To the Institute: Take tram 2 at
Vítězné náměstí in the direction of Petřiny as far
as the terminus (13 min, 5 km). You can also take tram No
8 from Lotyšská in the direction of Nádraží
Vysočany for 1 stop to Vítězné náměstí and change
for No 2 in the same direction. On Sunday, you have to
take tram 8 for 2 stops as far as Hradčanská and then
change for trams 1 or 18 in the opposite direction. Timetables:
from the hostel to the Institute:
from the Institute to the hostel:
From the airport: Take bus No 119 to
Dejvická terminus (21 min, 11 km), then either walk to
the hostel (700 m), or cross the place to the stop of
tram No 8 (300 m walk) and take it in the direction of
Podbaba for 1 stop to Lotyšská (500 m).
From railway stations:
There is a direct connection
from Vysočany railway station
(first stop of some trains from Warsaw) to
Lotyšská stop (tram No 8, 38 min, 11 km) and
from Bubeneč railway station to
Zelená stop (2 stops by bus 131, 700 m, 3 min).
If you travel from directions Munich or
Frankfurt/M via Pilsen, leave train at Praha-Smíchov
station and take tram No 20 in the direction of
Divoká Šárka as far as Vítězné náměstí
(23 min, 12 stops, 6 km).
From most other directions, leave the train at Praha
hlavní nádraží station, take Metro
in the direction of Háje for 1 stop to Museum
and change for green line A in the direction of
Dejvická (usually up to 15 min, 4 km).
If you train arrives in Prague at Praha-Holešovice
only, check the departure of the city train in
the direction of Praha-Bubeneč / Roztoky u Prahy
(not available on Saturday and Sunday).
If available, take it to Praha-Bubeneč
station (1 stop, 4 min, 2 km) and either
walk 500 m, or take bus 131 for 2 stops
(3 min, 700 m) as far as Zelená.
either take Metro in the
direction of Háje for 4 stops to
Museum and change for line A in
the direction of Dejvická (20
minutes and 7 km totally),
or take Metro in the direction of
Háje for 1 stop to Vltavská (2
min) and change for tram 26 in
the direction of Divoká Šárka
as far as Vítězné náměstí
(6 stops, 13 min, 4 km)
or take any of trams 12, 14, 15,
17 in the direction of
Sídliště Barrandov,
Sídliště Modřany, or Vypich
for 3 stops to Strossmayerovo
náměstí (5 min, 2 km) and
change either for tram 26 in the
direction of Divoká Šárka as
far as Vítězné náměstí (5
stops, 11 min, 3 km), or for
tram 8 in the direction of
Podbaba as far as Lotyšská (6
stops, 13 min, 4 km)
From the Florenc central coach station
(where most international buses arrive), take tram No 8
in the direction of Podbaba as far as Lotyšská
(10 stops, 22 min, 6 km).