Transgenoze a reverzní genetika
Agrobakterium a
jeho využití při transformaci rostlin, interakce
rostlinné buňky s patogenem, přenos T-DNA a integrace do
genomu, integrace jiných DNA elementů do genomu – direct
gene transfer, biolistika, mikroinjekce, typy transformačních
vektorů, problém homologní rekombinace, gene targeting, Physcomitrella. Doporučená literatura: Přehledné články: Altpeter F. et al. (2005) Particle bombardment and the genetic enhancement of crops: myths and realities. Molecular Breeding 15, 305-327. PDF Cotsaftis O. & Guiderdoni E. (2005). Enhancing gene targeting efficiency in higher plants: rice is on the move. Transgenic Research 14, 1-14. PDF Kohli A. et al. (2003). Transgene integration, organization and interaction in plants. Plant Molecular Biology 52, 247-258. PDF Tzfira T. et al. (2004). Agrobacterium T-DNA integration: molecules and models. Trends in Genetics 20, 375-383. PDF Iida S. & Terada R. (2005). Modification of endogenous natural genes by gene targeting in rice and other higher plants. Plant Molecular Biology 59, 205-219. PDF Publikace citované v přednášce: Shaked H. et al. (2005) High-frequency gene targeting in Arabidopsis plants expressing the yeast RAD54 gene. PNAS 102, 12265-12269. PDF Puchta H. and Hohn B. (2005) Green light for gene targeting in plants. PNAS 102, 11961-11962. PDF Loyter A. et al. (2005) The plant VirE2 interacting protein 1. A molecular link between the Agrobacterium T-complex and the host cell chromatin? Plant Phys. 138, 1318-1321. PDF Jia H.G. et al.
(2006). Removal of the selectable marker gene from transgenic tobacco
plants by expression of cre recombinase from a tobacco mosaic virus
vector through agroinfection. Transgenic Research 15, 375-384. PDF Lacroix B. et al. (2005). The VirE3 protein of Agrobacterium mimics a host cell function required for plant genetic transformation. Embo Journal 24, 428-437. PDF