Thursday 20 May 2004 at 15:00
František Slanina
(Department of Condensed Matter Theory, Institute of Physics ASCR, Prague)
Bunching instability in surface growth
Growth of vicinal surfaces is typically affected by two types of
structural instabilities: meandering and bunching. Here we
address bunching in a simple one-dimensional model. The mechanism
drivingthe instability is effectively negative Ehlich-Schwoebel
barrier. In the long-time behaviour, the distance betweeen bunches
grows as a power with universal exponent close to 0.4 and eventually
results in a collapse of all steps into a single bunch, for any
negative value of the ES barrier. The shape of
the stationary bunch is characterised by a logarithmic
singularity. Analytic treatment using a coarse-grained Fokker-Planck
equation confirms the observed logarithmic profile.