RNDr. Jiří Buršík, CSc., DSc.
Pozice: vědecký pracovník
Skupina: Skupina struktury fází
Místnosti: 410
Telefonní čísla: +420 532 290 473
Fax: +420 541 218 657
Nukleace a růst kyslíkových precipitátů v křemíku
Termodynamika a mikrostruktura nanopráškových pájek šetrných k životnímu prostředí
Příprava uhlíkových mikro- a nanostruktur plazmovými technologiemi
Průmyslová spolupráce
Vývoj progresivních nanokrystalických PVD vrstev představujících revoluční řešení tvrdých a supertvrdých otěruvzdorných povlaků
Průmyslový partner: SHM, s.r.o.
V. Rothová, M. Svoboda and J. Buršík: The Effect of Annealing Conditions on Grain Growth and Microstructure in Nickel. METAL 2009 Conference Proceedings, 2009, 473. (Presented as poster)
V. Rothová, J. Buršík and M. Svoboda: Control of Intergranular Oxidation of Thermal Treatment. METAL 2009 Conference Proceedings, 2009, 465. (Presented as poster)
J. Buršík, P. Brož: Constitution of Ni–Al–Ti system studied by scanning electron microscopy. Intermetallics 17 (2009) 591-595
P. Priputen, M. Kusý, M. Kriška, R. Lipka, E. Illeková, P. Švec, J. Buršík, M. Svoboda, J. Dolinšek, J. Janovec:
Characterization of phases in complex metallic alloys Al73Mn27−xFex (x = 2, 4 and 6). Intermetallics 17 (2009) 1047-1051
V. Rothová, J. Buršík, M. Svoboda and J. Čermák: Effect of Nickel Purity on Self-Diffusion along High-Diffusivity Paths. Mat. Sci. For. 567-568, 2008, 245.
V. Rothová, J. Buršík and M. Svoboda: Grain Growth in Technical Nickel. METAL 2008 - 17th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 13-15 2008, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová, M. Svoboda and J. Buršík: Grain Boundary Self-Diffusion in Technical Nickel 4. The effect of Sample Pre-Annealing. METAL 2008 - 17th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 13-15 2008, CD-ROM.
P. Klapetek, J. Buršík, M. Valtr, J. Martinek, Near-field scanning optical microscope probe analysis.
Ultramicroscopy 108 (2008) 671-676.
P. Klapetek, J. Buršík, Near-field scanning optical microscopy studies of thin film surfaces and interfaces. Applied Surface Science 254 (2008) 3681-3684.
J. Popovič, P. Brož, J. Buršík, Microstructure and phase equilibria in the Ni-Al-W system. Intermetallics 16 (2008) 884-888.
L. Kahalova, M. Kusy, J. Buršík, M. Svoboda, E. Illekova, P. Svec, J. Dolinsek, J. Janovec. Microstructure evolution of an Al-Pd-Co alloy. Metallic Materials 2008; 46:221-227.
M. Kriška, M. Kusý, E. Illeková, J. Buršík, M. Svoboda, P. Švec, J. Dolinšek, J. Janovec. Characterization of a ternary Al-Pd-Rh alloy. Materials Characterization 2008; 59:1594-1599.
V. Rothová, J. Buršík, M. Svoboda and J. Čermák: Grain Boundary Self-Diffusion in Nickel. Def. Dif. For. 263, 2007, 207. (Presented as poster on D&T 06, 9th Seminar on Diffusion and Thermodynamics in Materials, September 13-15, 2006, Brno, Czech Republic)
V. Rothová, J. Buršík, M. Svoboda and J. Čermák: Grain Boundary Self-Diffusion in Nickel 3. The Effect of Sample Purity. METAL 2007 - 16th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 22-24 2007, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová and J. Buršík: Anomalous Diffusion in Presence of Twin Boundaries. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 68, 2007, 785. (Presented as poster on 7th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry, September 24-29, 2006, Pardubice, Czech Republic)
B. Zlámal, R. Foret, J. Buršík, M. Svoboda: Microstructural Stability of Dissimilar Weld Joint of Creep-Resistant Steels with Increased Nitrogen Content at 500 – 900 °C. Defect and Diffusion Forum 263 (2007) 195-200.
J. Buršík. Atomistic simulation of processes in Ni-base alloys with account for local relaxations. Materials Science and Engineering 2007; A462:149-152.
P. Klapetek, J. Buršík. Artefacts in Near-Field Optical Microscopy. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2007; 61:570-575.
V. Rothová, M. Svoboda, J. Buršík and J. Čermák: Autodifúze niklu po hranicích zrn 1. Vliv způsobu přípravy vzorku. METAL 2006 - 15th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 23-25 2006, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová, M. Svoboda, J. Buršík and J. Čermák: Autodifúze niklu po hranicích zrn 2. Vliv tepelného zpracování. METAL 2006 - 15th International Metallurgical & Material Conference, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, May 23-25 2006, CD-ROM.
V. Rothová, J. Buršík, M. Svoboda and J. Čermák: Grain Boundary Self-Diffusion in Nickel. D&T '06 IXth Seminar on Diffusion and Thermodynamics of Materials Book of Abstracts, 2006, p. 53.
J. Buršík, P. Brož and J. Popovič: Microstructure and phase equilibria in Ni-Al-Cr-Co alloys. Intermetallics 14 (2006) 1257-1261.
P. Klapetek, I. Ohlídal and J. Buršík: Application of scanning thermal microscopy in analysis of the geometry of patterned structures. Surface and Interface Analysis 38 (2006) 383-387.
V. Rothová and J. Buršík: Nanodiffusion 2. Anomalous Diffusion in Coarse-Grained Mg-2Al. Proceedings NANO '05, Brno, Czech Republic, November 8-10, 2005, p. 326.
J. Buršík: Effect of ordering on the elastic parameters of multicomponent Ni-based systems. Materials Science Forum 482 (2005) 147-150.
J. Sopoušek, J. Buršík and P. Brož: Experimental and theoretical study of redistribution of alloying elements in Ni-based weld joints at high temperatures. Intermetallics 13 (2005) 872-878.
P. Brož, J. Buršík, Z. Stará: Phase equilibria in the Ni-Al-W system at 900 °C. Monatshefte Fur Chemie 136(2005) 1915-1920.
P. Klapetek, I. Ohlídal and J. Buršík. Scanning thermal microscopy - theory and applications. Fine Mechanics and Optics 50 (2005) 327-329.
J. Buršík: Quantitative analysis of atomic configurations of two-phase Ni-based alloys generated by Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 378 (2004) 66-70.
R. Picha, P. Brož and J. Buršík: Phase equilibria in the Ni-Al-Cr-Ti system at 1000 and 1100 °C. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 378 (2004) 75-78.
V. Buršíková, J. Buršík and V. Navrátil: Study of the fracture of coating/substrate systems. Engineering Mechanics. 11 (2004) 361-365.
J. Buršík. Analytical electron microscopy of Ni-based alloys: adjustment of parameters for standardless quantification. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 10 (2004) 461-465.
J. Buršík. Phase equilibria in Ni-Al-Cr-Co-W-Re system: modelling and experiments. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 49 (2004) 505-518.
J. Buršík, V. Buršíková, V. Navrátil and K. Milička. Effect of the creep deformation on the microstructure and indentation response of leaded brass. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 10 (2004) 829-831.
J. Buršík and G. C. Weatherly: Analytical Electron Microscopy of InP/(InGa)As Heterogeneous Structures. Materials Chemistry and Physics 81 (2003) 253-256.
J. Buršík, P. Brož and R. Picha: Microstructural and phase equilibria study in the Ni-Al-Cr-W system at 1173 and 1273 K. Intermetallics 11 (2003) 483-490.
P. Brož, M. Svoboda, J. Buršík, A. Kroupa, J. Havránková: Theoretical and experimental study of the influence of Cr on the gamma + gamma prime phase field boundary in the Ni-Al-Cr system, Materials Science and Engineering A325 (2002) 59-65.
J. Buršík, M. Svoboda: A HREM and analytical STEM study of precipitates in AZ 91 magnesium alloy, Mikrochimica Acta 139 (2002) 39-42.
P. Brož, J. Buršík, M. Svoboda, A. Kroupa: Theoretical and experimental study of the gamma and gamma prime equilibrium in Ni-based superalloys, Materials Science and Engineering A324 (2002) 28-33.
A. Kroupa, J. Buršík, M. Svoboda, J.K. Chen, G.C. Weatherly: Phase transformations and phase equilibria in Ti-25V-N system at 1200 C, Materials Science and Technology 18 (2002) 13-20.
J. Havránková, J. Buršík, A. Kroupa, P. Brož: Experimental study and thermodynamic assessment of the Ni-Al-Cr-Mo system at 1173 K, Scripta Materialia 45 (2001) 121-126.
A. Holm, J. Buršík, D.V. Malakhov, Y. Wang, G.C. Weatherly, G.R. Purdy: Coherent diffusion in InGaAsP hetrostructures, Defectand Diffusion Forum 194-199 (2001) 767-772.
Poslední změna
11. 11. 2009