The IUGG Electronic Journal
Volume 2 No. 1 (January 1, 2002)

1. Happy New Year and the IUGG Yearbook for 2002
2. IUGG Support of Interdisciplinary Initiatives involving Developing Countries
3. ICSU Grant for 2002 awarded to IAGA
4. In Memoriam: Jean-Jacques Levallois
5. IUGG-related meetings occurring during January - March 2002

1. Happy New Year and the IUGG Yearbook for 2002

The IUGG Secretariat wishes to thank all of the Adhering Body National Committees and the Associations for their help to update the information in the IUGG Yearbook. The 2002 Yearbook will be posted on the IUGG Website ( during the week of January 7, and will be printed and distributed by the end of the month. Updates to addresses and other information in the Yearbook should be sent to the Secretariat as soon as they are known; we are planning to update the Web copy of the Yearbook every few months, as necessary. Best Wishes to all of the IUGG family for a healthy and prosperous New Year.

2. IUGG Support of Interdisciplinary Initiatives involving Developing Countries

At the 1999 General Assembly, an "opportunity fund" was set aside in the budget to support proposals for inter-Association initiatives. As of 2002, $80,000 has been allocated, including funding for the new or continuing projects listed below. Additional proposals are welcome.

Commission on Groundwater-Seawater Interactions    IAHS/IAPSO

GIS Positioning of Tide Gauges    IAG/IAPSO

Detailed Study on the Active Tectonics of Afro-Arabian Rift Region using Paleomagnetic and Potential Field Data and its Incorporation with Seismic Activity    IASPEI/IAGA

The Webcyclopedia Project    GeoRisk Commission

3. ICSU Grant for 2002 awarded to IAGA

The Committee on Scientific Planning and Review of the International Council for Science (ICSU) has awarded $12000 to IAGA in 2002 to support the INTERMAGNET project. Dr. Richard Coles (Canada), Chairman of the INTERMAGNET Executive Council, asked for funds to provide support for the training of scientific and support staff at newly participating geomagnetic observatories to bring innovative modern methods and technologies into these regions. More than 75 observatories in 32 countries currently participate in INTERMAGNET, which facilitates rapid dissemination of geomagnetic data to the scientific community. Definitive, quality-controlled data are published annually on CD-ROMS.

4. In Memoriam

Jean-Jacques Levallois (France), Secretary General of the International Association of Geodesy from 1960-1975, died on 31 August, 2001. An obituary will be published in a future Journal of Geodesy in the IAG Newsletter section.

5. IUGG-related meetings occurring during January - March 2002

A calendar of meetings of interest to IUGG disciplines (especially those organized by IUGG Associations) is posted on the IUGG Web Site []. Specific information about these meetings can be found there. Individual Associations also list more meetings on their web sites appropriate to their disciplines.

There are no January meetings in the data base.

February 4-8 SCAR, Ithala Game Reserve, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, Polar Conjugate Studies of Geospace and the Space Weather Environment

February 4-8 Valencia, Spain, 3rd Spanish-Portuguese Assembly of Geodesy and Geophysics

February 5-7 VAMOS/CLIVAR, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, Workshop on South American Low-level Jet (SALLJ)

February 5-10 COSPAR, Sofia, Bulgaria, Plasma Processes in the Near-Earth Space: INTERBALL and Beyond

February 11-15 AGU/ASLO, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Ocean Sciences 2002

March 7-9 IUPAP, Paris, France, International Conference on Women in Physics

March 18-22 IAG, Caracas, Venezuela, Congreso Internacional de Geodesia y Carografia

March 18-22 IAHS/WMO/UNESCO IHP, Cape Town, South Africa, 4th International Conference on FRIEND (Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data)

March 18-22 SCOSTEP, Kyoto, Japan, International Symposium on Equatorial Processes Including Coupling (EPIC)

March 25-29 IAHS, Berkeley, California, USA, International Groundwater Symposium: Bridging the Gap between Measurements & Modelling in Heterogeneous Media

This short, informal newsletter is intended to keep IUGG Member Country National Committees informed about the activities of the IUGG Associations, and actions of the IUGG Secretariat. Past issues are posted on the IUGG Web site. Please forward this message to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments are welcome.

End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 2 Number 1 (January, 2002) J. A. Joselyn, Secretary General [] or fax: 1 303 497 3645