The MASARYKOVA Tourist Hotel*** and Student Hostel

Masaryk student dormitory

Thákurova 1, Praha 6 - Dejvice

For the map, see

Descriptions of the way: From Thákurova tram stop - From buses from the airport - From Metro through Evropská Street - From Metro through Zikova Street

From Thákurova tram stop:

Leave the tram at Thákurova stop, walk to lower (easter) end of platform, and turn left crossing the street.

Crossing Evropska x Thakurova

Continue along Thákurova Street as far as the entrance:

Entrance to Masaryk student hostel

From the stop of buses from the airport:

After leaving the bus No 119 at Dejvická terminus walk back to the last streetcrossing

Crossing Evropska x Thakurova

and cross the main street to the hostel.

From Metro through Evropská:

Exit the Metro to Evropská Street.

Evropska from Metro to Thakurova

Walk along the tram as far as Thákurova Street.

View of Masaryk student dormitory through the park

Turn right through the park to the entrance (see also above).

From Metro through Zikova Street

Use the exit in direction of Zikova - after 50 m turn left into Zikova Street.

Begin of the Zikova Street

Pass Zikova Street to its end.

Zikova Street

Then turn left into Thákurova Street.

End of Zikova Street

The hostel is at the next corner.


Dislocation of hotels and the Institute

Dislocation of hotels