
Organization of chromatin in nucleus. chromatin structure, function in cell cycle, replication and regulation of gene expression. Chromatin domains, insulators, LCR, enhancers, MAR sequences - biological significance and practical experimental impact. Covalent modifications of histone proteins, their role in regulation of gene expression.

Recommended literature
Lewin B: Genes VII (2000) Oxford University Press


Paul A.L., Ferl R.J. (1999) Higher-order chromatin structure: looping long molecules: Plant Mol Biol 41, 713-720. PDF
Verbsky L.M., Richards E.J. (2001) Chromatin remodelling in plants: Current Opinion in Plant Biology 4, 494-500. PDF

Li G.F. et al. (2002) Plant chromatin: development and gene control: BioEssays 24, 234-243. PDF

West A.G., Fraser P. (2005). Remote control of gene transcription: Human Molecular Genetics 14, R101-R111. PDF

Fransz P. et al. (2006) Composition and formation of heterochromatin in Arabidopsis thaliana. Chromosome Research 14: 71-82 PDF

Grant-Downton R.T., Dickinson H.G. (2005) Epigenetics and its implications for plant biology. 1. The epigenetic network in plants. Annals of Botany 96: 1143-1164 PDF

Papers cited in presentation:

Wegel E. et al. (2005) Large-scale chromatin decondensation induced in a developmentally activated transgene lokus: Journal of Cell Science 118, 1021-1031. PDF (slide 31)

Masclaux F.G. et al. (2005). Relationship between allelic state of T-DNA and DNA methylation of chromosomal integration region in transformed Arabidopsis thaliana plants: Plant Molecular Biology 58, 295-303. PDF (slide 44)

Fujimoto S. et al. (2004). Identification of a novel plant MAR DNA binding protein localized on chromosomal surfaces: Plant Molecular Biology 56, 225-239. PDF (slide 26)

Tikhonov A.P. et al. (2000) Structural domains and matrix attachment regions along colinear chromosomal segments of maize and sorghum. Plant Cell 12: 249-264. PDF (slides 48,49)


