Position: phd student
Group: High Cycle Fatigue Group
Rooms: 108
Phone numbers: +420 532 290 362
Fax: +420 541 218 657
E-mail: sestakova@DELETE-THIS.CZ@DELETE-THIS.COMipm.COM.cz
![]() ZIZKOVA 22
616 62 Brno Czech Republic
ICO: 68081723
DIC: CZ68081723 |
![]() Ing. Lucie Šestáková
Position: phd student
Group: High Cycle Fatigue Group Rooms: 108 Phone numbers: +420 532 290 362 Fax: +420 541 218 657 E-mail: sestakova@DELETE-THIS.CZ@DELETE-THIS.COMipm.COM.cz Publications: 2009 Náhlík L., Šestáková L., Hutař P., Crack propagation in the vicinity of the interface between two elastic materials, Damage and Fracture Mechanics: Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials and Structures, editoři: Boukharouba, T., Elboujdani, M., Pluvinage, G., Springer, pp.255-264, 2009
Náhlík L., Šestáková L., Hutař P., Knésl Z., Estimation of apparent fracture toughness of ceramic laminates, Computational Materials Science, Vol.46, pp.614–620, 2009
Hutař P., Šestáková L., Knésl Z., Nezbedová E., Náhlík L., Special fracture mechanics specimens for multilayer plastic pipes testing, Polymer Testing, Vol.28, pp.785–792, 2009
2008 Náhlík, L., Šestáková, L., Hutař, P., Estimation of the crack propagation direction of a crack touching the interface between two elastic materials, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 567-568, pp. 225-228, 2008
Náhlík, L., Šestáková, L., Hutař, P. Numerical Investigation of Stress Singularities in Cracked Bimaterial Body. Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 385-387 pp. 125-128, 2008
Náhlík, L., Šestáková, L., Hutař, P. Crack propagation in the vicinity of the interface between two elastic materials. Sborník The first African InterQuadrennial ICF (International conference on Fracture) conference, Alger, Alžírsko, 2008.
Náhlík, L. Šestáková, L., Hutař, P. Estimation of apparent fracture toughness of ceramic laminates based on generalized strain energy density factor. European Conference on Fracture (ECF-17), p. 1522-1529, Brno, 2008.
2007 Šestáková, L., Náhlík, L., Hutař, P., Knésl, Z., Fracture mechanics parameters of multilayer pipes, Applied and Computational Mechanics, Vol. 1, 299-306, 2007
2006 Šestáková, L. Influence of surface cracks on delamination between protective layer and material of substrate. Master degree thesis, 2006.
Last update
11. 11. 2009 |