Thursday 16 September 2004 at 15:00
L. M. Sandratskii
(Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Halle, Germany)
MAGNETIC SPIRALS: from ground state of fcc-Fe to
the thermodynamics of the diluted magnetic semiconductors
The density functional theory of the incommensurate magnetic spiral
structures will be briefly introduced. The generalized symmetry of
the spirals allows very accurate calculation of their properties.
Among the applications of this calculational technique are the studies
of the ground and excited states of various periodical systems.
The studies of the ground state will be illustrated by the examples
of fcc-Fe, 4f-metals and UPtGe. The physical reasons for the formation
of the spiral ground state will be discussed. The study of the spin-wave
excitations with the use of the spiral magnetic configurations are
performed within so-called frozen-magnon approach. The frozen-magnon
approach allows the estimation of the inter-atomic Heisenberg's exchange
parameters in complex magnetic systems that provides the basis for
the study of the thermodynamics of these systems. As illustration the
magnetism of the diluted magnetic semiconductors will be discussed.
Because of the possible application in the spintronic devices the
diluted magnetic semiconductors form a class of the systems that
currently attracts immense research attention.