Centre for Bioindication and Revitalization

Centre for bioindication and revitalization in the Institute of Botany was founded in the frame of  the project 1M0571 of the programme "Research Centres PP2-DP01" (1M) of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.

Reasons for the Centre foundation was the increase of the potential of the fast transfer of the results and outcomes of the basic research achieved in several laboratories of the Institute of Botany and Institute of Crop Production into applied sphere. The laboratories achieved internationally recognized, significant results in the fields of practical use of bio-indication and revitalization effects of cyanobacteria, algae and symbiotic microorganisms. The results have potential to be used in practice as new biotechnologies in several application fields. Particularly, it is a case of bioindication of toxins in drinking water, pharmaceutical use of algae, their use for production of biogas and application of symbiotic soil microorganisms for revitalization of degraded ecosystems of spoil banks established after brown coal mining. The aim of the centre establishment was fastening of the technology transfer, testing of new technologies in common performance and their use by interested industrial partners and enabling of important innovation in the above mentioned fields leading to - prediction and elimination of health risks caused by cyanobacteria or algae infestation in drinking water and in water bodies and revitalization of sewage waters and recultivation and use of spoil banks for cultivation of important technical and energetic crops.

Research Activities of the Centre CBR

The research activities at the Centre CBR are aimed on research on cyanobacteria, algae and symbiotic soil microorganisms (bacteria and algae) use for bioindication and revitalization of toxic anthropogenic substrates and water resources. The targeted outcomes are methodic for prediction of cyanobacteria in drinking water and water resources, technology of biogas production from algal biomass, use of algal biomass for pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology of microbial inoculations for more effective recultivation of brown-coal spoil banks.

Research Centre is divided into three research groups dealing with partial individual research tasks.

Group 1 (Institute of Botany of the ASCR, v. v. i., Brno)
Cyanobacteria and their toxins in waterworks industry

Group 2 (Institute of Botany of the ASCR, v. v. i., Třeboň)
Use of algae for bioindication and revitalization of polluted water and biomass use

Group 3 (Institute of Botany of the ASCR, v. v. i., Průhonice and Research Institute of Crop Production, v. v. i., Prague)
Use of microbial inoculations for soil revitalization