two ways are suggested:
1. (red marked in the map above), take any tram (2 stops) or
any bus (1 stop) or walk eastward along the tram rails.
Walking or using bus, turn right at the post office; as well as
you pass the "dm market" building, go along the
building of the former windmill
Then continue along Na Větrníku street eastward to the next crossing (with Myslivečkova street, 200 m) and turn right into the abbey garden.
Go straight on down to the abbey buildings.
Behind the church, turn left and continue to the
prelature building as shown in the picture.
2. Alternative route - cyan marked in the map: Follow the high-voltage line through Zeyerova alej street to its end, after crossing the Ankarská street continue through Zvoníčkova street, which turns after 100 m to left. From the cemetery corner, walk through U Vojtěšky street along the cemetery wall as far as the entrance into archabbey.
take tram No 15, 22 or 25 (in the direction of BÍLÁ HORA or VYPICH) to the "Břevnovský klášter" stop. The abbey can be seen from the stop.