Thursday 11 March 2004 at 15:00
Mojmir Sob
(Dept. of Theoretical and Physical Chemistry,
Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno
and Institute of Physics of Materials, Academy
of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno)
Multiscale modelling of material properties
To understand most technologically important properties
of materials, modelling of corresponding phenomena and processes
has to be performed at various levels, integrating possibly
across all length scales from nano (electronic structure,
atomistics) to macro (continuum mechanics). In the present talk,
the concept of multiscale modelling of material properties is
briefly outlined and several illustrative examples are given
(magnetism and phase transformations in iron, impurity segregation
to grain boundaries, positron annihilation in nanocrystalline nickel).
In conclusion, the role of multiscale modelling in contemporary
materials science and engineering is discussed.