IMC Prague meetings on macromolecules
Heyrovského náměstí 2, 162 06 Praha 6, Czech Republic

General information

Program General information On arrival in Prague Next Symposium
Contemporary Ways to Tailor-made Polymers

PRAGUE,  July 18 - 22, 2010


Final Registration

Any person wishing to attend the Meeting (including invited speakers) must register through on-line form in due time.

Please note that the title of any contribution is to be definitive and identical with the summary heading (see Publication of Summaries). The summary of a contribution does not replace the final registration.

Registration fees

The fees can be paid in any convertible currency but the total must be equivalent to the sum specified in Euros (EUR):

Remittance of fees

Please order your bank to transfer the respective amount to the account:

Field Value Comment
Account name: Ustav makromolekulární chemie AV CR, Heyrovskeho nam. 2, 162 06 Praha 6  
For payments in CZK:

Account number in national format:
International Bank Account Number (IBAN):

CZ14 0300 0000 0004 7838 7443
For payments in EUR:

Account number in national format:
International Bank Account Number (IBAN):

CZ14 0300 0000 0009 0000 9633
Variable symbol:   Will be generated for each participant individually
Payment title: 355  
Bank: Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka (address: Na prikope 14, CZ-115 20 Praha 1, Czech Republic.)  
Bank Identifier Code (BIC). CEKOCZPP  

The P.M.M. Secretariat will acknowledge payments by mailing receipts.

The secretariat is able to accept mail order (MO) payments with embossed Eurocard/Mastercard or VISA cards. You have to print out a mail order (its generating is possible from the on-line registration form; blank mail orders are also available here in html, rtf, or pdf, but using of those generated during sending registration form is preferred), fully and correctly fill it, sign it and send to the address of the P.M.M. Secretariat. The receipt of payment will be confirmed. We note that the bank requires that the total amount to be paid must be indicated in Czech crowns; the price in Czech crowns appears on the registration form.The process of payment with cards is described on bank and commercial servers ( "Accepting payments", )

Remittance of fees is to be made in due. If a payment is recorded at the bank in Prague later (late payment), the higher rate of registration fees will come into effect and possible arrears will have to be cleared at the Registration Desk. On-site cash payment of a registration fee as a late payment may be accepted only exceptionally and after previous agreement of the Organizers; without such agreement, the applicant can not be included in the list of participants in the Programme Booklet.


Details about refunds in the event of cancellation of participation are given in second circulars of each event.

Accommodation in the student dormitory

hostels: Hostels of Czech Technical University: Masarykova kolej, Bubeneč ,...
Hostels of Charles University: Hvězda , Na Větrníku


See the general entry conditions on the official web of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs: List of the countries with visa-free regime at, list of Czech embassies at

IUPAC sponsorship implies that entry visas will be granted to all bona fide scientists, provided application is made not less than three months in advance. If the visa is not granted one month before the Meeting, the IUPAC Secretariat (phone: +1-919-4858 701, fax: +1-919-4858 706) should be immediately notified without delay by the applicant.


Participants are advised to arrange, prior to departure, health and travel insurances and whatever insurance they consider necessary. The registration fees do not include provision of any insurance. Neither organizing institutions nor their representatives assume responsibility or liability for personal accident and loss or damage to belongings however caused.