Československo na rozhraní dvou epoch nesvobody [Czechoslovakia at the Turn of Two Eras of Submission]

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Proceedings of a Conference Held on the Occasion of the End of the Second World War

Kokošková, Z., Kocian, J., Kokoška, S. (eds.). Published jointly by the National Archives and the Institute of Contemporary History of the Academy of Science. Prague, 2005, 420 pp.

Contains papers delivered during the aforementioned conference held on May 24-25, 2005. Editors submitted 50 papers in all. Contents are divided according to themes within sections mirroring the dilemmatic character of 1945 that brought radical changes to the Czechoslovak state. The issues of foreign policy, the dynamics of changes in the new political system of the Republic and their consequences, the issues of the post-war migrations (in particular the eviction of the German ethnics), and the various forms of the social reflection of the war were investigated from four different viewpoints. It also contains biographical notes on authors and an English summary.


Demokratická revoluce 1989 Československo 1968.cz Němečtí odpůrci nacismu v Československu

Obrazové aktuality

Zahájení konference. Ředitelka Domu národnostních menšin Romana Hrabáková, velvyslankyně Lotyšské republiky v ČR Argita Daudze, Helena Nosková a Petr Bednařík z Ústavu pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, překladatel Šimon Dominik.
Prof. Leokadia Drobizheva z Ruské akademie věd.
Dr. Inese Runce z Lotyšské akademie věd.

1. mezinárodní vědecká konference "Menšiny, multikulturalita, vzdělávání", uskutečněná 19. listopadu 2009
