Česká verze English version

Journal for popularization of biology, founded in 1853 by J.E. Purkyně

Pantanal - With the Curtain Up

Šumbera R., Grim T.

The Panatal is a huge basin on the border between Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil. In the rainy season it is to a large extent filled with water so the area is the largest seasonally flooded wetland in the world. During the dry season, the savannah dominates the landscape, together with the remaining water bodies where animals congregate.. That is why the Pantanal basin is an ideal area to watch South American fauna. The mosaic of evergreen and broadleaved deciduous forests, wetlands and grasslands harbours numerous animal species, e.g. almost 700 bird species.

p. 93

© R. Šumbera

© R. Šumbera