(term 2007-2011)
Five or six members (3 or 4 internal and 2 external) will be named by the director for a given evaluation. Chair and vice-chair will by named by the director for a calendar year.
Internal members
Chair (term 2007):
Doc. RNDr. CIVIŠ Svatopluk, CSc.
(Contact: 266053275, 266053205; svatopluk.civis jh-inst.cas.cz)
Vice-chair (term 2007):
Doc. Ing. SOBALÍK Zdeněk, CSc.
(Contact: 266053646; zdenek.sobalik jh-inst.cas.cz)
Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal, Ph. D.
(Contact: 266053206; michal.farnik jh-inst.cas.cz)
Ing. KRTIL Petr, CSc.
(Contact: 266053826, petr.krtil jh-inst.cas.cz)
Mgr. PITTNER Jiří, Dr. rer. nat.
(Contact: 266052015; jiri.pittner jh-inst.cas.cz)
Prof. RNDr. ŠPANĚL Patrik, Dr. rer. nat.
(Contact: 266052112; patrik.spanel jh-inst.cas.cz)
Ing. ZÁLIŠ Stanislav, CSc.
(Contact: 266053268, stanislav.zalis jh-inst.cas.cz
External members
Doc. RNDr. Vladimír Baumruk, DrSc.,
Institute of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
(Contact: 221911473;baumruk karlov.mff.cuni.cz)
Prof. Dr. Ing. Karel Bouzek,
Department of Inorganic Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology
(Contact: 220444019; karel.bouzek vscht.cz)
Ing. Jiří Homola, CSc.,
Division of Photonics, Institute of Photonics and Electronics
of AS CR, v.v.i.,
(Contact: 266773448, homola ufe.cz)
Ing. Vladimír Špirko, DrSc.,
Center for Biomolecules and Complex Molecular Systems, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of ASCR, v.v.i.
(Contact: 220410317;vladimir.spirko uochb.cas.cz)