International projects
OC 09014 COST, Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR
Extended defects: structure, chemistry and their role in phase
V. Paidar (2009-2010)
Czech projects
IAA200100902, GA AV ČR
Crystallization of titanium base intermetallics
P. Lejček (2009-2011)
KAN300100801, Nanotechnologie pro společnost (AV ČR)
Multifunctional bulk metallic materials with nanocrystalline and ultrafine-grained structure
P. Lejček (2008-2010)
Projekt č. 106/08/0369, Grantová agentura České republiky
New approaches to grain boundary engineering
P. Lejček (2008-2010)
IAA100100920, GA AV ČR
Theoretical and experimental study of interfaces and martensitic phase transformations
V. Paidar (2009-2013)