01 - 02 | 03 - 04 | 05
- 06 | 07 - 08 | 09 - 10 |
- 12
Autor |
Název |
Nakladatelství |
Rok vydání |
Signatura |
Skotheim, Terje A. |
Conjugated polymers . Vol.2 |
CRC, Taylor & Francis Group |
2007 |
38367 |
Skotheim, Terje A. |
Conjugated polymers . Vol.1 |
CRC, Taylor & Francis Group |
2007 |
38366 |
Huang, Leaf |
Non-viral vectors for gene therapy. |
Elsevier Academic Press |
2005 |
38363 |
Polymery 2002 |
Ústav makromolekulární
chemie Akademie věd České republiky |
2002 |
38359 |
Aufderstrasse, Hartmut |
Delfin |
Hueber |
2004 |
38362 |
Jakubka, Jaroslav |
Nový zákoník
práce |
2007 |
38360 |
Mayer, István |
Simple theorems, proofs, and derivations in quantum
chemistry |
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers |
2003 |
38365 |
Roman, Steven |
Programujeme makra ve Wordu |
Computer Press |
2000 |
38361 |
Schultz, Jerold M. |
Polymer crystallization |
Oxford University Press |
2001 |
38364 |
Autor |
Název |
Nakladatelství |
Rok vydání |
Signatura |
Klarer, Mario |
Působivá prezentace a přednáąka v
angličtině |
Grada |
2007 |
38369 |
Solórzano, Helen Sophia |
Northstar |
Pearson Longman in cooperation with ETS |
2006 |
38370 |
Braun, Dietrich |
Polymer synthesis :theory and practice : fundamentals,
methods, experiments |
Springer |
2005 |
38371 |
Sandler, Stanley R. |
Polymer synthesis and characterization :a laboratory
manual |
Academic Press (An imprint of Elsevier) |
1998 |
38372 |
Blümich, Bernhard |
Essential NMR for scientists and engineers |
Springer |
2005 |
38373 |
Sariciftci, Niyazi Serdar |
Organic photovoltaics :mechanism, materials, and
devices |
Taylor & Francis |
2005 |
38374 |
Li, Zhigang R. |
Organic light-emitting materials and devices |
CRC/Taylor & Francis |
2007 |
38375 |
Müllen, Klaus |
Organic light-emitting devices :synthesis, properties,
and applications |
Wiley-VCH |
2006 |
38376 |
Schätz, Miroslav |
Historie výuky chemie :osobnosti a
události |
Vysoká ąkola
chemicko-technologická |
2002 |
38377 |
Huff, H. R. |
High dielectric constant materials :VLSI MOSFET
applications |
Springer |
2005 |
38378 |
Howe, Stephen |
PhraseBook for Writing Papers and Research |
Whole World Company |
2002 |
38379 |
Autor |
Název |
Nakladatelství |
Rok vydání |
Signatura |
Bitto, Ondřej |
333 tipů a triků
pro maximální vyuľití
Internetu |
Computer Press |
2007 |
38380 |
Werner |
Proľité dějiny
:dvacáté století očima
německého fyzika |
Karolinum |
2006 |
38381 |
Troev, Kolio D. |
Chemistry and
application of H-phosphonates |
Elsevier |
2006 |
38382 |
Schwartz, Randal
L. |
Intermediate Perl |
O'Reilly |
2006 |
38383 |
Brabec, C. J. |
photovoltaics :concepts and
realization |
Springer |
2003 |
38384 |
Christopher W. |
:principles, measurements, and
applications |
Wiley-VCH |
1994 |
38385 |
Strobl, Gert, |
The physics of
polymers :concepts for
understanding their structures and behavior |
Springer |
2007 |
38386 |
Mindl, Jaromír |
chemický a
chemicko-technologický slovník =English-Czech dictionary
of chemistry
and chemical technology |
Pardubice |
2007 |
38387 |
Mindl, Jaromír |
chemický a
chemicko-technologický slovník =Czech-English dictionary
of chemistry
and chemical technology |
Pardubice |
2007 |
38388 |
American Society
for Testing and Materials. |
Manual on the use
of thermocouples in
temperature measurement |
1993 |
38390 |
Shalaev, Vladimir
M., |
with surface plasmons |
Elsevier |
2007 |
38391 |
Skotheim, Terje
A., |
polymers :theory, synthesis,
properties, and characterization |
CRC, Taylor &
Francis Group |
2007 |
38392 |
Lawson, Charles L. |
Solving least
squares problems |
1995 |
38393 |
Wolberg, John R. |
Data analysis
using the method of least
squares :extracting the most information from experiments |
Springer |
2006 |
38394 |
Kubínek, Roman, |
skenující sondou |
Univerzity Palackého |
2003 |
38395 |
Frantiąek, |
Učenci očima
kolegů a ľáků |
Academia |
2004 |
38396 |
Hlaváček, Ivan, |
Učenci očima
kolegů, ľáků a následovníků |
Academia |
2007 |
38397 |
Autor |
Název |
Nakladatelství |
Rok vydání |
Signatura |
Burnell, E. Elliott |
NMR of ordered liquids |
Kluwer Academic Publishers |
2003 |
38398 |
Baranovski, Sergei |
Charge transport in disordered solids with
applications in electronics |
Wiley |
2006 |
38399 |
Marek, Jiří |
Sensors for automotive applications |
Wiley-VCH |
2003 |
38400 |
Tschulena, G. R. |
Sensors in household appliances |
Wiley-VCH |
2003 |
38401 |
Fikr, Jaroslav |
Názvosloví organické chemie |
Rubico |
2002 |
38402 |
Matyjaszewski, Krysztof |
Macromolecular engineering :precise synthesis,
materials properties, applications, Vol. 1 |
Wiley-VCH |
2007 |
38403 |
Matyjaszewski, Krysztof |
Macromolecular engineering :precise synthesis,
materials properties, applications, Vol. 2 |
Wiley-VCH |
2007 |
38404 |
Matyjaszewski, Krysztof |
Macromolecular engineering :precise synthesis,
materials properties, applications, Vol. 3 |
Wiley-VCH |
2007 |
38405 |
Matyjaszewski, Krysztof |
Macromolecular engineering :precise synthesis,
materials properties, applications, Vol. 4 |
Wiley-VCH |
2007 |
38406 |
Bar-Cohen, Yoseph |
Smart structures and materials 1999 :electroactive
polymer actuators and devices : 1-2 March 1999, Newport Beach,
California |
1999 |
38407 |
Bar-Cohen, Yoseph |
Electroactive polymer (EAP) actuators as artificial
muscles :reality, potential, and challenges |
SPIE Press |
2004 |
38408 |
Schnabel, W. |
Polymers and light :fundamentals and technical
applications |
Wiley-VCH |
2007 |
38409 |
Martin, Jonathan W. |
Service life prediction :challenging the status quo |
Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology |
2005 |
38410 |
Singh, Jai |
Optical properties of condensed matter and
applications |
John Wiley |
2006 |
38411 |
Mindl, Jaromír |
Anglicko-český chemický a
chemicko-technologický slovník =English-Czech dictionary
of chemistry and chemical technology |
Univerzita Pardubice |
2007 |
38412 |
Mindl, Jaromír |
Česko-anglický chemický a
chemicko-technologický slovník =Czech-English dictionary
of chemistry and chemical technology |
Univerzita Pardubice |
2007 |
38414 |
Gaura, Elena |
Smart MEMS and sensor systems |
Imperial College Press |
2006 |
38416 |
Conway, B. E. |
Electrochemical supercapacitors :scientific
fundamentals and technological applications |
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers |
1999 |
38417 |
Kráčalíková, Kateřina |
Syntéza polymerních nosičů
obsahujících aktivní formy chelátů a
studium jejich vyuľití v chromatografii na
imobilizovaných kovových iontech :disertační
práce |
Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzity
Karlovy |
2007 |
38418 |
Ústav makromolekulární chemie
(Akademie ved CR) |
Nanostructured polymers and polymer nanocomposites
:46th microsymposium of P.M.M., 70th meeting of P.M.M. : Prague, 8-12
July 2007 : programme booklet / |
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. |
2007 |
38419 |
Ústav makromolekulární chemie
(Akademie ved CR) |
Advanced polymer materials for photonics and
electronics :Prague meetings on macromolecules : 47th microsymposium,
71st meeting : Prague, 15-19 July 2007 : programme booklet |
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. |
2007 |
38420 |
Sparks, Karen Jacobs |
Britannica book of the year 2007 |
Encyclopaedia Britannica |
2007 |
38421 |
Brook, Michael A. |
Silicon in organic, organometallic, and polymer
chemistry |
Wiley |
2000 |
38422 |
Hamilton, John F. |
Microscopy |
Wiley |
1991 |
38423 |
Welch, Michael J. |
Handbook of radiopharmaceuticals :radiochemistry and
applications |
Wiley |
2003 |
38424 |
Autor |
Název |
Nakladatelství |
Rok vydání |
Signatura |
Duan, Xue |
Layered double hydroxides |
Springer |
2005 |
38425 |
Bhagavan, N. V. |
Medical biochemistry |
Harcourt/Academic Press |
2002 |
38426 |
Kuchynka, Pavel |
Oční lékařství |
Praha |
2007 |
38427 |
Ratna, Debdatta |
Epoxy composites :impact resistance and
flame retardancy |
Rapra Technology |
2006 |
38428 |
Howl, John |
Peptide synthesis and applications |
Humana Press |
2005 |
38429 |
Rapra Technology Limited |
Nanopolymers 2007 :12th-13th June, Berlin,
Germany |
Rapra Technology |
2007 |
38430 |
Cunningham, Sarah |
New cutting edge :upper intermediate :
[with mini-dictionary] |
Pearson Education Ltd., Longman |
2005 |
38431 |
Comyns Carr, Jane |
New cutting edge :upper intermediate :
[with key] |
Pearson Education Ltd., Longman |
2005 |
38432 |
Rowe, David Michael |
Thermoelectrics handbook :macro to nano |
CRC/Taylor & Francis |
2006 |
38433 |
Höhne, Günther W.H. |
Differential scanning calorimetry |
Springer |
2003 |
38434 |
Berger, Stefan |
200 and more NMR experiments :a practical
course |
Wiley-VCH |
2004 |
38435 |
Yang, Peidong |
The chemistry of nanostructured materials |
World Scientific |
2003 |
38436 |
Trbuhović-Gjurić, Desanka |
Ve stínu Alberta Einsteina
:tragický ľivot Milevy Einsteinové-Marićové |
Academia |
2007 |
38437 |
Autor |
Název |
Nakladatelství |
Rok vydání |
Signatura |
Michaeli, Walter |
Training in plastics technology :a text and workbook |
Carl Hanser Verlag, Hanser Gardner Publications |
1995 |
38438 |
Sanderson, Mark R. |
Macromolecular crystallography :conventional and
high-throughput methods |
Oxford University Press |
2007 |
38439 |
Humlhans, Jan |
Zajímavá zapojení.
1.díl |
BEN - technická literatura |
2005 |
38440 |
Humlhans, Jan |
Zajímavá zapojení.
2.díl |
BEN - technická literatura |
2005 |
38441 |
Humlhans, Jan |
Zajímavá zapojení.
3.díl |
BEN - technická literatura |
2005 |
38442 |
Humlhans, Jan |
Zajímavá zapojení.
4.díl |
BEN - technická literatura |
2005 |
38443 |
Nelson, David L. |
Lehninger principles of biochemistry |
W.H. Freeman and Company |
2005 |
38444 |
Bhattacharya, Sati N. |
Polymeric nanocomposites :theory and practice |
Carl Hanser Publishers |
2007 |
38445 |
Kotsilkova, Rumiana |
Thermoset nanocomposites for engineering applications |
Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. |
2007 |
38446 |
Press, William H. |
Numerical recipes :the art of scientific computing |
Cambridge University Press |
2007 |
38447 |
Everall, Neil J. |
Vibrational spectroscopy of polymers :principles and
practice |
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. |
2007 |
38448 |
Kubínek, Roman |
Mikroskopie skenující sondou |
Vydavatelství Univerzity
Palackého |
2003 |
38449 |
Xanthos, Marino |
Functional fillers for plastics |
Wiley-VCH |
2005 |
38450 |
Cohen, E, Richard |
Quantities, units and symbols in physical chemistry
prepared for publication by E. Richard Cohen ... [et al.] |
Royal Society of Chemistry |
2007 |
38451 |
Han, Chang Dae |
Rheology and processing of polymeric materials. Vol. 1
Oxford University Press |
2007 |
38452 |
Han, Chang Dae |
Rheology and processing of polymeric materials. Vol. 2
Oxford University Press |
2007 |
38453 |