@article{jerabek-kepka-stanovsky:lsld-groupoids, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek and Tom{\'a}{\v s} Kepka and David Stanovsk{\'y}", title = "Subdirectly irreducible non-idempotent left symmetric left distributive groupoids", journal = "Discussiones Mathematicae -- General Algebra and Applications", volume = 25, year = 2005, number = 2, pages = "235--257" }
@mastersthesis{jerabek:reflexe, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Reflexe v neregul{\'a}rn{\'\i}ch univerzech", year = 2001, school = "Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University", address = "Prague", note = "In Czech" }
@mastersthesis{jerabek:provability-logic-ast, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Provability logic of the {A}lternative {S}et {T}heory", year = 2001, school = "Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University", address = "Prague" }
@article{jerabek-rossler:fragment-nonstandard-analysis, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek and Michal R{\"o}ssler", title = "Fragment of nonstandard analysis with a finitary consistency proof", journal = "Bulletin of Symbolic Logic", volume = 13, year = 2007, number = 1, pages = "54--70" }
@article{jerabek:grzegorczyk-logic, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "A note on {G}rzegorczyk's logic", journal = "Mathematical Logic Quarterly", volume = 50, year = 2004, number = 3, pages = "295--296" }
@article{jerabek:dual-wphp, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Dual weak pigeonhole principle, {B}oolean complexity, and derandomization", journal = "Annals of Pure and Applied Logic", volume = 129, year = 2004, pages = "1--37" } number = "1--3" = full volume
@phdthesis{jerabek:phd-thesis, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Weak pigeonhole principle, and randomized computation", year = 2005, school = "Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University", address = "Prague" }
@article{jerabek:admissible-rules-modal, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Admissible rules of modal logics", journal = "Journal of Logic and Computation", year = 2005, volume = 15, number = 4, pages = "411--431" }
@article{jerabek:complexity-admissible-rules, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Complexity of admissible rules", journal = "Archive for Mathematical Logic", year = 2007, volume = 46, number = 2, pages = "73--92" }
@article{jerabek:frege-systems-modal, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "{F}rege systems for extensible modal logics", journal = "Annals of Pure and Applied Logic", volume = 142, year = 2006, pages = "366--379" } number = "1--3" = full volume
@article{jerabek:sharply-bounded, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "The strength of sharply bounded induction", year = 2006, journal = "Mathematical Logic Quarterly", volume = 52, number = 6, pages = "613--624" }
@article{jerabek:approximate-counting, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Approximate counting in bounded arithmetic", journal = "Journal of Symbolic Logic", year = 2007, volume = 72, number = 3, pages = "959--993" }
@article{jerabek:independence-wphp, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "On independence of variants of the weak pigeonhole principle", journal = "Journal of Logic and Computation", volume = 17, year = 2007, number = 3, pages = "587--604" }
@article{jerabek:independent-bases, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Independent bases of admissible rules", journal = "Logic Journal of the IGPL", year = 2008, volume = 16, number = 3, pages = "249--267" }
@article{jerabek:sf-ef-nonclassical, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Substitution {F}rege and extended {F}rege proof systems in non-classical logics", journal = "Annals of Pure and Applied Logic", volume = 159, year = 2009, number = "1--2", pages = "1--48" }
@article{jerabek:approximate-counting-hashing, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Approximate counting by hashing in bounded arithmetic", journal = "Journal of Symbolic Logic", volume = 74, year = 2009, number = 3, pages = "829--860" }
@article{jerabek:cut-free-cos, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Proof complexity of the cut-free calculus of structures", journal = "Journal of Logic and Computation", year = 2009, volume = 19, number = 2, pages = "323--339" }
@article{jerabek:canonical-rules, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Canonical rules", journal = "Journal of Symbolic Logic", volume = 74, year = 2009, number = 4, pages = "1171--1205" }
@article{jerabek:quadratic-residues, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Abelian groups and quadratic residues in weak arithmetic", journal = "Mathematical Logic Quarterly", note = "To appear" }
@unpublished{jerabek:theories-nc1, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "On theories of bounded arithmetic for {$NC^1$}", year = 2008, note = "Submitted" }
@unpublished{jerabek:sorting-network, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "A sorting network in bounded arithmetic", year = 2008, note = "Submitted" }
@article{jerabek:admissible-rules-lukasiewicz, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Admissible rules of {{\L}ukasiewicz} logic", journal = "Journal of Logic and Computation", year = 2010, note = "To appear" }
@article{jerabek:bases-lukasiewicz, author = "Emil Je{\v r}{\'a}bek", title = "Bases of admissible rules of {{\L}ukasiewicz} logic", journal = "Journal of Logic and Computation", year = 2010, note = "To appear" }