7 - 11 June, 2009
Prague Czech Republic |
Programme (PDF) | Abstracts (PDF) |
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Conference schedule |
Plenary & Keynote Lectures | Special Lectures | Poster Communications | Daily programme (PDF) |
Social programme |
Poster sessions will take place on Monday and Tuesday in the
PC01 |
V. Vasileva, V. Zabolotsky, A. Zhiltsova, O.
The oscillation of concentration field at the membrane-solution interface and transport mechanisms under overlimiting current density |
PC02 |
M. Kultys, S. Koter
Current voltage curves and the limiting current for the system: anion exchange membrane - acid and salt solutions |
PC03 |
N. Kononenko, N. Loza, S. Dolgopolov, M. Chernyaeva, S.
Timofeev, L. Bobrova
Characterization of the various modifications of perfluorinated sulphocationic MF-4SC membranes for fuel cells |
PC04 |
N. Kononenko, N. Berezina, N. Loza
Voltammetric characteristics of MF-4SC membrane, modified by polyaniline |
PC05 |
L. Brožová
Morphology and electrochemical properties of heterogeneous ion exchange membranes |
PC06 |
J. Kinčl, J. Cakl, R. Wakeman, H. Jiránková, P. Doleček
Characteristics of ion exchange and filtration process in the zeolite-enhanced membrane microfiltration |
PC07 |
J. Hnát, M. Paidar, K. Bouzek, J. Žitka, J. Schauer
Novel alkaline polymer electrolyte for electrolytic splitting of water |
PC08 |
S. Koter, B. Gilewicz-Łukasik, Gy. Karlovits
The application of electrochemical membrane reactor for hydrogenation of edible oils |
PC09 |
O.M. Kattan Readi, K. Nijmeijer, M. Wessling
Electrodialysis for the production of building blocks for chemicals from protein sources |
PC10 |
L. Diblíková, L. Čurda, K. Homolová
Electrodialysis in whey desalting process |
PC11 |
H. Bendová, Z. Palatý
Transport of sulphuric acid and cupric sulphate in continuous dialyzer |
PC12 |
M. Kultys, S. Koter
Current efficiency of removal of inorganic acids in an electrolyzer with anion exchange membrane |
PC13 |
L. Machuča, D. Tvrzník, A. Černín
Characteristics of EDRIII electrodialysis stack |
PC14 |
L. Yuan, G. Jonsson, J. Woodley, L. Korsholm, S.
Study of electro-membrane filtration in enzyme fractionation using amino acid |
PC15 |
L. Gasanova, M. Shalygin, R. Yastrebov, M. Modigell, V.
Recycling membrane contactor system for biohydrogen purification |
PC16 |
J. van Erkel
Catalytic membrane contactor/reactor (CMCR) for water treatment |
PC17 |
E. Konował, J. Sulej-Chojnacka, K. Prochaska
The influence of types of dual modified starches on the enzymatic hydrolysis in the continuous recycle membrane reactor |
PC18 |
S. Bánvölgyi, S. Bahceci, J. Acar, E. Békássy-Molnár,
G. Vatai
Utilization of the products from concentration of red wine by nanofiltration |
PC19 |
Z. Kovacs, L. Engel, K. Grau, T. Hahn, M. Ebrahimi, P.
Experimental and modeling study of fructooligosaccharides formation in continuous membrane reactors |
PC20 |
T. Hahn, Z. Kovacs, S. Schieber, K. Grau, H.J. Schmidt,
P. Czermak, M. Kraume
Continuous organic acid production in a membrane bioreactor with submerged ceramic flat membranes |
PC21 |
K. Bélafi-Bakó, E. Molnár, N. Nemestóthy
Application of electrodialysis for galacturonic acid recovery from agro-wastes |
PC22 |
K. Makovšek, M. Škerget, Ž. Knez, Z. Molnar, Gy. Vatai
Extraction and separation of valuable components from tangerine peels using membrane filtration |
PC23 |
V.P. Vasilevsky, E.G. Novitsky, V.V. Volkov
A research on membrane process of thermally stable salt removal from alkanolamine absorbent |
PC24 |
M. Kabsch-Korbutowicz, A. Urbanowska:
Application of ceramic ultrafiltration membrane in water treatment |
PC25 |
I. Vorotyntsev, P. Drozdov, V. Vorotyntsev
Gases high purification by membrane module with feeding reservoir on unsteady condition |
PC26 |
L.C. Juang, S.J. You
Performance evaluation of a sequencing batch membrane bioreactor with nutrient removal and bacterial |
PC27 |
J. van Erkel, R. Keulen, W. Steeghs
Emulsion pertraction for treatment of passivating bath |
PC28 |
P. Mikulášek, P. Velikovská
Influence of ionic strength and pH of dispersed systems on microfiltration |
PC29 |
N. Uzal, A. Jaworska, A. Miśkiewicz, G.
Zakrzewska-Trznadel, C. Cojocaru
Optimization of the process of removal of Co2+ ions from water soultions by application of soluble polymers as the complexing agents |
PC30 |
S. Alex, F. Biasotto, G. Borbely, E. Nagy
Zinc recovery using polymer filtration |
PC31 |
E. Puszczało, J. Bohdzieiwcz, A. Świerczyńska
Influence of percentage share of municipal landfil leachate in a mixture with synthetic wastewater on the effectiveness of a treatment process with use of membrane bioreactor |
PC32 |
A.A. Masalev, V.S. Khotimskiy, D. Roizard
Bromination and crosslinking of poly(vinyltrimethylsilane) |
PC33 |
M.M. Kardash, G.B. Aleksandrov
Structure and properties of membranes «POLYCON» |
PC34 |
Z. Pientka, G.A. Polotskaya, A.V. Penkova, A.M. Toikka
Polymer membranes modified by fullerene C60 for pervaporation of organic mixtures |
PC35 |
G. Tishchenko, J. Peter, E. Pavlová, J. Brus, M.
Netopilík, M. Pekárek, Z. Sedláková, E.Yu. Rosova, M. Smirnov, G.K.
Chitin whisker-reinforced chitosan films formed under applied electric field |
PC36 |
E. Fogarassy, E. Békássy-Molnár, G. Vatai
Refrigeration system for pilot scale membrane apparatuses and its application for juice concentration |
PC37 |
S. Claes, P. Vandezande, S. Mullens, R. Leysen, R.
Peeters, M.K. van Bael
The development of silica-filled thin film poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) membranes for organophilic pervaporation |
PC38 |
D.A. Fedosov, A.A. Nashirbaev, A.V. Smirnov, E.E.
Knyazeva, I.I. Ivanova, L.I. Trusov
Composite membrane material with selective NaA zeolite layer on flexible support |
PC39 |
A.Yu. Pulyalina, G.A. Polotskaya, I. Suschenko, T.K.
Meleshko, A.V. Yakimansky, A.M. Toikka
Pervaporation membranes based on composites of polyimide with polyaniline or its copolymer |
PC40 |
V. Vasileva, V. Nikonenko, V. Zabolotsky, N.
Zajchenko, O. Grigorchuk
Microrelief and roughness of ion exchange membranes studied by the tapping mode atomic force microscope |
PC41 |
P. Szewczykowski, G. Jonsson, R.H. Berg, M.E. Vigild,
S. Ndoni
Gyroid membranes made from nanoporous block copolymers |
PC42 |
J. Wolska, M. Bryjak, N. Kabay
Surface modification of VBC-s-DVB microspheres in preparation of sorbents for AMF process |
PC43 |
J. Wolska, M. Bryjak:
Membrane emulsification as the method for preparation of moleculary imprinted polymer microspheres |
PC44 |
N. Kononenko, A. Filippov, A. Yaskevich, V. Kasperchik
The modified ultrafiltration membranes and asymmetry of their transport properties |
PC45 |
I. Gaspar, A. Koris, E. Bekassy-Molnar, G. Vatai
A model for the microfiltration of whey with ceramic tube membranes |
PC47 |
J. Cuhorka, P. Mikulášek
Evaluation of nanofiltration for diafiltration of dyes solutions: Experimental observations and model verification |
PC48 |
A. Miśkiewicz, A. Jaworska, A. Dobrowolski, G.
Application of the tracer technique for evaluation of the flow structure in membrane modules |
PC49 |
S. Koter, B. Gilewicz-Lukasik, A. Nowaczyk, J. Nowaczyk
Do the molecular descriptors can be used for the prediction of retention in nonaqueous nanofiltration? |
PC50 |
O. Grigorchuk, V. Nikonenko, M. Metayer M., V.
Vasil'eva, V. Shaposhnik
Modelling of facilitated diffusion of amino acids in the solution/ ion exchange membrane system with non-conducting spacer |
PC51 |
E. Minko, M. Hauf, P. Sysel, K. Pilnáček, O. Vopička, V.
Hynek, M. Šípek, K. Friess
Comparison of transport properties of hyperbranched and linear polyimides |
PC52 |
K. Friess, M. Hendrichová, O. Vopička, V. Hynek, M.
Zgažar, M. Šípek
Coupling effect during vapour permeation of organic mixtures through polymeric membranes |
PC53 |
O. Vopička, V. Hynek, M. Zgažar, K. Friess, P. Izák
Sorption and permeation properties of ionic liquid-silicone blends for butanol vapours |
PC54 |
H. Jiránková, P. Doleček, J. Cakl
Hybrid membrane processes at water treatment |
PC55 |
W. Kujawski
Application of membrane separation processes in the production of bioethanol |
PC56 |
M. Staniszewski, W. Kujawski
Modeling of the kinetics of pervaporative recovery of ethanol from fermented broth with the use of the solution-diffusion theory |
PC57 |
N. Shojaikaveh, S.N. Ashrafizadeh, F. Mohammadi, A.
Development and comparison of non-parameter regression methods for prediction of cell voltage and current efficiency in a lab scale chlorine-alkali membrane cell |
PC58 |
A. Román, A. Matics, J. Csanádi, C. Hodúr, Gu. Vatai
Investigation of the effect of transmembrane pressure on separation of sweet whey by nanofiltration |
PC59 | M.G. Buonomenna, A. Figoli, D. Lipari, E. Drioli Adsorption of Cu(II) on chitosan membranes functionalized with D2HEPA |
PC60 |
H. Lee, Ch. Park, S. Lee, H. Lee, W.-Ch. Chang
Recovery and recycling of SF6 gases in microfiltration membranes |
PC61 |
E. Guler, E. Yavuz, M. Yuksel, U. Yuksel, N. Kabay
Long and short term performance tests for SWRO desalination plant at Urla Bay, Izmir |
PC62 |
B. Gilewicz-Łukasik, S. Koter Concentration of tomato extract by nanofiltration |
PC63 |
B. Major, K. Bélafi-Bakó, Zs. Csanadi, L. Gubicza
Pervaporation assisted synthesis of various flavour ester |
PC64 |
G.V. Semenov Vacuum sublimation dehydration and membrane technologies |
PC65 |
Sz. Kertész, S. Beszédes, Zs. László, G. Szabó, C. Hodúr Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis of pig manure: Comparison of results from vibratory and classical modules |
PC66 |
J. Llanos, Á. Pérez, M. Cabello, P. Cañizares Copper recovery by polymer supported ultrafiltration (PSU) at pilot scale |
PC67 |
M. Bryjak, T. Sardohan, E. Alkan Supported liquid membranes for removal of Cr(VI) ions |
PC68 |
M. Bryjak, I. Gancarz, J. Kunicki New generation of polymer separators in Ni-Cd high power batteries |
PC69 |
S. Miguel, M. Etxeberría, E. Fernández, P. Corengia,
A. García, A. Gutiérrez Composite polymeric membranes synthesis by plasma polimerization for gas separation |
PC70 |
M. Etxeberría, S. Miguel, E. Fernández, P. Corengia,
A. García Microwave plasma surface treatments on polysulfone gas separation membranes |
PC71 |
J. Sulej-Chojnacka, E. Konował, K. Prochaska Continous recycle membrane reactor for enzymatic hydrolysis of dual modified potato starch |
PC72 |
J. Marták, Š. Schlosser Mechanism of pertraction of butyric acid through liquid membrane with phosphonium ionic liquid |
PC73 |
A.A. Lysova, I.A.Stenina, A.B. Yaroslavtsev Ionic transport in composite membranes based on MF-4SC and polyaniline |
PC74 |
E.Yu. Voropaeva, I.A. Stenina, V.V. Volkov, A.B.
Yaroslavtsev Composite membranes based on MF-4SC incorporating inorganic nanoparticles |
PC75 |
G.J. Francisco, S. Cerneaux, S. Condom, M. Persin, E.
Prouzet, A. Larbot, E. Louradour, J.-P. Joulin Porous ceramic membranes designed for separation of CO2 |
PC76 |
E. Nagy Mass transport of binary mixture through inorganic, multi-layered membrane |
PC77 |
V. Tepliakov, V. Zhmakin, A. Fedotov, , M. Tsodikov, D.
Roizard, V. Korchak Conversion of biofermentation products using porous membrane-catalytic systems |
PC78 |
V.V. Tepliakov, A.E. Rogacheva, A.P. Kharitonov, D.A.
Syrtsova Gas permeability properties of modified membranes based on exfoliated graphite |
PC79 |
G. Lencová, V. Kysela, J. Vladařová The quality control of ion exchange membranes Ralex |
PC80 |
V. Kysela, H. Šímova, J. Křivčík Ion exchange membranes Ralex in the process of demineralization of whey |
PC81 |
L. Herudek Membrane processes in surface treatment applications |
PC82 |
L. Herudek PPG - surface treatment products for industrial applications |
PC83 |
L. Herudek Technologies for surface treatment |
Generated on 13.10.2009