common for all
P.M.M. events |
Invited main lectures and special lectures form the backbone of the scientific programme. Its length and number is set for each conference individually. If it is not specified else in the circulars for the specific event, following schedule is used:
The typical presentation time for each main
lecture is usually
40 min, additional 10 min is reserved for discussion. The
presentation time for each special communication (short lecture)
is 20 min, additional 5 minutes is reserved for discussion. One
or two poster sessions are usually arranged.Posters are to be
mounted in the morning on the day of the corresponding poster
session to be freely accessible to participants for preliminary
inspection. All sessions are held in the Institute of
Macromolecular Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic, Praha 6, Heyrovského nám.
Abstracts of main and special lectures and all registered poster communications will be published in the Programme Booklet provided that they have been registered, and their texts will have reached the P.M.M. Secretariat by in due (usually 30 April, check the circulars of the specific event). They can be sent on diskettes, by e-mail, or using upload through conference website (the upload form appears after sending the final registration form, if you indicate that you have a poster). Files in RTF (Rich Text Format) or Microsoft Word files are most suitable, PDF (Portable Document Format) files or common picture formats (e.g. GIF) with resolution 600 dpi can also be accepted. It is useful to use file names derived from the name of the participant (if you register with WWW form and upload your abstract, the file is renamed automatically).
The P.M.M. Secretariat will confirm the receipt of the summary of a registered poster communication. Summaries of unregistered participants will be neither confirmed nor published or returned.
Summaries, except for their headings, will
be printed without
Both main lectures and special lectures are usually published in renowned international journals. The journal is specified for each event in its second circular and programme booklet.