Thursday 13 May 2004 at 15:00
Michael C. Tringides
(Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory)
Novel routes to self-organization in Pb/Si (111)
Since the initial discovery that Pb/Si(111) uniform height
islands can be grown in an easy and reproducible way [1], several
additional aspects of the growth have been adressed. Differences in
the electronic structure of stable vs unstable islands have been
measured with STS and confirm that the origin of the unusual growth
mode is Quantum Size Effects (QSE) i.e the dependence of the energy
of the confined electrons on island height. These structures are
metastable so kinetics play an important role for their formation. We
measured [2] the key controlling barrier Delta E = 0.32eV at the island
which determines the incorporation of atoms from the surrounding
region to the island top. Oxygen adsorption (after the islands are
grown at lower temperature) increases the edge barrier and therefore
suppresses Pb atom diffusion to the island top which extends island
stability to higher temperature [3]. Furthermore for better correlation
of the measured energy spectra ( with either STS or angle resolved
photo-emission) to the island dimensions, we have shown the
thickness of the layer between the island and the substrate to be 1ML
and settle controversial literature results.
A different type of self-organization in the Pb/Si(111)system is
the formation of numerous 2-dimensional equilibrium phases in the
coverage range 6/5ML< θ <4/3ML driven by the long range stress
mediated interactions [4]. This is one of the best realizations of the
well-known statistical mechanics prediction, the "Devil's Staircase"
phase diagram.
1. K. Budde et. al Phys. Rev.B61 Rap. Com, 10602 (2000)
2. A. Menzel. et al Phys. Rev. B 67 165314 (2003)
3. S. Stepanovsky et al. Surface Science 515 187 (2002)
4. M.Hupalo , et al Phys Rev Lett. 90 216106 (2003)
Work supported by Ames Laboratory-DOE in collaboration with
M.Hupalo, K.Budde, E. Abram, V. Yeh, S. Kremmer ,L.Berbil-
Bautista, M.Kammler, A Menzel , E. Conrad, C. Z. Wang, K.M.Ho,
J. Schmalian.