Thursday 5 March 2009 at 15:00
H. Ebert
(Universität München)
A self-consistent relativistic implementation of the LSDA-DMFT
(Dynamical Mean Field Theory) method to deal with correlation effects in
magnetic solids
The use of the local spin density approximation (LSDA) to spin density
functional theory (SDFT) leads to limitations concerning its application
in particular when pronounced correlation effects show up. Quite a number
of schemes have been developed during the last decades that should allow
to remove these problems either within SDFT or leaving that framework.
Among the latter schemes the combination of the LSDA with the dynamical
mean field theory (DMFT) proved to be very successful when applied to a
wide range of solid state systems. A brief introduction on the main ideas
and features of the LSDA + DMFT is given together with a description of
some practical aspects. Concerning an implementation of the LSDA + DMFT
scheme emphasize is put on a combination with the KKR
(Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker) band structure method, as this results in a most
flexible approach. This is demonstrated by a number of applications on the
electronic, magnetic and spectroscopic properties of various transitiv
metal systems.