of Remote Sensing of Vegetation processes
of Remote Sensing of Vegetation processes
The workgroup is in cooperation with the
Argus Geo
Systém company operating the airborne
hyperspectral sensor
AISA Eagle, acquiring image data in visible and near-infra red part of
the electromagnetic spectra.
The main focus of
our research is the physically based retrieval of biophysical and
biochemical parameters of vegetation from hyperspectral remote sensing
image data. The quantitative parameters of interest, representing also
bio-indicators of the actual vegetation state, are currently mainly
leaf area index (LAI) and total concentration of green
photosynthetically active pigments (chlorophyll a+b). We are capable to
estimate the indicated bio-parameters from remote sensing data of high
spatial resolutions by means of radiative transfer modelling at the
leaf (PROSPECT model) and crown/canopy (DART model) level. Our current
objective is to adopt and scale these approaches up to the satellite
remote sensing data of coarser spatial resolution. The pilot ecosystems
are montane forest stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.).
Our next scientific interest would focus on possibilities to use air-
and space-borne remote sensing for observation of the vegetation