Copyright © Czech Botanical Society
Guidelines for authors

Preslia publishes original research papers on plant systematics, phytogeography, ecology and vegetation science of vascular and non-vascular plants, with a geographical focus on Central Europe. Also of interest are critical reviews evaluating progress in particular fields. Papers are published in English.

Manuscripts intended for publication should be sent to Editor-in-Chief (Petr Pyšek, Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CZ-252 43 Průhonice, e-mail:

The paper should consist of title, author’s name and address including e-mail, abstract (max. 400 words), keywords and main text (usually consisting of Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion), followed by references, tables, figure captions (on a separate page) and figures. MANUSCRIPTS are submitted electronically as one MS-Word file with text, tables and figure captions and one PDF file with a complete paper including figures at the end of the manuscript. Page layout: 2 cm margins all round, double-spaced, lines numbered separately on each page. For other details on format, authors should consult a recent issue of Preslia. Scientific names of plants and phytosociological units should be written in italics.

TABLES and FIGURES should be numbered according to their sequence in the text and placed at the end of the manuscript, each on a separate page. Make the titles for Tables and captions for Figures as self-explanatory as possible. The width of drawings and size of fonts should be proportional to the journal’s page (126 × 188 mm). Authors are expected to cover the cost of colour reproduction.

For LITERATURE citation consult the current issue of Preslia. Arrange references cited together in the text chronologically.

NOMENCLATURE: Cite flora or check list, which may be consulted for authorities instead of listing them in the text. Give authorities for species names only if it is not possible to adopt the only source of nomenclature.

Page charges may be required from non members of the Czech Botanical Society or for publishing of papers exceeding 20 printed pages. Authors of accepted papers will be given opportunity to pay an Open Access publication charge (€ 200) to make the PDF of their paper freely available online immediately upon publication of the issue. The corresponding author will be supplied with 50 free offprints.


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