Martinec J., Feltl T., Scanlon C.H., Lumsden P.J., Machackova I.: Localization of high affinity binding site for D - myo inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate from Chenopodium rubrum. Plant Physiology 2000, 124, 475-483.
It is now generally accepted that a phosphoinositide cycle is
involved in the transduction of a variety of signals in plant cells. In
animal cells, the binding of D-myo-inositol
1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) to a receptor located on the
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) triggers an efflux of calcium release from
the ER. Sites that bind InsP3 with high affinity and
specificity have also been described in plant cells, but their precise
intracellular locations have not been conclusively identified. In
contrast to animal cells, it has been suggested that in plants the
vacuole is the major intracellular store of calcium involved in signal
induced calcium release. The aim of this work was to determine the
intracellular localization of InsP3-binding sites obtained
from 3-week-old Chenopodium rubrum leaves. Microsomal
membranes were fractionated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation
in the presence and absence of Mg2+ and alternatively by
free-flow electrophoresis. An ER-enriched fraction was also prepared.
The following enzymes were employed as specific membrane markers:
antimycin A-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase for ER, cytochrome
c oxidase for mitochondrial membrane, pyrophosphatase for tonoplast,
and 1,3-β-glucansynthase for plasma membrane. In all
membrane separations, InsP3-binding sites were concentrated
in the fractions that were enriched with ER membranes. These data
clearly demonstrate that the previously characterized
InsP3-binding site from C. rubrum is
localized on the ER. This finding supports previous suggestions of an
alternative non-vacuolar InsP3-sensitive calcium store in
plant cells.