Bryant, J.A., Burrell, M.M., Kruger,
N.J. (ed.): Plant Carbohydrate Biochemistry. (N. Wilhelmová) | 32 |
Hadidi, A., Khetarpal, R.K.,
Koganezawa, H. (ed.): Plant Virus Disease Control. (L. Burketová) | 40 |
Martins-Louçao, M.A., Lips, S.H.
(ed.): Nitrogen in a Sustainable Ecosystem. From the Cell to the Plant.
(L. Nátr) | 52 |
Nátr, L.: Koncentrace CO2
a Rostliny. [CO2 Concentration and Plants.] (J. Pospíšilová) | 58 |
Wilkinson, R.E. (ed.):
Plant-Environment Interactions. (J. Pospíšilová) | 74 |
Erhardt, W., Götz, E., Bödeker, N.,
Seybold, S.: ZANDER. (I. Tichá) | 82 |
Clebsch B.: A book of Salvias: Sages
for Every Garden. (J. Štepánková) | 88 |
De Kroon H., van Groenendael J. (ed.):
The Ecology and Evolution of Clonal Plants. (J. Štepánek) | 100 |
Sukopp H., Numata M., Huber A. (ed.): Urban
Ecology as the Basis of Urban Planning. (J. Štepánek) | 110 |
Ríha, J., Šubík, R.(ed.): Kaktusy
v Přírodě. [Cacti in Nature.] (D. Haisel) | 116 |