Full papers

Conference contributions

1995 - full papers

Valerián H., Brynda E., Nešpůrek S., Schnabel W.
The effect of polar additives on charge carrier transport in poly(silylenes).
J. Appl. Phys. 78 (1995) 6071-6078.

Böhm S., Adamec M., Nešpůrek S., Kuthan J.
Photocolouration of 2,4,4,6-tetraaryl-4H-pyrans and their heteroanalogues: Importance of hypervalent photoisomers.
Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 60 (1995) 1621-1633.

Kmínek I., Doskočilová D., Straka J., Nešpůrek S.
4-nitrophenylhydrazone of poly(4-formylstyrene).
Polym. Bull. 35 (1995) 315-321.

Ziolek L., Palewska K., Lipinski J., Sworakowski J., Nešpůrek S., Böhm S., Meister E. C.
Solvatochromic effect in a benzimidazole-based betaine: determination of the dipole moments and second-order hyperpolarizability.
Acta Phys. Pol. A 88 (1995) 283-293.

Eckhardt A., Herden V., Nešpůrek S., Schnabel W.
Photoconductivity of poly(methyl phenylsilylene) doped with dinitrobenzenes.
Philos. Mag. B 71, (1995) 239-248.

Pospíšil J.
Aromatic and heterocyclic amines in polymer stabilization.
Adv. Polym. Sci. 124 (1995) 87-189.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S.
Chain-breaking stabilizers in polymers: The current status.
Polym. Degrad.Stab. 49 (1995) 99-110.

Pospíšil J., Sitek F. A., Pfaender R.
Upgrading of recycled plastics by restabilization - an overview.
Polym. Degrad. Stab. 48 (1995) 351-358.

Menšík M.
Nonradiative recombination of a localized exciton.
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 7 (1995) 7349-7366.

1996 - full papers

Silinsh E. A., Nešpůrek S.
On the nature of charge carriers in low mobility organic solids.
Chem. listy 90 (1996) 43-51.

Schauer F., Nešpůrek S., Valerián H.
Space-charge-limited currents in amorphous semiconductors with correlated defects.
J. Appl. Phys. 79 (1996) 8427-8433.

Nešpůrek S., Cimrová V., Pfleger J., Kmínek I.
Free charge carrier formation in polymers under illumination.
Polymers for Advanced Technologies 7 (1996) 459-470.

Nešpůrek S.
Charge carrier photogeneration and transport in poly(methyl-phenylsilylene).
Macromol. Symp. 104 (1996) 285-302.

Schauer F., Nešpůrek S., Valerián H.
Temperature dependent space-charge-limited currents in amorphous and disordered semiconductors.
J. Appl. Phys. 80 (1996) 880-888.

Nešpůrek S.
Photoconductive polymers and their use in molecular devices.
In: NATO ASI Series, Photoactive Organic Materials (Eds. F. Kajzar et al.) Kluwer Academic Publishers (1996) 411-430.

Nešpůrek S., Kalvoda L., Machová L., Pfleger J., Stevens C. G.
Two conductive phases of 1,3-dimethylimidazolium - (TCNQ)2 complex salt.
Synth. Met. 82 (1996) 133-140.

Nešpůrek S., Kmínek I.
s -Conjugated molecular wires.
In: Metal/Nonmetal Microsystems: Physics, Technology and Applications (Eds. B. W. Licznerski, A. Dziedzic), Proc. SPIE 2780 (1996) 308-313.

Sworakowski J., Lipinski J., Ziolek L., Palewska K., Nešpůrek S.
Solvatochromism of a zwitterionic benzimidazole-based pyridinium betaine dye: UV-Vis spectroscopic measurements and quantum-chemical calculations.
J. Phys. Chem. 100 (1996) 12288-12294.

Ziolek L., Sworakowski J., Palewska K., Lipinski J., Nešpůrek S.
Dipole moments and second-order hyperpolarizabilities of imidazole-based betaines determined from the solvatochromic effect.
Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 283 (1996) 125-130.

Pospíšil J.
Activity mechanisms of amines in polymer stabilization.
In: Polymer Durability. Degradation, Stabilization, and Lifetime Prediction (Eds. R.L. Clough, N.C. Billingham, K.T. Gillen), Advances in Chemistry Series Vol. 249 ACS, Washington, DC (1996) 271-285.

Scheirs J., Pospíšil J., O'Connor M.J., Bigger S.W.
Characterization of conversion products formed during degradation of processing antioxidants. In: Polymer Durability. Degradation, Stabilization and Lifetime Prediction (Eds. R.L. Clough, N.C. Billingham, K.T. Gillen), Advances in Chemistry Series Vol. 249. ACS, Washington, DC (1996) 360-374.

Rosík L., Kovářová J., Pospíšil J.
Lifetime prediction of ABS polymers based on thermoanalytical data.
J. Thermal Anal. 46 (1996) 465-470.

Pospíšil J.
Plastics for material recycling and their upgrading by restabilization.
Chem. listy 33 (1996) 37-42.

Pospíšil J., Weideli H. J.
Environmental impacts associated with the application of radical-scavenging stabilizers in polymers.
Polym. Degrad.Stab. 52 (1996) 109-117.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S., Zweifel H.
The role of quinone methides in thermostabilization of hydrocarbon polymers I.Formation and reactivity of quinone methides.
Polym. Degrad. Stab. 54 (1996) 7-14.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S., Zweifel H.
The role of quinone methides in thermostabilization of hydrocarbon polymers II. Properties and activity mechanisms.
Polym. Degrad. Stab. 54 (1996) 15-21.

Pfleger J., Nešpůrek S., Vohlídal J.
Photoelectrical properties of polyacetylenes.
Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics 6 (1996) 325-329.

Menšík M.
Nonradiative recombination of exciton in solids.
J. Lum. 65 (1996) 349-354.

Toman P., Pajasová L., Chvostová D., Pospíšil J.
Electronic properties of ladder-like forms of conjugated polymers.
Proc. of SPIE 2780 (1996) 318-321.

1997 - full papers

Nešpůrek S., Menšík M.
Photoconductivity of polymers: Influence of the photoinduced charge transfer.
In: Electrical and Related Properties of Organic Solids (Eds. R. W. Munn et al.) NATO ASI series (1997) 39-53.

Schauer F., Novotný R., Nešpůrek S.
Space-charge-limited current spectroscopy: Possibilities and limitations.
J. Appl. Phys. 81 (1997) 1244-1249.

Schauer F., Handlíř R., Nešpůrek S.
Space-charge-limited post transit currents spectroscopy in poly(methylphenylsilylene).
Adv. Mat. for Optics and Electronics 7 (1997) 61-65.

Nešpůrek S.
Electrically and optically active polymers - perspective materials for electronics.
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society.
J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 62 (10) (1997) 915-943.

Nešpůrek S.
Photoconductivity in polymers.
In: Polymers and Organic Solids (Eds. Lianghe Shi, Daobeu Zhu) Science press, Beijing (1997) 245-262.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S.
Highlights in chemistry and physics of polymer stabilization.
Macromol. Symp. 115 (1997) 143-163.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S., Pfaender R., Zweifel H.
Material recycling of plastics waste for demanding applications: upgrading by restabilization and compatibilization.
Trends Polym. Sci. 5 (1997) 294-300.

Pospíšil J., Horák Z., Nešpůrek S.
Upgrading of recycled plastics by compatibilization.
Plasty Kauc. 34 (1997) 68-71.

Pospíšil J., Rosík L., Nešpůrek S.
Mechanism of oxidative degradation of styrene based plastics.
Plasty Kauc. 34 (1997) 324-328.

Pospíšil J., Honskus J., Fä hnrich J., Hlídek P., Toman P.
Optical and electrical properties of poly(p-phenylene vinylene) light emitting diodes.
J. Lumin. 72-74 (1997) 522-523.

Sedláček J., Vohlídal J., Pacovská M., Lavastre O., Dixneuf P.H., Balcar H. and Pfleger J. Poly(p-iodophenylacetylene): Synthesis, characterization.
Polymer Stability and Photoelectrical Properties; Polymer 38, 13 (1997) 3359-3367.

Wong C.K.H., Chan Y.C., Pfleger J., Lam Y.W.
Fatique in hydrazone-based xerographic photoreceptors: Effect of ultraviolet irradiation.
J. Mater. Res. 12, 1 (1997) 106 -112.

1998 - full papers

Sworakowski J., Nešpůrek S.
Contribution of dipolar species to the formation of local states for charge carriers in molecular materials.
Polish J. Chem. 72 (1998) 163-171.

Nešpůrek S., Herden V., Eckhardt A., Schnabel W.
Photo-induced charge transfer in poly(methyl-phenylsilylene).
Czech J. Phys. 48 (1998) 477-485.

Sworakowski J., Nešpůrek S., Bertault M.
Thermally stimulated technique employed to reactions in polycrystalline photochromic systems.
Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 313 (1998) 199-204.

Kadashchuk A., Ostapenko N., Zaika V., Nešpůrek S.
Low-temperature thermoluminescence in poly(methyl-phenylsilylene).
Chem. Phys. 234 (1998) 285-296.

Handlíř R., Schauer F., Nešpůrek S., Kuřitka I., Weiter M., Schauer P.
Metastable states in poly(methylphenylsilylene) induced by UV radiation and electron beam.
J. Non-Crystal. Solids 227-230 (1998) 669.

Kroulík J., Chadim M., Polášek M., Nešpůrek S., Kuthan J.
Synthesis of some new functionalized 2,4,4,6-tetraphenyl-4H-thiopyrans and study on their photocolouration.
Coll. Czech. Chem. 63 (1998) 662-680.

Sworakowski J., Nešpůrek S.
"Fractional heating" differential scanning calorimetry: a tool to study energetics and kinetics of solid-state reactions in photoactive systems with distributed parameters.
Chem. Phys. 238 (1998) 343-351.

Sworakowski j., Lipinski J., Palewska K., Nešpůrek S., Ziolek L.
Effect of the substituents on the solvatochromic behaviour of benzimidazole-based betaine dyes.
J. Mol. Structure 471 (1998) 27-35.

Sworakowski J., Nešpůrek S.
A straight forward method of analysis of first-order processes with distributed parameters.
Chem. Phys. Lett. 298 (1998) 21-26.

Nešpůrek S., Kadashchuk A., Ostapenko N., Zaika V.
Relation between thermoluminescence and charge transport in polysilylenes.
Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 324 (1998) 95-100.

Pospíšil J.
Antioxidants: hindered phenols.
In: Plastics Additives. An A-Z reference (Ed. G. Pritchard) Chapman and Hall, London (1998) 73-79.

Kruliš Z., Horák Z., Lednický F., Pospíšil J., Sufčák M.
Reactive compatibilization of polyolefins using liquid polybutadiene.
Angew. Makromol. Chem. 258 (1998) 63-68.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S., Osawa Z., Kuroda, Shin-ichi, Habicher W.
Optimization of polymer stabilization through a proper exploitation of stabilizer inherent chemical efficiency.
In: Book of Papers, Addcon World ’98, (Additives for the New Millenium), RAPRA Technology, Shawbury (1998) 9/1-9/15.

Pospíšil J., Horák Z., Kruliš Z., Nešpůrek S.
The origin and role of structural inhomogeneities and impurities in material recycling of plastics.
Macromol. Symp. 135 (1998) 247-263.

Sedláček J., Vohlídal J., Cabioch S., Lavastre O., Dixneuf P.H., Balcar H., Štícha M.,
Pfleger J., Blechta V.
Polymerization of p-nitrophenylacetylene by metathesis catalysts. Photoelectrical properties of phenylacetylene/p-nitrophenylacetylene copolymer.
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 199 (1998) 155-161.

Menšík M.
Model of the photogeneration of free charge carriers in poly(N-vinylcarbazole).
Polym. Adv. Technol. 9 (1998) 1-6.

Menšík M.
Model of free charge generation in polymers.
Czech. J. Phys. 48 (1998) 469-475.

Menšík M., Nešpůrek S.
Phonon induced exciton decay.
Mol. Liq. Cryst., 324 (1998) 131-136.

Toman P., Skála L., Pospíšil J.
Conformational properties of poly(p-phenylene vinylene).
Czech. J. Phys. 48 (4) (1998) 507-511.

Toman P., Skála L., Pospíšil J.
Quantum mechanical calculations of electronic-conformational defects in phenylene vinylene oligomers.
Vacuum 50(1-2), (1998) ) 223-226.

Toman P., Skála L., Pospíšil J.
Conformational properties of quasiparticles in poly(p-phenylene vinylene).
Adv. Mater. Opt. Electron. 8 (1998) 111-119.

1999 - full papers

Lewanowicz A., Lipinski J., Nešpůrek S., Olszowski A., Sliwinska E., Sworakowski J.
Photochromic activity of dihydropyridine derivatives: energetics and kinetics of photochemically driven reactions in polycrystalline 1-methyl-2,4,4,6-tetraphenyl-1,4-dihydropyridine.
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chemistry 121 (1999) 125-132.

Navrátil K., Šik J., Humlíček J., Nešpůrek S.
Optical properties of thin-film of poly(methyl-phenylsilylene).
Optical Materials 12 (1999) 105-113.

Nešpůrek S.
Poly(organylsilylene)s-perspective materials for optoelectronics.
Czech. J. Phys. 49 (1999) 859-870.

Pospíšil J., Horák Z., Kruliš Z., Nešpůrek S.
Degradation and aging of polymer blends. Part 1. Thermomechanical and thermal degradation
Polym. Degrad. Stab. 65 (1999) 405-414.

Laštůvková H., Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S., Bandlitz S.,Habicher W. D.
Potentials of photostabilizers in polymeric contact lenses.
Polym. & Polym. Composit. 7 (1999) 165-176.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S., Zweifel H.
Formation and role of conjugated cyclic dienones in polymer stabilization.
In: Chemistry and Technology of Polymer Additives (Eds. S. Al-Malaika, A. Golovoy, C. Wilkie) Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford (1999) Chap.3, 6-61.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S.
Highlights in the inherent chemical activity of polymer stabilizers.
In: Handbook of Polymer Degradation (Ed. S. H. Hamid), M. Dekker, New York, 2nd Edition, Revised and Expanded (1999) 187-272.

Toman P., Skála L., Pospíšil J.
Quantum Mechanical Study of the Quasiparticles in poly(p-phenylene vinylene).
Bull. Soc. Sci. Lett. Łódź 49 (1999) 55-64.

1995 - Conference contributions

Nešpůrek S., Brynda E., Pfleger J., Valerián H.
Contribution of dipolar species to the formation of local states for charge carriers.
Minisymposium “Optical and Electrical Properties of Organic Solids”, Praha, 1995.

Schauer F., Nešpůrek S.
Trap spectroscopy in solids using space charge limited currents.
Minisymposium “Optical and Electrical Properties of Organic Solids”, Praha, 1995.

Nešpůrek S., Pfleger J., Brynda E., Kmínek I.
Organopolysilylenes and their electronic properties.
10th European Microelectronics Conference, Copenhagen, 1995.

Nešpůrek S., Cimrová V., Pfleger J., Kmínek I.
Free charge carrier formation in polymers under illumination.
PAT ’95 3rd International Symposium on “Polymers for advanced technologies”, Pisa, 1995.

Nešpůrek S.
Photoconductive polymers and their use in molecular devices.
NATO Advanced Research Workshop ”Photoactive Organic Materials: Science and Applications”, Avignon, 1995.

Nešpůrek S.
Electrical and photoelectrical properties of polysilylenes.
IUPAC Symposium on Polymer Morphology and Electrical Properties, Lodz, 1995.

Kalvoda L., Nešpůrek S., Pfleger J., Machová L., Adamec M.
Structural reason for the conductivity enhancement observed in polymeric films reticularly doped with dimethylimidazolium - TCNQ complex salt.
Minisymposium “Optical and Electrical Properties of Organic Solids” Praha, 1995.

Křivka I., Prokeš J., Kužel R., Stejskal J., Nešpůrek S., Kratochvíl P.
Composites based on conducting polymer.
10th European Microelectronics Conference, Copenhagen, 1995.

Nešpůrek S., Kmínek I.
s -Conjugated molecular wires.
EPMS 1995: The 5th International Workshop, Polanica Zdroj, 1995.

Křivka I., Kužel R., Prokeš J., Stejskal J., Nešpůrek S., Kratochvíl P.
Conducting polymers based on polyaniline and their perspectives in microelectronics.
23rd International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL-SD ’95, Terme Čatež, 1995.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S., Zweifel H., Habicher W., Scheim K.
Cooperative interactions in stabilizer combinations in polymers.
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Long-term Performance Issues in Polymers, Boston, 1995.

Pospíšil J.
Processes affecting the long-term performance of polymers.
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Long-term Performance Issues in Polymers, Boston, 1995.

Pospíšil J.
Recent highlights in polymer stabilization mechanisms.
3rd Arab International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology, Cairo, 1995.

Pospíšil J.
Chain-breaking antioxidants in polymer stabilization, the current status.
37th International Conference on Petroleum, Bratislava, 1995.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S., Zweifel H.
The role of quinone methides in thermostabilization of hydrocarbon poplymers.
20th Conference, Degradation Discussion Group, Macromolecular Group of the Royal Chemical Society, Glasgow, 1995.

Nešpůrek S., Pfleger J., Brynda E., Kmínek I.
Organopolysilylenes and Their Electronic Properties; Procceedings of 10th European Microelectronics Conference, Copenhagen, 1995.

1996 - Conference contributions

Sworakowski J., Nešpůrek S., Bertault M.
Energetics of photochromic processes studied by the differential scanning calorimetry.
ECME 96, Third European Conference on Molecular Electronic, Leuven, 1996.

Kmínek I., Kalvoda L., Nešpůrek S.:
Ethyl-4-nitrophenylhydrazone of poly(4-formylstyrene) (PFSN) as a novel polymer for electrooptical application.
Emil-Warburg-Symposium, Electro-Optical Properties of Polymers and Related Subjects, Bayreuth, 1996.

Nešpůrek S., Menšík M.
Photoconductivity of polymers: Influence of the photoinduced charge transfer.
ERPOS-7, Polanica Zdroj, 1996.

Nešpůrek S.
Electrical and photoelectrical properties of polymers.
XII Yugoslav Symposium on the Chemistry and Technology of Macromolecules, Herceg Novi, 1996.

Nešpůrek S.
Photoinduced electron transfer and photoconductivity in polymers.
WORKSHOP on Photochemical and Photophysical Kinetics and Time-resolved Spectroscopy,
Praha, 1996.

Kalvoda L., Machová L., Nešpůrek S., Pfleger J.
Structural reasons for an enhancement of electric conductivity in polymer films
reticulate-doped with TCNQ2/DMI radical salt.
ERPOS-7, Polanica Zdroj, 1996.

Schauer F., Handlíř R., Nešpůrek S.
Space-charge-limited post-transit-currents spectroscopy in poly(methyl-phenylsilylene).
ERPOS-7, Polanica Zdroj, 1996.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S.
Highlights and prospects in chemistry and physics of polymer stabilization.
11th IUPAC Internation Conference on Polymers “Thermal and Photo-induced Oxidation of Polymers and its Inhibition”, Stará Lesná , 1996.

Pfleger J., Nešpůrek S. and Vohlídal J.
Photoelectrical properties of substituted polyacetylenes.
ERPOS-7, Polanica Zdroj, 1996.

Kalvoda L., Machová L., Nešpůrek S. Pfleger J.
Structural reasons for an enhancement of electric conductivity in polymer films reticulate doped with TCNQ2/DMI radical salt.
ERPOS-7, Polanica Zdroj, 1996.

Pfleger J.
Photoelectrical properties of substituted polyacetylenes
Emil-Warburg-Symposium on Electro-Optical Properties of Polymers and Related Subjects, Bayreuth, 1996.

Pfleger J., Nešpůrek S., Jossifov Ch. and Vohlídal J.
Electrical and photoelectrical properties of poly(diphenylacetylene)s.
Procceedings of 9th International Symposium on Electrets, Shanghai, 1996.

Vohlídal J., Lavastre O., Dixneuf P., Sedláček J., Pacovská M., Pfleger J., Blechta V.
Preparation and properties of some new ring-substituted polyphenylacetylenes.
Journeés Scientifiques ”Polymers”, Université Rennes 1, 1996.

Vohlídal J., Sedláček J., Balcar H., Lavastre O., Pacovská M., Pfleger J., Dixneuf P.
Polymerization of ring-iodinated phenylacetylenes by mo- and w- based metathesis catalysts.
XXVIII Symposium on Catalysis, Praha, 1996.

Pfleger J., Nešpůrek S., Josifov Ch., Vohlídal J.
Electrical and photoelectrical properties of poly(diphenylacetylene)s.
ISE 9, Shanghai, 1996.

Pfleger J., Nešpůrek S., Vohlídal J.
Photoelectrical properties of substituted polyacetylenes.
ERPOS-7, Polanica Zdroj, 1996.

1997 - Conference contributions

Nešpůrek S., Maruyama Y., Inokuchi H.
Photoconductivity in organic materials: molecular crystals, mixed stack donor: acceptor crystals tetrathiafulvalene/p-chloranil, and polymers.
Japan-Czech Joint Symposium on Molecular Science and Molecular Materials,Okazaki, 1997.

Sworakowski J., Nešpůrek S., Bertault M.
Photochromism of dihydropyridine derivatives studied by calorimetric and spectroscopic methods.
XVIIIth International Conference on Photochemistry, Varšava, 1997.

Handlíř R., Nešpůrek S., Schauer F.
Metastable states in poly(methylsilylene) induced by UV radiation and electron beam.
17th International Conference on Amorphous Semiconductors Science and Technology, Budapest, 1997.

Nešpůrek S., Herden V., Eckhardt A., Schnabel W.
Photoinduced charge transfer in poly(silylenes).
Czech - Israeli - German Symposium: Dynamical processes in condensed molecular systems, Prague, 1997.

Nešpůrek S.
Localized electronic states in polymers and their participation in the charge carrier transport.
5th International Plastics, Rubber & Equipment Fair, BEPLAST’97 World of polymers, Belgrade, 1997.

Nešpůrek S.
Charge-carrier traps in polymers.
Fourth International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies PAT’97,Leipzig, 1997.

Sworakowski J., Nešpůrek S., Bertault M.
Thermally stimulated technique employed to reactions in polycrystalline photochromic systems.
ICCOSS XIII, 13th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State, Long Island, New York, 1997.

Sworakowski J., Bertault M., Nešpůrek S.
Non-isothermal study of photochromic reactions in dihydropyridine and thiopyrane derivatives.
ECME 97, 4th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, Cambridge, 1997.

Nešpůrek S.
Charge carrier trapping phenomena in polymers.
Festcolloquium, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, 1997.

Pospíšil J., Gijsman P.
Stabilization and degradation of polymers (relation between industrial problems and chemical changes).
International Polymer Institute, Leuven , 1997.

Pospíšil J.
Photodegradation and photostabilization of polymers.
3rd Seminar “Physics and chemistry of molecular systems”, Brno, 1997.

Pospíšil J., Horá k Z., Nešpůrek S.
The origin and role of structural inhomogeneities and impurities in material recycling of the plastic waste.
38th Microsymposium “Recycling of Polymers”, Prague, 1997.

Pfleger J., Nešpůrek S., Lavastre O., Vohlídal J., Sedláček J.
Influence of acceptor substituents on photoelectrical properties of poly(phenylacetylene).
Fourth International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Leipzig, 1997.

1998 - Conference contributions

Nešpůrek S.
Polysilylenes - perspective electroactive polymers.
COST 518, Molecular Materials and Functional Polymers for Advanced Devices, Workshop,
Bratislava, 1998.

Nešpůrek S., Kadashchuk A.
Charge carrier transport in polysilylenes.
II International Workshop-Conference, Kiev, 1998.

Nešpůrek S.
Thin polysilylene films. Their electronic and photoelectrical properties.
7th European Conference on Organised Films, ECOF7, Potsdam, 1998.

Nešpůrek S.
Polysilylenes - perspective materials for optoelectronics.
Czech-Chinese Workshop, Prague, 1998.

Nešpůrek S.
Excitonic interactions in organics.
2nd Workshop on photochemical/physical kinetics and time-resolved spectroscopy, Prague, 1998.

Nešpůrek S.
Polysilylenes: Charge carrier photogeneration and transport.
Gordon Conference Electronic Processes in Organic Materials, Newport, Rhode Island, 1998.

Kadashchuk A., Nešpůrek S.
Thermoluminescence and charge carrier transport in poly(methyl-phenylsilylene).
Gordon Conference Electronic Processes in Organic Materials, Newport, Rhode Island, 1998.

Nešpůrek S., Schauer F., Handlíř R., Kadashchuk A.
Metastable electronic states in poly(methyl-phenylsilylene).
Fifth International Conference on Dielectric and Related Phenomena DRP '98, Bielsko-Biala, 1998.

Kadashchuk A., Ostapenko N., Zaika V., Nešpůrek S.
Thermoluminescence study of poly(methyl-phenylsilylene).
Fifth International Conference on Dielectric and Related Phenomena DRP '98, Bielsko-Biala, 1998.

Nešpůrek S.
Poly(organosilane)s: Charge carrier photogeneration and transport.
Korean Czech Joint Symposium on Macromolecular Chemistry, Prague, 1998.

Nešpůrek S.
Poly(organylsilylene)s-perspective materials for optoelectronics.
Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics, AMFO '98, Prague, 1998.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S., Zweifel H.
Formation and role of conjugated cyclic dienones in polymer stabilization.
7th International Conference “Additives Strategies and Innovations for Value-Added Polymers”, Orlando, 1998.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S.
Developments in exploitation of the inherent chemical efficiency of antioxidants and photostabilizers.
20th Colloquium of Danubian Countries “Aging of Polymers”, Budapest, 1998.

Pospíšil J., Horák Z., Nešpůrek S.
Formation of impurities during the plastics first life and their effect on material properties of the plastics recyclate.
20th Colloquium of Danubian Countries “Aging of Polymers”, Budapest, 1998.

Pospíšil J.
Activity mechanisms of absorbers of UV radiation in polymer stabilization.
4th Seminar “Physics and Chemistry of Molecular systems”, Brno, 1998.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S., Osawa Z., Kuroda S-I., Habicher W. D.
Optimisation of polymer stabilization through a proper exploitation of stabilizaer inherent chemical efficieny.
International Plastics Additives and Modifiers Conference Addcon World’98, London, 1998.

Pfleger J., Vohlidal J., Sedláček J., Lavastre O., Dixneuf P.H.
Electronic processes in poly(phenylacetylene) with electron accepting or donating pendant groups. Symposium on Conjugated Polymers, Rennes, 1998.

Pfleger J.
Charge photogeneration in substituted polyacetylenes.
Korean Czech Joint Symposium on Macromolecular Chemistry; Prague, 1998.

Pfleger J., Nešpůrek S., Vohlídal J., Sedláček J., Lavastre O., Dixneuf P.H.
Effect of ring substitution on photoelectrical properties of poly(phenylacetylene).
37th International IUPAC Symposium on Macromolecules, Gold Coast, 1998.

Menšík M., Nešpůrek S.
Phonon induced exciton decay.
II. International Workshop-Conference, Kiev, 1998.

1999 - Conference contributions

Nešpůrek S.
Molecular electrets based on photoinduced charge transfer in poly[methyl(phenyl)silylene].
Nano-molecular Electronics Meeting '99, Kobe, 1999.

Nešpůrek S.
Photoconductivity and photovoltaics in polymers.
The 5th International Conference on Solar Energy Storage and Applied Photochemistry, Cairo, 1999.

Schauer F., Nešpůrek S.
Vacuum and plasma deposition of functional molecular materials - electronic structure, transport and luminescence.
First Working Group 2 Meeting "Molecular Materials".Second Symposium on Phthalocyanines and Related Compounds in Madrid, Madrid, 1999.

Nešpůrek S., Herden V., Kunst M., Schnabel W.
Microwave photoconductivity and polaron pair formation in poly[methyl(phenyl)silylene].
Conference Electrical and Related Properties of Organic Solids, ERPOS-8, Sklarska Poreba, 1999.

Nešpůrek S.
Liquid crystal alignment on photoinduced nanoelectret field in poly[methyl(phenyl)silylene] film.
9th International Conference on Unconventional Photoactive Systems. UPS '99, Würzburg, 1999.

Nešpůrek S., Dyadyusha A., Kadashchuk A., Reznikov Y.
Photo- and electroresponsive poly[methyl(phenyl)silylene] films.
The 2nd Chinese-Czech Symposium on Advanced Materials and Devices for Optoelectronics, Beijing, 1999.

Nešpůrek S.
Photochromism in dihydropyridines, pyrans, thiopyrans and selenopyrans.
NATO Advanced research workshop: Multiphoton and light driven multielectron processes in organic: Materials, phenomena, applications, Menton, 1999.

Čech V., Horváth P., Jančář J., Schauer F., Nešpůrek S.
Characterization of poly(methylphenylsilane) prepared by plasma polymerization.
7th POLYCHAR, Denton, 1999.

Horváth P., Salyk O., Kuřitka I., Krčma F., Schauer F., Nešpůrek S.
Plasmatic and evaporated polysilylenes, A general approach, in Proc. of 12th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes, Liptovský Ján, 1999.

Jivkov I., Nedkov T., Nešpůrek S., Danev G., Schauer F.
Space charge effects in phthalocyanine films.
Eleventh International School VEIT '99, Varna, 1999.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S., Horák Z., Rosík L.
Degradation mechanisms of styrene-based thermoplastic materials.
21st Colloquium of Danubian Countries and 18th International H. F. Mark Symposium “Long-Term Properties of Plastics and Plastic Materials”, Vienna, 1999.

Pospíšil J., Habicher W.D., Nešpůrek S.
Aminic antidegradants. Discolouring transformation products as active components.
International Rubber Chemicals and Compounding Conference Rubber Chem ’99, Antwerp, 1999.

Pospíšil J., Habicher W.D., Nešpůrek S.
Complexity of the performance and mechanisms of trivalent phosphorus-containing additives in polymer stabilization.
International Plastics Additives and Modifiers Conference Addon World ’99, Prague, 1999.

Pospíšil J., Nešpůrek S.
Light stabilizers enhancing outdoor service life of coatings.
2nd International Symposiuim “Service Life Prediction Methodology and Metrologies”, Monterey, 1999.

Pfleger J., Nešpůrek S., Vohlídal J.
Photoconductivity in polyacetylenes containing rigid rod conjugated side groups.
Conference Electrical and Related Properties of Organic Solids, ERPOS-8, Sklarska Poreba, 1999.

Menšík M., Nešpůrek S.
Quadratic coupling in exciton-phonon interaction.
Conference Electrical and Related Properties of Organic Solids, ERPOS-8, Sklarska Poreba, 1999.