» Projekty » Přehled grantů » Experimentální a teoretický výzkum nestacionárního proudění vybranými singularitami s aplikacemi v technice a biomechanice

Experimentální a teoretický výzkum nestacionárního proudění vybranými singularitami s aplikacemi v technice a biomechanice

  • Číslo grantu: 101/93/0879 - Grantová agentura České republiky
  • Období: 1993 - 1995
  • Vedoucí řešitel: Ing. František Klimeš CSc. (Institute of Hydrodynamics ASCR)
  • Spoluřešitel: Prof. Ing. Jan Ježek DrSc. (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU)

A group of scientific worker’s from the Department of Fluid Biomecharics of the lnstitute of Hydrodynamics ASCR and group members of the Department of Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics from the Faculty of Mechanical Eng. CTU is proposing a common project of experimental and theoretical investigation of velocity and pressure fields at nonstationary (pulsatile) fluid flow through selected essential singularities, which can significantly influence flow characteristics in industrial pipe systems and also the characteristic of flow in the human cardiovascular system. The results should be a contribution also for the development of this research area itself - nonstationary hydrodynamics. Modern measuring technique will be used (e.g. laser-Doppler Anemometer, electromagnetic flowmeter, differential pressure transducers etc.) in connection with computers. At the same time the physical-mathematical description of the individual task and their numerical solution will be performed.