Tuesday 16 October 2007 at 15:00
František Slanina
(Department of Condensed Matter Theory, Institute of Physics ASCR, Prague)
One-dimensional reaction-diffusion and deposition-etching models
adapted for stock-market simulations
We shall present an overview of current status of modelling the stock
market using the models borrowed from statistical physics. From
an abstract point of view, we always deal with one-dimensional
non-equilibrium systems of interacting particles. New simulations
for old models as well as original contributions of the author
will be shown, starting from the early Stigler model (1964),
through reaction-diffusion models, Genoa artificial stock market,
to models of Maslov and Farmer to the schematic Interacting Gaps
model. We shall show that the pure models can be clearly
classified into several universality classes according to the
return-distribution exponent and the Hurst exponent. Several
analytical approaches will be presented, essentially all of them
relying on some mean-field scheme. Interestingly enough, in some
cases the mean-field results coincide with the simulation results
for the true one-dimensional system. As a general conclusion, we
state that the models of econophysics are still rather far from
being satisfactory.