Thursday 25 March 2004 at 15:00
Jan Fischer
(Department of Theory of Elementary Particles, Institute of Physics ASCR, Prague)
Some problems of summation of perturbative series:
Directions for use of divergent series in
perturbation theory
Perturbative methods are worth trying whenever, to find exact solution,
one is forced to neglect some interesting effects. Needless to say, such
situations are met almost everywhere in physics. Conditions for a
application of perturbative methods. Traditional shape of perturbative
methods in quantum theory. Divergent perturbative series and their
value. What one should know about the physics of a problem to apply
perturbation theory. Asymptotic series, regular and analytic summation
methods. In what sense a power series loses physical information.
theorems. Borel summation and its generalizations. Alternative expansions,
better adapted to the physics of the problem. Use of optimal conformal
mapping and Pade approximants. Enhancement of convergence rate. Non-power
series. Replacing a series with an integral. Form of optimal expansion
when some a priori information about the expanded function is known.
Stepping out of
perturbation theory?