Pozice: vedoucí
Skupina: Skupina vysokocyklové únavy
Místnosti: 423
Telefonní čísla: +420 532 290 464, +420 541 212 286
Fax: +420 541 212 301
![]() ŽIŽKOVA 22
616 62 Brno Česká republika
IČO: 68081723
DIČ: CZ68081723 |
![]() doc. RNDr. Petr Lukáš, CSc., dr. h. c.
Pozice: vedoucí
Skupina: Skupina vysokocyklové únavy Místnosti: 423 Telefonní čísla: +420 532 290 464, +420 541 212 286 Fax: +420 541 212 301 E-mail: lukas@DELETE-THIS.CZ@DELETE-THIS.COMipm.COM.cz Projekty Predictive Methods for Combined Cycle Fatigue in Gas Turbine Blades (PREMECCY)
Fyzikální vlastnosti pokročilých materiálů ve vztahu k jejich mikrostruktuře a způsobu přípravy
Chování a vlastnosti kovových i nekovových materiálů ve vztahu k jejich struktuře, výzkum procesů vedoucích k degradaci vlastností materiálů
Publikace: 2009 P. Lukáš, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Fatigue mechanisms in ultrafine-grained copper. Kovove Materialy-Metallic Materials 47 (2009), 1-9.
2008 KUNZ, L., LUKÁŠ, P., MINTÁCH, R.: Effect of Vibrations on Lifetime of Ni Base Single Crystals Subjected to Tensile Stress. MSMF-5 (106/05/2112). Mater. Sci. Forum 567-568 (2008) 293-296.
KUNZ, L., LUKÁŠ, P., MINTÁCH, R., KONEČNÁ, R.: High-Cycle Fatigue of IN 713LC. Proceedings of ECF17 Brno 2008, CD, 945-951.
KUNZ, L., LUKÁŠ, P., KONEČNÁ, R.: Fatigue Properties of Superalloy IN 713LC and Relation to Microstructure. Materials Science 14 (2008) 3, 221-225.
KUNZ, L., LUKÁŠ, P., BOKŮVKA, O.: Fatgiue Behaviour of Ultrafine-Grained Copper in Very High Cycle Fatigue Regime. Materiálové inžinierstvo 15 (2008) 4, 1-5.
LUKÁŠ, P., KUNZ, L., SVOBODA, M.: Overview of Fatigue Behaviour of Ultrafine-Grained Copper Produced by Severe Plastic deformation. Mater. Sci. Forum 567-568 (2008) 9-16.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda, M. Buksa, Q. Wang: Mechanisms of cyclic plastic deformation in ultrafine-grain copper produced by severe plastic deformation. In: Plasticity, Failure and Fatigue in Structural Materials
– from Macro to Nano, Publication of TMS, Warrendale 2008, pp. 161-166. P. Lukáš, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Fatigue of ultrafine-grained copper. Plenary lecture at LCF6, Berlin,8-12 September 2008. Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Low Cycle Fatigue, eds. P.D. Portella, T.Beck, M. Okazaki, DVM Berlin, 2008, pp. 295- 305.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Od fyzikálních základů studia struktury pevných látek k monokrystalům superslitin pro plynové turbíny. Čs. Čas. Fyz. 58 (2008), 81-83.
2007 Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Buksa, M., Wang, Q., Zheng, M.: Microstructural Response of Ultrafine-Grained Copper to Fatigue Loading. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 13 (2007) 512-518.
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P.: Deformation Behaviour and Fracture of Ni-Based Single Crystals at Simultaneous Action of High-Cycle Fatigue and Creep. Materálové inžinierstvo 14 (2/2007) 15-20
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Z. Zúberová: Únava ultrajemnozrnných materiálů. Materálové inžinierstvo 14 (3/2007) 8 – 12.
Lukáš, P., Kunz, L., Svoboda, M.: Effect of Low Temperature on Fatigue Life and Cyclic Stress-Strai.n Response of UFG Copper. Metallurgical and Material Transactions 38A (2007) 1910-1915.
Lukáš, P., Kunz, L., Svoboda, M.: Fatigue Behavior of Ultrafine-grained Copper in Very High Cycle Fatigue Regime. In: Proc. of Fourth Int. Conf. On Very High Cycle Fatigue, TMS Publication, J.E. Allison et al., eds., TMS (2007), 265-270.
2006 Kunz L., Lukáš P., Svoboda M., Buksa M., Zheng M.: Cyclic Plastic Behaviour of UFG Copper Prepared by ECAP. In: Proc. Nanoved 2006, 14-17 May, Stará Lesná, Slovakia 2006.
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Svoboda, M.: Fatigue Strength, Microstructural Satability and Strain Localization in Ultrafine-grained Copper. Mat. Sci. Eng. A424 (2006) 97-104.
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Mintách, R., Hrbáček, K.: Effect of Mean stress on High-Cycle Fatigue Strength on IN 713 LC Superalloy. Kovové Materiály 44 (2006) 275-281.
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Činčala, M., Nicoletto, G.: Fatigue Lifetime of Bearing Steel in Ultra-High-Cycle Region. In: Proc. of the ECF16 Conference, Alexandroupolis, Greece 2006. CD Fracture of Nano and Eng. Mater. and Struct., E.E. Gdoutos, ed. Springer 2006.
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Mintách, R., Hrbáček, K.: Effect of Mean Stress on High-Cycle Fatigue Strength of IN 713 LC Superalloy. Kovové Materiály 44 (2006) 275-281.
Lukáš, P., Kunz, L., Svoboda, M.: Fatigue strength of ultrafine-grained copper. FATIGUE 2006, Proc. 9th International Fatigue Congress, 2006, Paper FT 62, 10 pages.
2005 L. Kunz, P. Lukáš, M. Svoboda and O. Bokůvka: Fatigue behaviour of ultrafine-grained copper, Materiálové inžinierstvo 12, 2005, pp. 2-6.
L. Kunz, P. Lukáš. Y. Estrin, Z. Zúberová: Notch sensitivity of cast AZ31 magnesium alloy. Materiálové inžinierstvo 12 (2005) 88-91.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz and M. Svoboda: Fatigue notch sensitivity of ultrafine-grained copper, Mat.Sci.Eng. A391, 2005, pp. 337-341.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda and J. Čadek: Effect of structure on creep behaviour of superalloy single crystals, Mater. Sci. Forum 482, 2005, pp. 267-270.
P. Lukáš, J. Čadek, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda, J. Klusák: Creep resistance of single crystal superalloys CMSX-4 and CM186LC. Kovove Mater. 43, 2005, pp. 5-19.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz and M. Svoboda: High-temperature ultra-high cycle fatigue damage of notched single crystal superalloys at high mean stresses. Int.J.Fatigue 27, 2005, pp. 1535-1540.
2004 L. Kunz, P. Lukáš: LCF-creep interaction in 9%Cr steel at 600 °C. In: Fifth International Conference on Low Cycle Fatigue LCF5, eds. P.D.Portella, H.Sehitoglu, K.Hatanaka, DVM, Berlin 2004, pp. 239-244.
P.Lukáš and L.Kunz: Role of persistent slip bands in fatigue, Phil.Mag., 84, 2004, pp. 317-330.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz and M. Svoboda: High cycle fatigue of superalloy single crystals at high mean stress, Mat.Sci.Eng. A 387-389, 2004, pp. 505-510.
2003 L. Kunz, P. Lukáš, P. Matušek: An experimental study of fatigue behaviour of rubber segments for low-noise railway wheels. In: Proc. 20th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics. Hungarian Society of Mech. Engng., Gyor, Hungary, 2003, pp. 230-231.
P. Lukáš and L. Kunz: Small cracks – nucleation, growth and implication to fatigue life, Int.J.Fatigue, 25, 2003, pp. 855-862.
2002 L. Kunz and P. Lukáš: High temperature fatigue and cyclic creep of P91 steel. In: Temperature-Fatigue Interaction, L. Rémy and J. Petit (eds.), ESIS Publication 29, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002, pp. 37-44.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz: Cyclic plasticity and substructure of metals. Mat. Sci. Eng., Vol. A322, 2002, pp. 217-227.
P. Lukáš, P. Preclík, L. Kunz, J. Čadek and M. Svoboda: Effect of notches on high temperature fatigue/creep behaviour of CMSX-4 superalloy single crystals. In: Temperature-Fatigue Interaction, L. Rémy and J. Petit (eds.), ESIS Publication 29, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002, pp. 55-64.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz and M. Svoboda: Interaction of high cycle fatigue with high temperature creep in superalloy single crystals, Z.Metallkde., 93, 2002, pp. 661-665.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz: Cyclic plastic deformation and initiation of cracks in metals, overview lecture, Fatigue 2002, Proceedings of the Eight International Fatigue Congress, Ed. A.F. Blom, Vol.2, EMAS 2002, pp. 931-946.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz: Specific features of high-cycle and ultra-high-cycle fatigue. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 25, 2002, 747-753.
I. M. Wilcock, P. Lukáš, M. Maldini, J. Klabbers, B. Dubiel and M. B. Henderson: The creep behaviour of as-cast SX CM186LC at industrial gas turbine operating conditions, in: Materials for Advanced Power Engineering 2002, J.Lecomte-Beckers, M.Carton, F.Schubert and P.J.Ennis (Editors), Forschungszentrum Jülich 2002, Part 1, pp. 139-148.
D. W. Bale, M. Henderson, B. Dubiel, A. Czyrska-Filemonowicz, C. Guardamagna, P. Bontempi, P. Mulvihill, P. Lukáš, K. Obrtlík and H. Kolkman: The low cycle fatigue behaviour of as cast single crystals CM186LC, in: Materials for Advanced Power Engineering 2002, J.Lecomte-Beckers, M.Carton, F.Schubert and P.J.Ennis (Editors), Forschungszentrum Jülich 2002, Part 1, pp. 149-158.
2001 KUNZ L, LUKÁŠ P, OBRTLÍK K: Microstructure of CMSX-4 single crystals after creep and fatigue. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 7 (2001) 409–413.
L. Kunz, P. Lukáš and K. Obrtlík: Microstructure of CMSX-4 single crystals after creep and fatigue, Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. 7, 2001, pp. 409-413.
L. Kunz, P. Lukáš, B. Weiss, D. Melisova: Effect of loading history on cyclic stress-strain response, Mat.Sci.Eng., Vol. A314, 2001, pp. 1-6.
L. Kunz and P.Lukáš: Cyclic stress-strain behavior of 9%Cr-1%Mo steel at positive mean stress, ICSMA-12, Mat.Sci.Eng., Vol. A319-321, 2001, pp. 555-558.
P. Lukáš, P. Preclík and J. Čadek: Notch effects on creep behaviour of CMSX-4 superalloy single crystals, Mat.Sci.Eng., Vol. A298, 2001, pp. 84-89.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz: Cyclic slip localisation and fatigue crack initiation in fcc single crystals, Mat.Sci.Eng., Vol. A314, 2001, pp. 75-80.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz: Specific features of high-cycle and ultra-high-cycle fatigue. In: Fatigue in the Very High Cycle Regime, S. Stanzl-Tschegg and H. Mayer (eds.), Institute of Meteorology and Physics, Vienna, 2001, pp. 23-33.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz: Fatigue crack initiation in fcc single crystals. In: Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture, University of Technology, Brno, 2001, 263-271 (CD-ROM).
P. Preclík, P. Lukáš and J. Čadek: The effect of notches on high temperature creep behaviour of CMSX-4 superalloy single crystals. In: Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture, University of Technology, Brno, 2001, 379-386 (CD-ROM).
P. Lukáš: Fatigue Crack Initiation mechanisms. In: Buschow K H J, Cahn R W, Flemings M C, Ilschner B, Kramer E J, Mahajan S (eds.) Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2001, pp. 2885-2894.
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11. 11. 2009 |