Abstracts of volume 81, 2009
Těšitel J., Malinová T., Štech M. & Herbstová M.
(2009): Variation in the Melampyrum sylvaticum group in the Carpathian
and Hercynian region: two lineages with different evolutionary histories.
– Preslia 81: 1–22.
We investigated variation in the Melampyrum sylvaticum group in the
Carpathian and Hercynian regions using morphological and molecular tools. The
aim of our study was to examine differences in the pattern of variation
between the Eastern Carpathians and region of theWestern Carpathians and the
Hercynian Massif. We also tested correlations between putatively taxonomically
important variation in corolla colour present in the Melampyrum
sylvaticum group in the Eastern Carpathian region and other morphological
and molecular traits. Samples were collected from populations of the M.
sylvaticum group in the Hercynian Massif and the Eastern and Western
Carpathians. Morphometric analyses of the size and shape of the corolla (based
on thin plate spline with sliding semilandmarks), length of the anthers and
especially molecular analyses based on sequencing the nuclear ITS and
trnL-trnT regions of chloroplast DNA, confirmed that the populations
occurring on the opposite sides of the Eastern-Western Carpathian
biogeographic boundary are very different. It is likely that the eastern and
western lineages have been isolated for a long time and the extant pattern of
variation with character disagreement within the border zone, originated from
hybridization and introgression. The differences in corolla colour did not
coincide with the variation in morphological traits or molecular markers
within the North-Eastern Carpathian region. In addition, the geographical
distribution of the populations with contrasting corolla colours lacked any
pattern and there are populations with both corolla colours as well as plants
with transitional pale-yellow flowers. Therefore, it is suggested that M.
saxosum and M. herbichii, microspecies delimited on the basis of
corolla colour, are conspecific. The high level of molecular variation and its
pattern indicate that the M. sylvaticum group may have survived in or
near the Eastern Carpathians during the Weichselian Ice Age. This hypothesis
is supported by several recent phytogeographical and palaeoecological studies,
which indicate the existence of a glacial refuge in the Eastern Carpathian
region. Molecular uniformity of theWestern Carpathian and Hercynian
populations might in contrast indicate recent (Holocene) migration from
assumed perialpine refuges.
Šingliarová B. & Mráz P. (2009): A taxonomic
revision of the Pilosella alpicola group in the Carpathians. –
Preslia 81: 23–41.
A taxonomic study of the Pilosella alpicola group growing in the
Carpathians revealed the presence of two morphologically distinguishable taxa:
P. ullepitschii (Błocki) Szeląg and P. rhodopea (Griseb.)
Szeląg. While P. ullepitschii is endemic to the Carpathians, P.
rhodopea is a Balkan subendemic with two isolated localities in the Southern
Carpathians (Mt Cozia and Mt Zmeuretu). The core area of distribution of P.
ullepitchii is the natural subalpine and alpine meadows of the Western
Carpathians (the Vysoké and Západné Tatry Mts in Slovakia and Poland). In
addition, only three isolated localities are known from the Nemira Mts
(Romanian Eastern Carpathians) and one from the Bucegi Mts (Romanian Southern
Carpathians). Interestingly, the Romanian populations occur in man-made
habitats (secondary pastures). Karyological and flow cytometric analyses of
305 plants from 13 populations of P. ullepitschii revealed only diploid
plants (2n = 2x = 18). One Carpathian population of P. rhodopea from Mt
Cozia is also diploid. This is the first report of diploidy in this species.
However, the populations from the main part of the distribution of this taxon
in the Balkan mountains include other cytotypes. Detailed morphological
descriptions and distributions for both taxa are given.
Lepší M. & Lepší P. (2009): Rubus
silvae-norticae, a new species from Bohemia, Austria and Bavaria and the
significance of brambles for regional migrations. – Preslia 81: 43–
A new bramble species, Rubus silvae-norticae, section Rubus,
subsection Hiemales E. H. L. Krause in Prahl, series Micantes
Sudre, which occurs in S Bohemia, Upper Austria and Lower Bavaria, is
described. It is recorded at 130 localities. The distance between the most
remote localities is ca 100 km. The species grows most frequently in forest
habitats (as a distinctly nemophilous ecoelement) such as ditches and edges of
forest roads, plantations, forest margins and clearings. It mainly grows in
mesic, acid and mineral-poor soils. Like, for example, R. clusii or
R. ser. Glandulosi and unlike other relatively thermophilous
Rubus species, it is able to grow and propagate itself at rather high
altitudes, up to the mountain vegetation belt. The diagnostic characters that
separate R. silvae-norticae from its most similar and sympatrically
occurring species, R. clusii and R. muhelicus, are provided. In
Austria R. silvae-norticae and some other brambles were mistakenly
considered as R. helveticus, a bramble (probably a single biotype)
described from Switzerland in 1870. The lectotype of Rubus helveticus
is designated here and a photograph of the specimen presented. Also included
is a distribution map of R. silvae-norticae, a list of revised
herbarium specimens, a photograph of the type specimen and a pen drawing of
the species. The significance of regional brambles for plant migrations and
phytogeography is shown, based on the distribution of selected regional
Rubus species occurring in the Czech and Austrian border area, which is a
known mountain barrier to migration. The distribution patterns of the brambles
support a theory about the routes of plant migration and the florogenetic
connection between Austria and the Czech Republic. Rubus silvae-norticae,
R. muhelicus and R. vestitus f. albiflorus are regarded
as Danubian migrants (distributed from Upper Austria to S Bohemia), whereas
R. gothicus s. l. (“south Moravian type”) and
R. austromoravicus are considered to be Dyje-Kamp migrants (distributed
from Moravia and Lower Austria to S Bohemia) within the Bohemian flora.
Rubus kletensis is supposed to be a Vltava migrant within the Austrian
flora (distributed from S Bohemia to Upper Austria).
Lepší M., Vít P., Lepší P., Boublík K. & Kolář F. (2009):
Sorbus portae-bohemicae and Sorbus albensis, two new endemic
apomictic species recognized based on a revision of Sorbus bohemica. –
Preslia 81: 63–89.
Two new apomictic triploid (2n = 3x = 51) species from the Sorbus
latifolia group, S. portae-bohemicae M. Lepší, P. Lepší, P. Vít et
K. Boublík and S. albensis M. Lepší, K. Boublík, P. Lepší et P. Vít,
putative hybridogenous species originated from a cross between S.
danubialis and S. torminalis, are distinguished and described based
on a taxonomic and chorological revision of Sorbus bohemica (a
hybridogenous triploid species from the same parental combination). A number
of contemporary biosystematic techniques, including molecular (nuclear
microsatellite markers), karyological (chromosome counts, DAPI flow cytometry)
and multivariate and geometric morphometrics were used to assess the variation
of the species and justify their independent taxonomic status. All three
species occur sympatrically in the České středohoří Mts (NW Bohemia).
Sorbus bohemica is recorded from 31 localities, based on a revision of
herbarium vouchers and field research. Recent field studies failed to verify
five of these localities. Sorbus portae-bohemicae is a stenoendemic in
the Porta bohemica gorge (situated ca 7 km WNW of Litoměřice) where it grows in
open oak forests (Luzulo-Quercetum and transition vegetation type to
Melampyro nemorosi-Carpinetum) on ENE-facing slopes and rocks. The only
known population of S. portae-bohemicae consists of 14 adult
individuals. Sorbus albensis occurs at 12 localities W to NW of Litoměřice.
The total number of individuals is estimated at 600. Most are in acidophilous
oak forests (Luzulo-Quercetum and its mesic derivatives), scree forests
(Aceri-Carpinetum) or shrubby slopes (Pruno-Ligustretum,
Antherico-Coryletum). Populations of the new taxa show little genetic
variation and are phenotypically homogenous and well separated from other
Bohemian hybridogenous Sorbus species. A distribution map of the three
species is provided. Photographs of the type specimens and in situ
fructiferous individuals of the new species are presented.
Başnou C., Pino J. & Šmilauer P. (2009): Effect
of grazing on grasslands in the Western Romanian Carpathians depends on the
bedrock type. – Preslia 81: 91–104.
This study correlated the floristic composition of grassland communities
with environmental variation in the Western Romanian Carpathians, focusing on
the effect of grazing. Grasslands were sampled using 231 plots each 0.25
km2 in area. Vascular flora, altitude, aspect,
slope, bedrock and grazing intensity were recorded for each plot. Data were
processed using direct gradient analyses (CCA) and a generalized linear model.
The results revealed three distinct communities associated with bedrock,
landscape topography and grazing intensity. Grazing changes the floristic
composition of grasslands on limestone more than on other types of bedrock.
Specifically the floristic composition of the limestone-area plots subjected
to low grazing pressure differ significantly from that of the plots of
grassland on flysch and volcanic bedrock. When intensively grazed, the
floristic composition of chalk grassland does not differ from that of the
lightly grazed vegetation growing on flysch or volcanic bedrock. The reasons
for this pattern and implications for management are discussed.
Bastl M., Štechová T. & Prach K. (2009): Effect
of disturbance on the vegetation of peat bogs with Pinus rotundata in
the Třeboň Basin, Czech Republic. – Preslia 81: 105–117.
Various stages in the succession of vegetation of peat bogs following
disturbance were studied in the Třeboň Basin, Czech Republic. The disturbance
was of two types: (a) natural, represented by windthrow, with subsequent bark
beetle attack, and fire, and (b) human-made peat digging and industrial peat
milling. The species composition at different stages in succession following
disturbance were compared with that in undisturbed plots. Regeneration of peat
bog vegetation was faster after a natural than after human-made disturbance.
The lowest impact was caused by windthrow, followed by fire. Regeneration
after peat digging took much longer. Regeneration after industrial peat
harvesting only occurred if the groundwater table level remained high.
Essl F., Dullinger S. & Kleinbauer I. (2009):
Changes in the spatio-temporal patterns and habitat preferences of Ambrosia
artemisiifolia during its invasion of Austria. – Preslia 81:
The invasion of Austria by the alien vascular plant Ambrosia
artemisiifolia (Asteraceae) is analysed in detail, based on a
survey of available records. In total, 697 records were collated. The first
record for Austria is a herbarium specimen collected in 1883. Up to the end of
the 1940s, records were rare and only of casual populations resulting from
long-distance dispersal. Since the 1950s, the number of records has increased
exponentially, and more than one third of all records (242) were collected in
the last 5-year period (2001–2005) included in the survey. The first
naturalized population was recorded in 1952, nearly 70 years after the first
record of a casual population. Recently, the number of naturalized populations
increased considerably faster than that of casual populations. Several
pathways (contaminated crops and bird seed, agricultural machines, transport
of soil) have contributed to the high levels of propagule pressure and this
successful invasion. Ambrosia artemisiifolia has undergone a niche
expansion during the invasion process. Up to 1950, most records were from
sites along railway routes, whereas in the period 1950–1974 itwas mostly
ruderal habitats, not associated with traffic infrastructure, which were
colonized. Since the 1970s, records from roadsides have increased strongly and
now dominate. Fields were colonized first in the 1970s and since then have
gained in importance. The distribution of naturalized populations was related
to environmental and climatic variables by means of a generalized linear
model. Their distribution in Austria is closely related to temperature.
Landscape variables, describing aspects of habitat availability (topography,
land use, major street density) also significantly explain the current
distribution of A. artemisiifolia. Suitable habitats currently occur
mainly in the eastern and southeastern lowlands. We conclude that global
warming will disproportionally enhance the invasion success of A.
artemisiifolia in Austria, even if there is only a slight increase in
temperature, as significant areas of agricultural land in Austria are
currently only slightly too cool for A. artemisiifolia. The widespread
occurrence of this species will have serious consequences for human health and
Čtvrtlíková M., Vrba J., Znachor P. & Hekera P.
(2009): Effects of aluminium toxicity and low pH on the early development of
Isoëtes echinospora. – Preslia 81: 23–41.
A relict population of Isoëtes echinospora Durieu survived a
thirty-year period of severe acidification and high concentrations of
phytotoxic aluminium (Al) in Plešné Lake (Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic).
The population consisted of only adult plants. Sporeling survival and age
structure were examined during the population recovery in 2004–2008.
Laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the effect of various pH
values (4–8) and Al concentrations
(0–1000 µg·l–1) on
sporeling development. The responses of the sporelings to the experimental
treatments were evaluated and compared with those observed in the lake. The
experiments showed that an Al concentration higher than 300
µg·l–1, and high acidity (pH 4),
inhibit sporeling growth, in particular resulted in a pronounced reduction in
absorptive organs (macrogametophyte rhizoids, roots and root hairs). With
increasing concentrations of Al and at pH 4, the ratio of the below-ground to
above-ground sporeling biomass decreased to less than 1. The responses of the
lake sporelings, rooting in the upper sediment layer, were similar to those
exposed to 100–300 µg·l–1
of Al in the laboratory, and reflected the Al toxicity of the lake water. The
quillworts at Plešné Lake survived because adult plants can tolerate these
adverse conditions and are very long-lived. The population recovered when the
pH of the water increased to over 5 and the Al concentration decreased to below
300 µg·l–1.
Danihelka J., Niklfeld H. & Šípošová H. (2009):
Viola elatior, V. pumila and V. stagnina in Austria, Czechia
and Slovakia: a story of decline. – Preslia 81: 151–171.
Specimens of Viola elatior (VE), V. pumila (VP) and
V. stagnina (VS) in 40 Austrian, Czech and Slovak public herbaria were
revised, a total of almost 1750 specimens from the three countries. Apart from
VE, the quality of the original identifications was rather poor, especially of
VS, which was frequently confused with VP and V. canina. This, together with
the confusion of nomenclature that persisted during the 19th century, made the
old literature records unreliable. Hybrids are usually difficult to identify and
are rarer than generally believed. VS and VP have similar distribution
patterns: they occur mainly on floodplains of large lowland rivers and in
adjacent hills in the N part of Bohemia, S and Central Moravia, E Austria and S
Slovakia; they may be classified as river corridor plants. VS differs from VE
and VP mainly by its presence in S Bohemia and its absence from large parts of
S Slovakia, as well as its rarity in Austria and Slovakia. All three species
grow predominantly in regions with a relatively warm and dry climate: most
localities are situated in regions with a mean annual temperature of 7–11 °C
and mean annual precipitation 401–700 mm. A temporal analysis of records
revealed that all three species are declining in all three countries:
generally, this decline is weakest in Austria, with 46–61% of grid cells with
occurrences confirmed after 1980 (compared with the number of grid cells with
records for 1801–2008), and strongest in Slovakia, with 18–32% of
grid cells with occurrences confirmed after 1980. The decline is due mainly to
the canalization of rivers and subsequent changes in land use, urbanization
and recently afforestation. VE may also be endangered by modern forestry
practices. The inclusion of all three species in national Red Lists and
subsequent conservation measures are justified and necessary, though national
Red List status may differ between countries.
Schaminée J. H. J., Hennekens S. M., Chytrý M. &
Rodwell J. S. (2009): Vegetation-plot data and databases in Europe: an
overview. – Preslia 81: 173–185.
During the last decade many electronic databases of vegetation plots,
mainly phytosociological relevés, were established in different European
countries. These databases contain information which is extremely valuable for
both testing various macroecological hypotheses and for nature conservation
surveying or monitoring. The aim of this paper is to provide estimates of the
number of vegetation plots there are in Europe, how many are stored in an
electronic format and to assess their distribution across European countries
and regions.We sent a questionnaire to the managers of national or regional
databases of vegetation plots and other prominent vegetation ecologists.
Meta-data obtained in this way indicate that there are > 4,300,000
vegetation-plot records in Europe, of which > 1,800,000 are already stored
electronically. Of the electronic plots, 60% are stored in TURBOVEG databases.
Most plot records probably exist in Germany, the Netherlands, France, Poland,
Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, UK, Switzerland and Austria. The largest numbers
of plots per unit area are in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and countries
of central Europe. The most computerized plots per country exist in the
Netherlands (600,000), followed by France, the Czech Republic and the UK. Due
to its strong phytosociological tradition, Europe has many more vegetation
plots than any other part of the world. This wealth of unique ecological
information is a challenge for future biodiversity studies. With the alarming
loss in biodiversity and environmental problems like global warming and
ongoing changes in land use, there is an urgent need for wide-scale scientific
and applied vegetation research. Developments of information systems such as
SynBioSys Europe and facilitation of data flow between the national and
regional databases should make it easier to use these vegetation-plot data.
Chytrý M., Wild J., Pyšek P., Tichý L., Danihelka J.
& Knollová I. (2009): Maps of the level of invasion of the Czech Republic
by alien plants. – Preslia 81: 187–207.
A series of maps showing the level of invasion of the Czech Republic by
alien plants was developed based on a quantitative assessment of the level of
invasion of 35 terrestrial habitat types at different altitudes. The levels of
invasion were quantified for 18,798 vegetation plots, using two measures:
proportion of the species that are aliens and total cover of alien species.
Separate assessments were made for archaeophytes and neophytes. Within each
habitat, the level of invasion was related to altitude using generalized
linear models. The level of invasion, depending on the measure used, decreased
with altitude in 16 out of 20 habitats for archaeophytes and 18 out of 23 for
neophytes. In two habitats, one measure of the level of invasion increased
with altitude for archaeophytes. The values of the level of invasion predicted
by generalized linear models for particular combinations of habitats and
altitudes were projected onto a land-cover map and digital elevation map of
the country. Four maps showing the level of invasion were produced, based on
the proportion of the species that are archaeophytes or neophytes, and cover
of archaeophytes and neophytes. The maps show that both archaeophytes and
neophytes are most common in lowland agricultural and urban areas, whereas
they are sparsely represented in mountainous areas. At middle altitudes,
agricultural areas are more invaded than forested areas. Outside agricultural
and urban areas, high levels of invasion are found especially in lowland sandy
areas and river corridors.
Kuneš P., Abraham V., Kovářík O., Kopecký M. & PALYCZ
contributors (2009): Czech Quaternary Palynological Database – PALYCZ:
review and basic statistics of the data. – Preslia 81: 209–238.
This paper reviews the data on quaternary palynological sequences
collected in the Czech Republic, attempts to store them in the Czech
Quaternary Palynological Database (PALYCZ) and outlines a possible use for
regional syntheses. Work on pollen stratigraphies done over the last hundred
years has yielded a very large amount of data for this region. These data can
be used globally for various types of environmental reconstructions and are of
local importance, especially when combined with local databases. For data to
be included in PALYCZ it has to meet certain criteria, the determination of
the pollen of herbaceous plants must be well resolved and radiocarbon dated.
As of 31 December 2008, we had reviewed 177 pollen profiles. Data from 152
sequences are already stored in PostgreSQL® in relational tables, which allow
a broad range of queries to be addressed using the html protocol. The data
collected since 1959 by 15 authors contain raw pollen counts together with
14C dates and various metadata on locality.
All the pollen samples were ordered using non-metric multidimensional scaling.
Display of the ordination diagram incorporating the appropriate millennial
time slices revealed a common pattern in all data. The quality of data is also
discussed in the context of the history of the research and methods used.
Database access can be found at http://botany.natur.cuni.cz/palycz.
Illyés E., Bauer N. & Botta-Dukát Z. (2009):
Classification of semi-dry grassland vegetation in Hungary. – Preslia
81: 239–260.
Semi-dry grasslands are of high nature conservation interest both at
national and European scales due to their high biodiversity and species
richness. For effective conservation, however, the variation in floristic
composition and distribution of these grasslands need first to be described.
In Hungary, there is currently no comprehensive survey and classification of
semi-dry grasslands. Therefore, the aim of this study was to (i) describe the
variation in species composition of Hungarian semi-dry grasslands by a
country-scale cluster analysis based on a large database; (ii) describe the
types (clusters) and compare these descriptions with those in the
phytosociological literature, and finally (iii) formulate a new syntaxonomical
system for Hungarian semi-dry grasslands. For this analysis 699 relevés were
selected in which the percentage cover of at least one of the grasses
Brachypodium pinnatum, Bromus erectus, Danthonia alpina,
Avenula adsurgens, A. pubescens or A. compressa reached
>10%. A geographical stratification of the dataset was performed and then it
was split randomly into two equal parts (training and test datasets).
Following outlier exclusion and noise elimination, clustering was performed
separately for both datasets. The optimal number of clusters was determined by
validation. The number of valid clusters was the highest at the level of ten
clusters, where seven clusters appeared to be valid. The valid clusters are
separated geographically; however, there are considerable overlaps in the
species compositions. According to our results, all the grasslands belong to
the Cirsio-Brachypodion alliance. The seven valid clusters are assigned
to five main groups of semi-dry grasslands in Hungary: 1. Brachypodium
pinnatum (and partly Bromus erectus) dominated, species rich
meadow-steppe-like grasslands occurring on deep loess in central Pannonia,
identified as Euphorbio pannonicae-Brachypodietum Horváth 2009; 2.
Brachypodium pinnatum dominated mountain grasslands restricted to the Bükk
Mountains; identified as Polygalo majoris-Brachypodietum Wagner 1941;
3. mostly Bromus erectus dominated grasslands on shallow, calcium/rich
soils of the Dunántúl region, proposed as a new association Sanguisorbo
minoris-Brometum erecti Illyés, Bauer & Botta-Dukát 2009; 4.
Brachypodium pinnatum and Danthonia alpina dominated stands
occurring mainly in the Északi-középhegység Mts, characterized by species of
nutrient poor soils, proposed as a new association Trifolio
medii-Brachypodietum pinnati Illyés, Bauer & Botta-Dukát 2009; 5.
transition towards meadows and successional stands dominated mainly by
Brachypodium pinnatum.
Ekrt L., Trávníček P., Jarolímová V., Vít P. &
Urfus T. (2009): Genome size and morphology of the Dryopteris affinis
group in Central Europe. – Preslia 81: 261–280.
The agamosporous and taxonomically critical Dryopteris affinis
group was investigated as part of a cytogeographic and morphometric study of
ferns in Central Europe. Material from 27 localities in the Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Poland and Austria was sampled and evaluated using both morphometric
multivariate and karyological analyses. Chromosome counts and flow cytometric
analyses revealed the existence of two distinct triploid taxa (2n = 123) of
differing genome size, which correspond to D. borreri and
D. cambrensis, and of a rare pentaploid hybrid (2n = 205)
D. ×critica (D. borreri × D. filix-mas). Morphometric
analyses confirmed a clear separation between both triploid taxa. New quantitative
characters were selected based on a discriminant analyses, and a key for the
identification of the species is presented.
Zalewska-Gałosz J., Ronikier M. & Kaplan Z. (2009):
The first European record of Potamogeton ×subobtusus
identified using ITS and cpDNA sequence data. – Preslia 81: 281–292.
A combined study of morphology, stem anatomy and DNA sequencing data
(nuclear ribosomal ITS region and rpl32-trnL and rps12-rpl20
intergenic spacers of chloroplast DNA) was used to identify a putative
Potamogeton hybrid from a river in NE Poland. Based on the morphological and
anatomical characters the plants were tentatively identified as
P. ×subobtusus Hagstr., a hybrid between P. alpinus Balb.
and P. nodosus Poir. This identification was independently confirmed by the
presence in hybrid individuals of an additive ITS sequence pattern from these
two parental species. In all plants peaks corresponding to nucleotide states
of both parents were clearly distinguishable, however the variants from
P. nodosus dominated over those from P. alpinus. P. nodosus
was also identified as the maternal parent of the hybrid based on cpDNA data and
dominated the expression of morphological features in hybrid individuals. A
detailed morphological description of P. × subobtusus and the
typification of the name are provided. As P. nodosus rarely hybridizes
with other species, existence of other hybrids, as well as possible
difficulties in recognizing these taxa are also discussed.
Letz D. R. (2009): A new species of the Sempervivum
marmoreum group in Central Europe. – Preslia 81: 293–308.
A comparative study of material of Sempervivum marmoreum Griseb.
from the type locality (Mt Athos, Greece) and the northern part of its
distribution revealed a distinct morphotype occurring in an isolated enclave
along the Slovak–Hungarian border. As its karyotype differs it is formally
described here as a new species – Sempervivum matricum Letz. The
name Sempervivum assimile Schott, formerly considered as a possible
name for this species is here critically examined. A morphological
characterization of the new species, photographs of the plant and a
distribution map based on revised herbarium specimens are provided.
Hülber K., Sonnleitner M., Flatscher R., Berger A.,
Dobrovsky R., Niessner S., Nigl T., Schneeweiss G. M., Kubešová M., Rauchová
J., Suda J. & Schönswetter P. (2009): Ecological segregation drives
fine-scale cytotype distribution of Senecio carniolicus in the Eastern
Alps. – Preslia 81: 309–319.
In order to uncover patterns and processes of segregation of co-existing
cytotypes, we investigated a zone in the eastern Alps (Austria) where diploid
and hexaploid individuals of the alpine herb Senecio carniolicus Willd.
(Asteraceae) co-occur. Linking the fine-scale distribution of cytotypes
to environmental and spatial factors revealed segregation along an ecological
gradient, which was also reflected in the cytotype-associated plant
assemblages. Compared to diploids, hexaploids are found in more species-rich
and denser communities. This may be due to their better competitive ability
and lower tolerance of abiotic stress compared to the diploids. The lack of
any intermediate cytotypes suggests the presence of strong reproductive
isolation mechanisms, whose nature is, however, elusive.
Karlík P. & Poschlod P. (2009): History or
abiotic filter: which is more important in determining the species composition
of calcareous grasslands? – Preslia 81: 321–340.
Dry calcareous grassland is one of the most species-rich and endangered
ecosystem in Central Europe. Despite the dramatic loss of grassland in the
second half of the 20th century due to abandonment of agricultural land or
afforestation, new grasslands developed on former arable land. The main
objective of this studywas to assess the effect of age on the vegetation and
habitat properties of calcareous grasslands. We found that the history (former
land use, age of habitats) of grassland localities has had a fundamental
effect both on the species composition of the vegetation and habitat
properties. Significant differences were found, especially in soil reaction
and water-holding capacity. Therefore, we can state that both history and
habitat properties determine the recent species composition pattern.
Consequently, it was possible to identify species indicating the historical
status of the grasslands. Indicators of ancient grassland (i.e., patches
continuously used as pastures at least since 1830) could be assigned to
typical Festuco-Brometea species but also more widespread grassland
species such as Carex flacca, Buphthalmum salicifolium,
Carlina vulgaris, Cirsium acaule, Hippocrepis comosa and
Scabiosa columbaria. Indicators of recent grasslands (i.e., patches
temporarily farmed as arable fields after 1830) belong to different
phytosociological classes: Festuco-Brometea,
Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei and
Secalietea cerealis. Festuco-Brometea species restricted to recent
grasslands were e.g. Thymus pulegioides subsp. carniolicus,
Stachys alpina, Rhinanthus alectorolophus and Onobrychis
viciifolia. The two latter species are survivors from the former arable
cultivation, the first was an arable weed and the second a widespread fodder
plant, but are now considered to be characteristic species of calcareous
grasslands. Therefore, we claim that the occurrence of these species indicate
calcareous grasslands that were previously arable fields and that recent
grasslands are a monument to historical land use. Rare and/or endangered
species were not only found in ancient but also in recent grasslands.
Furthermore, recent grasslands have a high species diversity. Thus both,
ancient and recent calcareous grasslands should be considered equally valuable
from a nature-conservation point of view.
Štajerová K., Šmilauerová M. & Šmilauer P. (2009):
Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis of herbaceous invasive neophytes in the
Czech Republic. – Preslia 81: 341–355.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis is the most frequent and ancestral type
of mycorrhizal symbiosis. It is estimated that at least 80% of terrestrial
plant species are able to form a mutualistic relation with fungi. Consequently
in the context of successful plant invasions, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi may
have a favourable if not a crucial role. The mycorrhizal status of 23 invasive
species is reported here for the first time. This study also tested whether
the intensity of mycorrhizal colonization of the roots of invasive species is
related to that of the dominant species of invaded plant community. This is
partly supported by our results when total percentages of mycorrhizal
colonization were compared. In addition, the effect of habitat and community
characteristics on the intensity of colonization of the roots of invasive
species by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi was tested and several significant
correlations were revealed. At the among-species level, the total mycorrhizal
colonization decreases and the relative arbuscular colonization increases in
the roots of invasive species with increasing nitrogen availability in the
habitat. Both these relations are significant after phylogenetic correction,
which suggests this is an evolutionary adaptation. There are also negative
correlations between the relative arbuscular colonization of invading species
and the light and temperature demands of the species present in the community,
and a positive correlation between the relative arbuscular colonization of the
invaders and soil wetness. That all these relations are revealed at the
within-species level possibly reflects differences among the habitats
Perglová I., Pergl J., Skálová H., Moravcová L.,
Jarošík V. & Pyšek P. (2009): Differences in germination and seedling
establishment of alien and native Impatiens species. – Preslia
81: 357–375.
Comparative studies of closely related species may provide useful insights
into the effect of species traits on invasion success since some of the biases
associated with multispecies studies, such as phylogenetic effects, are
considerably reduced by virtue of the experimental design. In this study seed
and seedling traits of three congeneric alien species in Europe, differing in
their region of origin, invasion status and history (Impatiens
glandulifera, I. parviflora, I. capensis), were compared
with the native I. noli-tangere in laboratory and common garden
experiments. Seeds of I. glandulifera required the shortest period of
stratification, germinated well both under laboratory and experimental garden
conditions and the seedlings produced more biomass than those of the other
species. Seeds of I. parviflora required a longer period of
stratification, had the highest percentage germination but seedling emergence
in the experimental garden was poorer than in I. glandulifera. Neither
of these two species invasive in the Czech Republic formed soil seed banks.
The native I. noli-tangere had the lowest percentage germination and
formed a short-term persistent seed bank. Impatiens capensis germinated
well in the laboratory, had the highest seedling emergence in the garden and
its seed remained viable in the soil for three years. This indicates that in
terms of germination and emergence, this species is comparable with the two
invasive alien congeners and there appear to be no constraints to its invasion
in the Czech Republic where it does not occur yet. Its absence may be due to a
low propagule pressure; in the national flora I. capensis is listed as a
potential future invader without mentioning it being cultivated in this
country. Our results indicate that differences in the invasiveness of three
alien species of balsams in the temperate zone of Central Europe can be
attributed, at least in part, to their differing performances in the early
stages of their life cycle. The short period of time required for seed
stratification and the high seedling biomass of I. glandulifera might
have increased its invasion potential compared to other Impatiens
species occurring in the Czech Republic.
Gregor T. (2009): The distribution of Galeopsis
ladanum in Germany based on an analysis of herbarium material is smaller
than that indicated in plant atlases. – Preslia 81: 377–386.
The distribution of Galeopsis ladanum in Germany and adjacent
regions was determined by a revision of specimens of Galeopsis subgen.
Ladanum in major Central European herbaria. This distribution was
compared with that indicated in plant atlases. For the west of Germany, beyond
the range of G. ladanum, plant atlases are often misleading as they
indicate the presence of this species throughout two German states and
Luxembourg, but no herbarium records could be found for these regions. In
other federal states, herbarium material indicated a historical distribution
that is not reflected in plant atlases. Some Red Data Books give wrong
assessments of the degree of endangerment. Exaggerated ranges are mapped if
(i) guide books are misleading, (ii) recorders are unfamiliar with the species
and (iii) similar species exist.
Kaplan Z. & Fehrer J. (2009): An orphaned clone
of Potamogeton ×schreberi in the Czech Republic. – Preslia
81: 387–397.
A Potamogeton hybrid found growing in the absence of parental
species in a South Bohemian stream, Czech Republic, was subjected to molecular
analyses to identify its exact identity. RFLP of the ITS region confirmed its
previous morphological identification as P. natans × P. nodosus
(= P. ×schreberi). A comparison of its RFLP pattern with those
of P. gramineus, P. lucens and P. polygonifolius
unambiguously excluded the possibility that the investigated plants are
specimens of other similar hybrids (P. ×fluitans,
P. ×sparganiifolius, P. ×gessnacensis). The discovery
of P. ×schreberi in South Bohemia is the first record of this hybrid
for the Czech Republic. So far, it is known only from five countries and the
Czech clone is one of a few extant clones of this hybrid in Central Europe.
Chloroplast DNA sequencing identified P. nodosus as the maternal parent
although at present this species neither occurs at the locality, nor upstream,
nor in the entire drainage basin. The other species, P. natans, only
occurs downstream of the locality in isolated side pools in a former stream
bed and fishponds in an adjacent drainage basin. The available data indicate
that this hybrid has persisted vegetatively at this locality for some time in
the absence of its parents.
Košnar J. & Kolář F. (2009): A taxonomic study of
selected European taxa of the Tortula muralis (Pottiaceae,
Musci) complex: variation in morphology and ploidy level. – Preslia
81: 399–421.
Four European taxa of the Tortula muralis complex (T. lingulata,
T. muralis var. aestiva, T. muralis var. muralis,
T. obtusifolia) were evaluated using multivariate analysis of
morphological characters, a cultivation experiment and cytological screening
(flow cytometry, chromosome counts). This study revealed that only
T. lingulata is morphologically well defined within the complex and several
new sporophytic characters that can be used to distinguish this taxon from the
superficially most similar T. obtusifolia. The traditionally recognized
taxa T. muralis var. muralis, T. muralis var.
aestiva and T. obtusifolia showed continuous variation, with
frequent intermediate plants. However, the main character of the gametophyte
used for determination (costa excurrency) proved to be stable in cultivation,
indicating that this character is under genetic control. Additionally, rather
complex and only partly species-specific patterns of ploidy variation were
found within the complex. Tortula lingulata and T. obtusifolia
appear to be cytologically homogeneous; plants of T. lingulata were
found to be diploid, whereas plants tentatively named as T. obtusifolia
were haploid. In contrast, both haploid and diploid cytotypes were found in
both varieties of T. muralis, with a marked predominance of diploids in
var. aestiva and less marked predominance of diploids in var.
muralis. Current varietal level of the evaluated infraspecific taxa of
T. muralis was thus found to be warranted. It is suggested that plants
previously recognized as T. obtusifolia should be treated as a
subspecies of T. muralis.
Rybníček K. & Rybníčková E. (2009): Precultural
vegetation in the western foothills of the Kremnické vrchy Mts in central
Slovakia and its transformation by man. – Preslia 81: 423–437.
Pollen and macroscopic analyses of two Upper Holocene spring fen sites in
the vicinity of the Turček village in the south-western foothills of the
Kremnické vrchy Mts (central Slovakia) revealed new and unique information on
the precultural and natural climazonal forests, and the origin and development
of local meadow fen vegetation. Pollen-analytical data indicate the prevalence
of natural spruce (Picea abies) and fir (Abies alba) forests in
this region. The mixed beech forests depicted on the geobotanical map of
Slovakia must have, therefore occupied much smaller areas than previously
thought. After human colonization of the region during the 13th and 14th
centuries natural forests were transformed mainly into grasslands and pastures,
and to a lesser extent into arable fields. These changes were connected with
gold and silver mining in the vicinity of the nearby town of Kremnica, with
Turček one of the important areas producing timber for the mining industry.
The development of these fen mires is also connected with deforestation and
transformation of the landscape. They originated as forest springs but after
human colonization of the area they were transformed into treeless fen meadows
by the direct or indirect effect of man cutting of trees, grazing livestock
and mowing.
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