Scanlon C.H., Martinec J., Machackova I., Rolph C.E., Lumsden P.J.: Identification and preliminary characterisation of Ca2+ - dependent high affinity binding site for inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate in Chenopodium rubrum. Plant Physiology 1996, 110, 867-874.
Using a radioligand-binding assay we have identified a Ca2+- dependent
high-affinity D-myo-inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) binding site in a
membrane vesicle preparation from Chenopodium rubrum. Millimolar
concentrations of Ca2+ were required to observe specific binding of
[3H]InsP3. A stable equilibrium between bound and free ligand was
established within 5 min and bound [3H]InsP3 could be completely displaced
by InsP3 in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Displacement assays
indicated a single class of binding sites with an estimated dissociation
constant of 142 [plus or minus] 17 nM. Other inositol phosphates bound to
the receptor with much lower affinity. The glycosaminoglycan heparin was an
effective competitor for the binding site (inhibitor concentration for 50%
displacement = 534 nM). ATP at higher, although physiologically relevant,
concentrations (inhibitor concentration for 50% displacement = 241 μM)
also displaced [3H]InsP3 from the receptor. Recent studies in animals have
highlighted the importance of Ca2+ regulation of InsP3-induced Ca2+
release. The potential for the operation of similar regulatory mechanisms
in plants is discussed.