51:53 UT     00:17:30    3    new N04E38 ph+ch",""
"2004-01-31"," 13:55:01 UT     00:17:50    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-02-15"," 08:25:40 UT     00:17:54    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-02-15"," 08:27:26 UT     00:18:20    3-4    NOAA 0559 ph+ch",""
"2004-02-15"," 08:29:49 UT     00:18:50    3-4    NOAA 0556 ph+ch",""
"2004-02-15"," 08:31:42 UT     00:19:20    3-4    NOAA 0554 ph+ch",""
"2004-02-20"," 07:45:15 UT     00:19:57    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-02-20"," 07:48:08 UT     00:20:30    3-4    NOAA 0561 ph+ch",""
"2004-02-20"," 07:51:03 UT     00:21:00    3-4    NOAA 0562 ph+ch",""
"2004-02-21"," 07:39:17 UT     00:21:20    4    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-02-21"," 07:47:30 UT     00:21:30    5    NOAA 0562 ph+ch",""
"2004-02-21"," 08:27:40 UT     00:21:50    4    NOAA 0561 ph+ch",""
"2004-02-21"," 08:35:55 UT     00:22:20    4    NOAA 0562 ph+ch",""
"2004-02-21"," 08:38:47 UT     00:22:50    4    NOAA 0563 ph+ch",""
"2004-02-21"," 08:46:34 UT     00:23:20    4    new N12E46 ph+ch",""
"2004-02-21"," 09:06:05 UT     00:23:50    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-02-27"," 09:32:41 UT     00:24:00    3-4    NOAA 0564 ph+ch",""
"2004-02-27"," 09:37:15 UT     00:24:30    3-4    NOAA 0565 ph+ch",""
"2004-02-27"," 09:41:38 UT     00:25:00    3    whole disc H-alpha",""
"2004-03-05"," 09:14:48 UT     00:25:26    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-03-05"," 09:17:13 UT     00:25:55    3-4    NOAA 0567 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-05"," 09:19:57 UT     00:26:30    3-4    NOAA 0569 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-05"," 09:26:32 UT     00:27:00    3-4    new S14E86 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-06"," 09:32:52 UT     00:27:28    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-03-06"," 09:35:51 UT     00:27:55    3-4    NOAA 0567 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-06"," 09:38:24 UT     00:28:25    3-4    NOAA 0569 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-06"," 09:41:38 UT     00:28:56    3-4    NOAA 0570 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-11"," 09:22:03 UT     00:29:15    3-4    NOAA 0570 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-12"," 09:21:47 UT     00:30:10    3    NOAA 0570 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-13"," 13:04:39 UT     00:31:30    4    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-03-13"," 13:07:51 UT     00:31:40    4    NOAA 0570 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-13"," 13:11:33 UT     00:32:00    4    NOAA 0572 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-13"," 13:16:04 UT     00:32:20    4    NOAA 0573 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-13"," 13:39:04 UT     00:32:40    4    NOAA 0570 ph",""
"2004-03-13"," 15:15:39 UT     00:33:00    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-03-14"," 10:03:12 UT     00:33:10    3-4    NOAA 0570 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-14"," 10:09:00 UT     00:34:00    3-4    NOAA 0572 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-14"," 10:12:07 UT     00:35:00    3-4    NOAA 0573 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-15"," 07:23:44 UT     00:35:30    3    NOAA 0570 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-15"," 07:27:34 UT     00:36:00    3    NOAA 0572 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-15"," 07:30:07 UT     00:36:30    3    NOAA 0573 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-16"," 07:23:39 UT     00:37:00    3    NOAA 0570 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-16"," 07:25:22 UT     00:37:30    3    NOAA 0572 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-16"," 07:27:01 UT     00:38:00    3    NOAA 0573 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-16"," 07:28:53 UT     00:38:30    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-03-16"," 07:33:56 UT     00:39:00    3-4    new S03E83 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-17"," 08:28:27 UT     00:39:20    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-03-17"," 08:30:16 UT     00:39:46    3    NOAA 0570 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-17"," 08:33:05 UT     00:40:15    3    NOAA 0572 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-17"," 08:35:00 UT     00:40:45    3    NOAA 0573 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-17"," 08:37:08 UT     00:41:15    3    NOAA 0574 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-18"," 08:47:29 UT     00:41:45    2-3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-03-18"," 08:49:47 UT     00:42:20    3    NOAA 0570 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-18"," 08:52:10 UT     00:42:50    3    NOAA 0576 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-18"," 08:55:01 UT     00:43:21    3    NOAA 0574 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-18"," 08:58:46 UT     00:43:50    3    NOAA 0577 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-19"," 09:30:34 UT     00:44:20    3    NOAA 0574 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-19"," 09:34:19 UT     00:45:00    3    NOAA 0576 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-19"," 09:39:41 UT     00:45:30    3    NOAA 0578 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-22"," 08:52:16 UT     00:46:00    3    NOAA 0578 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-22"," 09:08:32 UT     00:46:30    3    NOAA 0574 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-28"," 12:50:20 UT     00:46:55    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-03-28"," 12:52:41 UT     00:47:30    3    NOAA 0582 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-29"," 07:43:32 UT     00:48:00    3-4    NOAA 0582 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-29"," 07:48:57 UT     00:48:30    3-4    NOAA 0587 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-30"," 07:49:06 UT     00:49:00    3-4    NOAA 0582 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-30"," 07:53:44 UT     00:49:30    3-4    NOAA 0587 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-31"," 07:28:49 UT     00:49:50    3    NOAA 0587 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-31"," 07:31:36 UT     00:50:45    3    NOAA 0585 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-31"," 07:36:21 UT     00:51:15    3    NOAA 0581 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-31"," 07:39:17 UT     00:51:45    4    NOAA 0582 ph+ch",""
"2004-03-31"," 07:44:37 UT     00:52:30    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-04-02"," 05:46:39 UT     00:52:29    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-04-02"," 05:49:45 UT     00:53:15    3-4    NOAA 0588 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-02"," 05:52:11 UT     00:53:45    4    NOAA 0587 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-02"," 05:54:08 UT     00:54:15    3-4    NOAA 0582 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-02"," 05:56:03 UT     00:54:45    3-4    NOAA 0581 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-02"," 05:58:22 UT     00:55:16    3-4    NOAA 0585 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-03"," 07:03:38 UT     00:55:45    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-04-03"," 07:07:38 UT     00:56:00    3    NOAA 0581 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-03"," 07:10:45 UT     00:56:15    3    NOAA 0582 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-03"," 07:22:27 UT     00:56:35    3    NOAA 0587 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-03"," 07:29:09 UT     00:57:00    3    NOAA 0588 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-04"," 07:31:56 UT     00:57:20    3    NOAA 0582 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-04"," 07:36:26 UT     00:58:00    3    NOAA 0587 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-04"," 07:40:00 UT     00:58:30    3    NOAA 0588 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-08"," 08:51:41 UT     00:59:24    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-04-08"," 08:53:23 UT     00:59:46    3-4    NOAA 0588 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-09"," 05:55:57 UT     01:00:22    3-4    NOAA 0588 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-09"," 05:58:41 UT     01:01:05    3-4    NOAA 0587 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-09"," 06:13:55 UT     01:01:42    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-04-09"," 06:15:31 UT     01:02:15    2-3    NOAA 0588 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-09"," 06:18:14 UT     01:02:46    2-3    NOAA 0587 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-14"," 07:28:40 UT     01:03:33    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-04-14"," 07:30:54 UT     01:04:20    3    NOAA 0588 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-14"," 07:32:31 UT     01:04:45    3    NOAA 0591 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-14"," 07:42:02 UT     01:05:30    3    NOAA 0592 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-14"," 07:44:17 UT     01:06:00    3-4    new N13E75 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-15"," 06:15:39 UT     01:06:00    3    NOAA 0591 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-21"," 07:11:01 UT     01:06:31    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-04-21"," 07:12:56 UT     01:07:15    2-3    NOAA 0595 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-21"," 07:14:46 UT     01:07:45    2-3    NOAA 0596 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-21"," 07:17:14 UT     01:08:15    3    NOAA 0597 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-22"," 07:22:36 UT     01:08:45    2-3    NOAA 0596 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-22"," 07:24:23 UT     01:09:15    3    NOAA 0595 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-22"," 07:26:18 UT     01:09:45    3    NOAA 0597 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-22"," 07:28:00 UT     01:10:15    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-04-23"," 08:00:10 UT     01:10:45    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-04-23"," 08:02:57 UT     01:11:45    3    NOAA 0597 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-23"," 08:05:31 UT     01:12:30    3    NOAA 0596 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-23"," 08:07:46 UT     01:13:15    3-4    NOAA 0595 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-24"," 06:22:29 UT     01:13:50    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-04-24"," 06:30:37 UT     01:14:00    3    NOAA 0596 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-24"," 07:21:03 UT     01:14:20    3    new N15E50 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-26"," 07:53:26 UT     01:14:10    3    NOAA 0599 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-26"," 07:58:17 UT     01:15:00    3    NOAA 0596 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-27"," 08:34:11 UT     01:14:50    3    NOAA 0599 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-27"," 08:41:15 UT     01:15:30    3    NOAA 0596 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-28"," 06:36:32 UT     01:16:00    2-3    NOAA 0596 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-28"," 06:38:35 UT     01:16:30    2-3    NOAA 0599 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-28"," 06:40:24 UT     01:17:00    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-04-29"," 08:50:42 UT     01:17:45    3    NOAA 0599 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-30"," 05:47:49 UT     01:18:30    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-04-30"," 05:50:03 UT     01:19:00    3-4    NOAA 0599 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-30"," 05:53:23 UT     01:19:31    3    new S14W43 ph+ch",""
"2004-04-30"," 05:56:17 UT     01:20:00    3-4    new S09W11 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-01"," 07:38:33 UT     01:20:30    3    NOAA 0601+newS15W26 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-01"," 07:45:39 UT     01:21:00    3    NOAA 0599 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-01"," 07:49:59 UT     01:21:30    3    NOAA 0602 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-03"," 07:35:42 UT     01:22:00    3    NOAA 0601 + 0603 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-05"," 07:22:07 UT     01:22:30    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-05-05"," 07:23:44 UT     01:22:59    3    NOAA 0601 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-05"," 07:26:57 UT     01:24:00    3    NOAA 0604 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-05"," 07:28:34 UT     01:24:30    3    NOAA 0605 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-08"," 07:13:56 UT     01:25:47    4    NOAA 0606 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-08"," 07:16:04 UT     01:26:15    3-4    NOAA 0605 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-08"," 07:18:00 UT     01:26:45    4    NOAA 0604 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-08"," 07:20:06 UT     01:27:15    3-4    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-05-09"," 05:38:10 UT     01:27:46    2-3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-05-09"," 05:40:04 UT     01:28:15    3    NOAA 0605 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-09"," 05:43:01 UT     01:29:00    3    0606+new ph+ch",""
"2004-05-11"," 07:23:06 UT     01:29:25    3    NOAA 0606 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-11"," 07:28:39 UT     01:30:00    3    NOAA 0608+0609 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-12"," 07:34:51 UT     01:30:30    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-05-12"," 07:39:15 UT     01:31:11    2-3    NOAA 0606 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-12"," 07:41:33 UT     01:31:45    2-3    NOAA 0608 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-12"," 07:44:16 UT     01:32:16    3    NOAA 0609 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-14"," 07:05:31 UT     01:32:45    4    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-05-15"," 06:30:04 UT     01:33:25    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-05-15"," 06:33:12 UT     01:33:40    3    NOAA 0606 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-15"," 06:38:08 UT     01:34:00    3    NOAA 0609 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-15"," 06:43:01 UT     01:34:20    3    NOAA 0612 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-15"," 06:46:13 UT     01:34:40    3    NOAA 0613 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-15"," 08:09:13 UT     01:35:00    2    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-05-16"," 08:34:04 UT     01:35:10    3    NOAA 0609 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-19"," 07:32:47 UT     01:36:00    2-3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-05-19"," 07:34:27 UT     01:36:30    3    NOAA 0606 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-19"," 07:36:15 UT     01:37:00    2-3    NOAA 0609 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-19"," 07:38:18 UT     01:37:31    3    NOAA 0612 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-19"," 07:40:33 UT     01:38:01    3    NOAA 0617 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-19"," 07:42:27 UT     01:38:30    2-3    NOAA 0613 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-19"," 07:44:46 UT     01:39:00    3    NOAA 0615 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-20"," 06:51:05 UT     01:39:33    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-05-20"," 06:52:32 UT     01:40:00    3-4    NOAA 0606 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-20"," 06:54:37 UT     01:40:45    3    NOAA 0609 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-20"," 06:56:25 UT     01:41:16    3    NOAA 0612 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-20"," 06:59:21 UT     01:41:45    3    NOAA 0617 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-20"," 07:00:57 UT     01:42:15    3    NOAA 0615 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-20"," 07:02:50 UT     01:42:40    3    new S10E78 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-20"," 07:04:30 UT     01:43:01    3    NOAA 0613 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-24"," 06:42:34 UT     01:43:40    3    NOAA 0618 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-27"," 06:06:23 UT     01:44:35    3    NOAA 0618 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-28"," 07:24:57 UT     01:46:00    3    NOAA 0618 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-29"," 05:14:10 UT     01:47:05    2    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-05-29"," 05:19:36 UT     01:47:20    2    NOAA 0618 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-29"," 05:25:28 UT     01:47:50    3    new S02E57 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-29"," 05:32:46 UT     01:48:10    3    new S16E71 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-30"," 06:35:33 UT     01:48:25    3    NOAA 0618 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-30"," 06:41:45 UT     01:49:00    3    NOAA 0621 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-31"," 06:01:47 UT     01:49:55    3    NOAA 0618 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-31"," 06:06:28 UT     01:50:30    3    NOAA 0621 ph+ch",""
"2004-05-31"," 06:13:10 UT     01:51:00    3    NOAA 0622 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-07"," 05:19:37 UT     01:51:30    2    NOAA 0627 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-07"," 05:24:15 UT     01:52:00    2    NOAA 0621 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-08"," 04:49:48 UT     01:52:29    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-06-08"," 04:52:01 UT     01:53:15    2-3    NOAa 0621 PH+CH",""
"2004-06-08"," 04:53:54 UT     01:53:45    3    NOAA 0627 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-09"," 08:59:20 UT     01:54:41    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-06-09"," 09:01:35 UT     01:55:20    3    NOAA 0627 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-09"," 09:04:35 UT     01:55:50    3    NOAA 0629 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-10"," 09:37:50 UT     01:55:50    3    NOAA 0622 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-11"," 07:57:39 UT     01:57:00    3    NOAA 0631 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-13"," 09:01:28 UT     01:57:30    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-06-14"," 07:48:08 UT     01:57:45    3-4    NOAA 0634 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-15"," 08:20:47 UT     01:59:00    3    NOAA 0634 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-15"," 08:25:55 UT     01:59:30    3    NOAA 0635 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-15"," 09:00:31 UT     02:00:01    2-3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-06-17"," 07:08:10 UT     02:00:38    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-06-17"," 07:13:08 UT     02:01:45    3    NOAA 0631 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-17"," 07:16:44 UT     02:02:15    3    NOAA 0632 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-17"," 07:19:22 UT     02:02:45    3    NOAA 0633 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-17"," 07:22:05 UT     02:03:15    3    NOAA 0634 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-17"," 07:26:04 UT     02:03:46    3    NOAA 0635 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-18"," 05:46:43 UT     02:04:30    3    NOAA 0634 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-18"," 05:53:59 UT     02:05:00    3    NOAA 0635 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-19"," 08:44:54 UT     02:05:50    3-4    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-06-19"," 08:46:40 UT     02:06:15    3-4    NOAA 0632 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-19"," 08:49:01 UT     02:06:45    3-4    NOAA 0634 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-19"," 08:50:59 UT     02:07:15    4    NOAA 0635 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-21"," 05:53:07 UT     02:07:45    3    NOAA 0635 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-21"," 06:25:10 UT     02:09:00    3    NOAA 0634 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-21"," 06:35:56 UT     02:09:30    3    NOAA 0636 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-22"," 09:39:18 UT     02:11:00    3    NOAA 0635 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-22"," 09:44:50 UT     02:11:30    3    NOAA 0634 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-23"," 06:50:12 UT     02:12:00    3    NOAA 0637 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-23"," 06:51:55 UT     02:12:30    3    NOAA 0636 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-23"," 06:53:35 UT     02:13:00    3    NOAA 0635 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-23"," 06:56:07 UT     02:13:32    3    NOAA 0634 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-23"," 06:58:16 UT     02:14:00    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-06-24"," 06:02:27 UT     02:14:15    3    NOAA 0635 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-24"," 06:21:01 UT     02:15:00    3    NOAA 0634 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-25"," 05:57:05 UT     02:14:30    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-06-25"," 05:59:00 UT     02:15:00    3    NOAA 0634 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-25"," 06:01:04 UT     02:15:31    3    NOAA 0635 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-26"," 06:55:38 UT     02:16:00    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-06-26"," 07:00:16 UT     02:16:15    3/4    NOAA 0635 ph+ch (flare)",""
"2004-06-26"," 07:54:49 UT     02:17:25    3-4    NOAA 0637 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-26"," 08:04:57 UT     02:17:45    3-4    new N07E31 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-28"," 06:23:44 UT     02:18:00    3    NOAA 0637 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-28"," 06:30:02 UT     02:18:30    3    NOAA 0640 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-28"," 06:38:57 UT     02:19:00    3    new N09E67 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-29"," 05:48:58 UT     02:19:40    3    NOAA 0639 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-29"," 05:51:00 UT     02:20:17    3    NOAA 0640 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-29"," 05:53:39 UT     02:20:45    3    NOAA 0637 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-29"," 05:56:13 UT     02:21:15    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-06-30"," 06:53:58 UT     02:21:46    3    NOAA 0640 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-30"," 06:55:29 UT     02:22:15    3    NOAA 0639 ph+ch",""
"2004-06-30"," 06:56:55 UT     02:22:45    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-07-01"," 06:41:54 UT     02:23:15    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-07-01"," 06:44:09 UT     02:23:45    3    NOAA 0639 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-01"," 06:46:05 UT     02:24:15    3    NOAA 0640 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-02"," 05:21:42 UT     02:24:45    3    NOAA 0639 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-02"," 05:24:06 UT     02:25:15    3    NOAA 0640 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-02"," 05:26:35 UT     02:25:45    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-07-03"," 06:51:25 UT     02:26:15    3    NOAA 0639 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-04"," 08:14:31 UT     02:27:00    3    NOAA 0639 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-05"," 05:48:01 UT     02:28:00    3    NOAA 0639 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-07"," 08:28:42 UT     02:28:30    3    new S08E70 ch+ph",""
"2004-07-07"," 08:30:54 UT     02:29:00    3    NOAA 0639 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-07"," 08:33:40 UT     02:29:30    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-07-08"," 06:12:21 UT     02:30:00    3    NOAA 0642 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-09"," 09:23:02 UT     02:31:00    3    NOAA 0642 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-09"," 09:24:54 UT     02:31:30    3    new S08W02 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-10"," 05:56:45 UT     02:32:00    3-4    NOAA 0642 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-10"," 05:58:22 UT     02:32:30    3-4    NOAA 0643 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-10"," 06:00:11 UT     02:33:02    4    new AR  ph",""
"2004-07-11"," 08:59:45 UT     02:33:15    3    NOAA 0644 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-11"," 09:02:03 UT     02:33:45    3    NOAA 0642 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-11"," 09:03:38 UT     02:34:16    3-4    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-07-17"," 05:25:52 UT     02:34:50    2    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-07-17"," 05:34:27 UT     02:35:10    2    NOAA 0642 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-17"," 05:38:48 UT     02:35:30    2    NOAA 0644 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-17"," 05:50:08 UT     02:35:50    2    NOAA 0649 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-17"," 06:30:38 UT     02:36:20    2    NOAA 0652 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-17"," 06:49:27 UT     02:37:00    2    new S13E82 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-18"," 06:36:50 UT     02:37:40    2-3    NOAA 0649 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-18"," 06:42:45 UT     02:38:30    2-3    NOAA 0652 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-18"," 06:53:31 UT     02:39:00    2-3    NOAA 0653 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-20"," 05:42:25 UT     02:39:30    2    NOAA 0652 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-20"," 05:47:28 UT     02:40:15    2    NOAA 0653 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-20"," 05:51:46 UT     02:40:45    2    NOAA 0649 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-21"," 07:17:08 UT     02:40:20    3    NOAA 0652 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-21"," 07:19:42 UT     02:41:00    3    NOAA 0653 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-21"," 07:22:37 UT     02:41:30    3    NOAA 0649 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-22"," 06:47:53 UT     02:43:30    2    whole disc H-alpha",""
"2004-07-23"," 09:07:02 UT     02:43:50    4    NOAA 0652 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-25"," 05:37:17 UT     02:44:20    2    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-07-25"," 05:41:02 UT     02:44:30    3    NOAA 0652 ph+ch (flare)",""
"2004-07-25"," 07:58:39 UT     02:45:20    3    NOAA 0653 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-26"," 09:59:33 UT     02:45:35    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-07-26"," 10:10:07 UT     02:45:50    3    NOAA 0652 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-26"," 10:22:10 UT     02:46:20    4    NOAA 0653 ph",""
"2004-07-28"," 06:21:11 UT     02:46:15    3    NOAA 0652 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-28"," 06:37:32 UT     02:47:00    3    NOAA 0654 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-28"," 06:47:05 UT     02:47:30    3    whole disc h-alpha",""
"2004-07-29"," 10:58:14 UT     02:48:00    3    NOAA 0654 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-30"," 06:29:10 UT     02:48:30    3    NOAA 0654 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-30"," 06:39:27 UT     02:49:00    3    new S09E78 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-31"," 05:06:12 UT     02:49:30    2    NOAA 0654 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-31"," 05:14:19 UT     02:50:00    2    NOAA 0655 ph+ch",""
"2004-07-31"," 08:50:09 UT     02:50:30    3-4    NOAA 0652 prom",""
"2004-08-01"," 08:28:33 UT     02:51:00    3    NOAA 0654 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-01"," 08:38:57 UT     02:51:30    3    NOAA 0655 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-01"," 08:46:54 UT     02:52:00    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-08-02"," 06:49:55 UT     02:52:00    3    NOAA 0654 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-02"," 06:53:45 UT     02:52:30    3    NOAA 0655 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-03"," 07:19:20 UT     02:53:00    3    NOAA 0654 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-03"," 07:21:58 UT     02:53:30    2-3    NOAA 0655 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-03"," 07:24:04 UT     02:54:00    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-08-04"," 07:47:18 UT     02:54:30    3    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-08-04"," 07:49:01 UT     02:55:00    2-3    NOAA 0654 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-04"," 07:52:02 UT     02:55:30    2-3    NOAA 0655 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-05"," 06:12:31 UT     02:56:00    2    NOAA 0655 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-06"," 04:44:11 UT     02:26:30    3-4    NOAA 0655 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-07"," 05:56:38 UT     02:56:50    2    H-alpha disk",""
"2004-08-07"," 06:09:31 UT     02:57:05    2    NOAA 0655 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-07"," 06:14:50 UT     02:57:35    2    NOAA 0656 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-07"," 06:20:15 UT     02:58:05    2    NOAA 0657 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-07"," 06:38:01 UT     02:58:30    2    new S06E61 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-08"," 05:18:21 UT     02:58:55    3    NOAA 0656 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-08"," 05:23:29 UT     02:59:30    3    NOAA 0655 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-09"," 06:09:16 UT     03:00:00    2-3    NOAA 0656 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-09"," 06:13:56 UT     03:00:30    2-3    NOAA 0655 ph+ch",""
"2004-08-09"," 06:26:17 UT     03:01:00    2-3    whole disc H-alpha",""
"2005-08-09"," 16:43:44 UT     00:00:00    3    ",""