Tištěné časopisy dočasně nedostupné z důvodu stěhování


Titul : Změna názvu: Odebírané roky :
Applied Magnetic Resonance 71(1971)-83(1980)
Berichte der Deutschen Chem Gesellschaft 45(1912)-50(1917)
Berichte der Deutschen Chem Gesellschaft A+B 54(1921),57(1924)-58(1925)
Chemische Berichte 80(1947)-87(1954)
J. Applied Polymer Science 1(1959)-57(1995)
J. Chemical Physics 1(1933)-105(1996)
JCS Faraday Transaction Od roku 1999 PCCP 86(1990)-94(1998)
JCS Faraday Transaction I Od roku 1990 JCS Faraday Trans. 68(1972)-85(1989)
JCS Faraday Transaction II Od roku 1990 JCS Faraday Trans. 68(1972)-85(1989)
Journal of Electron Microscopy 4(1956)-55(2006)
Journal of the American Chemical Society 105(1983) -131(2009)
Microscopica Acta 71(1971)-83(1980)
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 1(1999)-6(2004)
Polymer Photochemistry 2(1983)-7(1986)
Transaction of the Faraday Society Od roku 1972 JCS Trans. I + II 42(1946),44(1948)-67(1971)
Zeitschrifr fur Wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie Od roku 1971 Microscopica Acta 71(1971)-83(1980)


Titul : Změna názvu: Odebírané roky :
Analytical Chemistry 19(1947)-81(2009)
Anderer Wissenschaften 85(1954)-98(1967)
Angewandte Chemie 45(1932)-47(1934)
Angewandte Chemie, Intern. Edit. 37(1998)-41(2002)
Angewandte Chemie, Intern. Edit. in English Od roku 1998 Angewandte Chemie Int. Edit. 30(1991)-36(1997)
Applied Optics 4(1965)-31(1992)
Applied Spectroscopy 6(1951)-10(1956)
Biomat. Artif. Cells and Artif.Organs 15(1987)-17(1989)
Biomat. Artif. Cells and Immobil. Biotechnology 19(1991)-21(1993)
Bioorganičeskaja chimija 6(1980)-16(1990)
Biopolimery i kletka 1(1985)-6(1990)
Biotechnol. and Bioengineering 22(1980)-38(1991)
Bulletin of the Chem. Soc. of Japan 36(1963)-49(1976)
Bulletin of the Inst. for Chem. Res., Kyoto Univ. 44(1966)-72(1994)
Carbohydrate Research 159(1987)-211(1991)
Desalination 49(1984)-53(1985),57(1986)-
Chemical Physics Letters 1(1967)-30(1975)
Chemický průmysl 1(1951)-45(1995)
Chemtech 19(1989)-30(2000)
JCS Perkin Trans. 1972-1990
Journal de Chimie Physique 57(1960)-58(1961),
Journal of Chromatography 1(1958)-423(1987)
Journal of Liquid Chromatography 1(1978)-16(1993)
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 1(1957)-38(1971),
Journal of Physical Chemistry Od roku 1997 A+B 96(1992)-100(1996)
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 101(1997)-105(2001)
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101(1997)-105(2001)
Journal of Physics D 3(1970)-13(1980)
Journal of Physics E Dříve Journal of Scientific Instruments E1(1968)-E14(1981)
Journal of Scientific Instruments 16(1939),28(1951),
Journal of the Indian of Chemistry 36(1959)-70(1993)
Journal of the Optical Society of America Od roku 1984 rozděleno na A+B 40(1950)-73(1983)
Journal of the Optical Society of America A+B A1(1984)-A8(1991), B1(1984)
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 20(1965)-39(1975)
Kobunshi Ronbunshu 31(1974)-49(1992)
Kompozicionnyje polimernyje materialy 1979-1993
Mechanika kompozitnych materialov 1979-1997
Mechanika polimerov Od roku 1979 Mechanika kompoz. materialov 1965-1978
Monatshefte für Chemie Dříve Monat. Chemie und Verwandte… 99(1968)-106(1975)
Monatshefte für Chemie und Verwandte Teile 41(1920)-54(1929)
Nature 358(1992)-
Optics Letters 1(1977)-2(1978)
Proceedings of the Chemical Society 1959-1964
Reports on Progress in Polymer Phys. in Japan 5(1962)-39(1996)
Review of Scientific Instruments 1(1930)-34(1963),
Sbírka zákonů 1945-1951,1954-
Spectrochimica Acta 1(1939/41)-2(1941/44),4(1950)-
Od roku 1967 Pt. A 4(1950)-22(1966)
Spectrochimica Acta A A23(1967)-49A(1993)
Synthesis 1969-