Tuesday 9 June 2009 at 15:00
Robert Cimrman
(University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Faculty of applied sciences)
Short introduction of SfePy and its
scientific applications
SfePy (simple finite elements in Python) is a software, distributed under
the BSD license, for solving systems of coupled partial differential
equations by the finite element method. It is both a general problem
solver, and a framework to write particular problem-specific research
applications. The primary programming language of SfePy is Python while
the time-demanding parts of the finite element computations are
implemented in C, making thus SfePy sufficiently fast and efficient.
The code is based on NumPy and SciPy packages and incorporates several
special applications like determination of acoustic band gaps in phononic
materials or homogenization of porous media (modelling of muscle tissue,
bones, engineering porous materials). The application for electronic
structure calculations withing DFT framework is in development. After a
general information on SfePy, the particular applications and the results
obtained will be shown.
* introduction will be given by J. Vackář