Tuesday 21 March 2006 at 15:00
Václav Janiš
(Department of Condensed Matter Theory, Institute of Physics ASCR, Prague)
Strongly correlated electrons: Mass and charge renormalization
We address the problem of a reliable description of strong electron
correlations in metals. In particular we analyze the options one has at
hand within the many-body perturbation theory to describes
qualitatively correctly the transition between weak-coupling and
strong-coupling regimes. We first discuss various levels of
renormalizations one can introduce into the diagrammatic perturbation
expansion. We show that a direct mass renormalization (one-particle
self-consistency) is not as important as a charge renormalization
introduced by a two-particle self-consistency. We demonstrate and explain
the failure of simple approximations with only mass renormalization
such as renormalized RPA, TMA and other FLEX-type approximations in
the strong-coupling regime. We then show that an affordable
improvement upon these approximations by a charge renormalization and a
self-consistent determination of two-particle irreducible vertices
within the parquet approach is capable to reproduce the Kondo asymptotics
in the single-impurity Anderson model.