Curriculum Vitae

1959 M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Czech Technical University in Prague
1959 - 1962 research worker in Research Institute of Aeronautics
1962 - 1968 senior lecturer in the Department of Mechanics of the Faculty of Engineering of the Czech Technical University
1968 - 1984 Institute of Thermomechanics CAS, Prague
1974 Ph.D. thesis "The Stress State of Elastic Wall Strip under Transverse Impact"
1984 - 1992 Institute of Technology and Reliability of Structures, ASCR, Pilsen
1993 - 1994 Institute of Technology and Reliability CAS & WBU, Pilsen WBU, Pilsen
1995 Institute of Physical Technologies and Reliability CAS & WBU, Pilsen
1996 - 1997 Institute of Physical Engineering CAS & WBU, Pilsen
since 1998 Institute of Thermomechanics CAS, Pilsen

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