Thursday 17 April 2003 16:00
Martin Mosko
(Institute of Electrical Engineering,
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava)
Coherent ``metallic'' resistance and medium
localisation in a disordered 1D insulator
It is believed, that a disordered one-dimensional (1D) wire with
electronic conduction is an insulator with the mean resistance
\rho \right> \simeq e^{2L/\xi}$ and resistance dispersion
\equiv (\left< \rho^2 \right> - \left< \rho \right>^2)^{1/2}/
\left< \rho
\right> \simeq e^{L/\xi}$, where $L$ is the wire length and
$\xi$ is the
electron localisation length. The purpose of our talk is to show,
this 1D insulator undergoes at full coherence the crossover to a 1D
``metal''. The crossover is a combined effect of the (strong enough)
thermal averaging and resonant tunnelling. As a result,
becomes $L/\xi$-independent and smaller than unity, while
$\left< \rho
\right>$ grows with $L/\xi$ linearly and eventually polynomially,
manifesting the so-called medium localisation. We start our talk by
reviewing the scaling theory of coherent transport in disordered 1D
systems and by deriving the above mentioned insulating properties.
crossover to the 1D ``metal'' is calculated after that. Finally, we
compare our calculations with the transport measurements of
GaAs quantum wires.