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Unconventional Critical Behaviour and Phase Transitions


SPHINX workshop

Unconventional Critical Behaviour and Phase Transitions

  18-21 September 2002
Prague, Czech Republic

Scope of the workshop


Invited speakers


Registration deadline


Participants and their presentations

Registration form

Local information

Prague tourist attractions

Contact: janis@fzu.cz

Scope of the workshop

The workshop is aimed at reviewing recent developments in the study and understanding of unconventional critical behaviour in disordered and interacting systems that do not fit entirely the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson weak-coupling renormalization scheme. In particular critical behavior and ordering in spin glasses, metal-insulator transition and localisation of electrons and in bulk and mesoscopic disordered systems and quantum phase transitions in strongly correlated electrons are to be discussed. Emphasis should be laid on physical phenomena such as ergodicity breaking, deviatons from the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, nonselfaveraging property, non-Fernmi-liquid behaviour etc. as well as on methods and techniques that proved useful in the description of unconventional criticality.

Main topics

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Invited speakers

    D. Belitz (Eugene): Quantum Phase Transitions in Interacting Disordered Electron Systems
C. DiCastro (Rome): Critical Phenomena and Renormalization Group
V. Dobrosavljevic (Tallahassee): Dynamical mean-field approaches to the glassy behavior of electrons
S. Franz (Trieste): Quasi-equilibrium picture of glassy dynamics.
Y. Gefen (Rehovot): The Anderson Orthogonality Catastrophe: Disordered Electrons and Random Matrices
T. Giamarchi (Paris): Metal-insulator transition and non-Fermi-liquid behaviour
Y. Imry (Rehovot): Mesoscopic systems, quantum coherence and dephasing
D. Khmelnitskii (Cambridge): Localisation in classical and quantum systems
T. Kirkpatrick (College Park): Phase transitions: classical vs. quantum criticality
A. MacKinnon (London): Numerical Renormalisation group and the Metal-Insulator Transition in Disordered Systems
P. Markos (Bratislava): Numerical methods in Anderson localisation
M. Mézard (Paris): Dealing with the proliferation of metastable states in glasses and optimization problems
A. Mirlin (Karlsruhe): Functional order parameter and multifractality at the Anderson localization transition
G. Montambaux (Paris): Persistent currents and electron-electron interactions in disordered systems
M. Moore (Manchester): p-spin model in finite dimensions and its relation to structural glasses
B. K. Nikolic (Washington D. C.): Is there a mean-field theory of Anderson localisation?
R. Oppermann (Wuerzburg): The role of replica symmetry breaking for fermionic spin glasses and metal-insulator transitions
J.L. Pichard (Paris): Two dimensional mesoscopic Wigner crystallization
D. Popovic (Tallahassee): Metal-insulator transition and glassy behavior in 2D electron systems
R. Raimondi (Rome): Nonlinear conductivity and quantum interference in disordered systems
D. Sherrington (Oxford): Minority games: correlations, phase transitions and ergodicity breaking in simple market models
T. Vojta (Rolla): Unconventional scaling at dirty superconducting quantum phase transitions
A. P. Young (Santa Cruz): Numerical methods in the spin-glass problem

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Participation at the workshop is limited by its intention and by capacity of the local facilitities. The workshop is organized and sponsored by the Programme SPHINX (Statistical Physics of Glassy and Non-equilibrium Systems) of the European Science Foundation predominantly for the researches active within this activity. The members of the SPHINX Programme will have priority in the acceptance. The total number of participants is restricted to 40. Participation of scientists from institutions not involved in SPHINX is, in principle, possible on their own costs if allowed by the workshop capacity. There is no conference fee due but no financial support outside SPHINX can be provided. The members of the SPHINX Programme can apply for the support from the conference budget.


Each participant including invited speakers should register by filling out the Registration form. This is necessary for being able to make appropriate reservations for meals and lodgings (see Local information). Applicants beyond the invited speakers will be informed about acceptance within two weeks after the registration deadline.

Registration deadline: July 15, 2002

Local Organization Committee

V. Janis, V. Spicka, F. Slanina

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last update 05/06/2002 by F. Slanina