Dr. Michael Potthoff
(Institut für Physik, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin)
The bulk Mott transition and the Mott transition at surfaces
For a strongly correlated metal close to the Mott-Hubbard
metal-insulator transition, interesting surface effects can be
expected: The reduced surface coordination number implies a
reduced variance of the local density of states and thus an
enhanced effective Coulomb interaction at the surface. Therefore,
near the bulk critical interaction it seems to be plausible to
find a Mott insulating surface while the bulk is still metallic.
It is shown, however, that such a surface phase is impossible.
Rather, the opposite scenario can be realized: a metallic phase
at the surface of a bulk Mott insulator.
For this purpose the particle-hole symmetric Hubbard model is
investigated on a semi-infinite simple-cubic lattice at zero
temperature in three and infinite spatial dimensions. Using the
dynamical mean-field theory, the U and layer dependence of the
quasi-particle weight is calculated. For uniform model parameters
the surface quasi-particle weight is found to be significantly
reduced. Here a correlation-induced surface state prevents the
Mott transition of the surface. A metallic surface phase coexisting
with an insulating bulk is obtained for moderate changes of the
surface hopping and/or surface U. The phase diagrams for different
geometries are discussed and compared with the predictions
resulting from a simple linearization of the mean-field equations
in the critical regime.
The Mott transition can also be driven by varying the thickness of
thin films. This is shown by a DMFT calculation of the thickness
dependence of the critical interaction for the Hubbard model on
simple-cubic film geometries. The results are again compared with
those of the linearized theory.