Česká verze English version

Journal for popularization of biology, founded in 1853 by J.E. Purkyně

Evolution of the Genus Homo - V Verbal Communication

Šmahel Z.

During glacial (Ice Ages) and interglacial periods in Europe, the hominid lineage gradually evolved from the African Homo ergaster through the probably debatable H. antecessor, so-called ante-Neanderthal man (H heidelbergensis), proto-Neanderthal man to the "classic" and late gracile form of Neanderthal man (H. neanderthalensis). Genetic analyses have revealed that the lineage was a defunct evolutionary line and finally become extinct: there were no relations with H. sapiens. In H. heidelbergensis and H. neanderthalensis, social behaviour evolved due to the ability to communicate verbally (speech).

Tento článek získal ocenění: Zvláštní ocenění časopisu Živa, Cena Antonína Friče  Tento článek získal ocenění: Zvláštní ocenění časopisu Živa, Cena Antonína Friče

p. 227