Programme booklet

On line registration form


An error (shift of dates) has occured in the printed second circular. We apologise for the error, this document should present the correct version.



42nd Microsymposium of P.M.M.


PRAGUE, 14 - 17 JULY 2003









64th meeting - 42nd Microsymposium

under the auspices of the


Macromolecular Division

  • R.F.T. Stepto
    President of the Macromolecular Division
  • Organized by the


  • K. Ulbrich
    Director of the Institute

    D. Výprachtický
    P.M.M. Head

    J. Kahovec
    P.M.M. Editor

    J. Jůza
    Assistant Editor

    M. Srpová
    P.M.M. Secretary

    E. Grisová
    M. Rodová
    P.M.M. Assistant Secretaries

    J. Brus
    P.M.M. Technical Manager

    D. Kotíková
    P.M.M. Social Programme Manager

  • Address:

  • Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry

    Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

    P.M.M. Secretariat

    Heyrovského nám. 2

    162 06 Praha 6, Czech Republic

  • Contact:

  • Phone: +420-296 809 332

    Fax: +420-296 809 410



  • International Scientific Committee

    N.C. Billingham (U.K.), A. Buekens (Belgium), I. Fortelný (Czech Republic) P. Hrdlovič (Slovak Republic),


    Microsymposium Chairwoman

    Jana Kovářová

    (Czech Republic)



    The microsymposium is addressed to experts from academia and industry interested in various aspects of polymer degradation and possible practical ways of its prevention. Emphasis will be also put on the latest achievements in research and industrial applications of polymer recycling.

    This meeting aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum for discussions concerning environmental degradation of plastics, ways of minimizing waste generation, measures to stimulate reuse and recycling of polymers and to improve the cross fertilization of ideas of polymer scientists and engineers.


    1. Degradation, stabilization and ageing of polymers
    2. Processing and melt stabilization of polymers, polymer blends and composites
    3. Testing and lifetime prediction of polymeric materials
    4. Polymer recycling - material and energy recovery


    All sessions will be held in the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha 6, Heyrovského nám. 2.

    The scientific programme consists of invited main lectures of 40 min and additional 10 min for discussion, special lectures of 20 min and additional 5 min for discussion, and poster session(s).


    English is the working language of the Microsymposium; no translation will be provided. All materials for publication must be submitted in English.


    Videoprojector (XGA) with the connection to a notebook, local PC (ZIP 100 MB, CD, FDD 3.5') or VHS, overhead projector, projector of 5 x 5 cm slides (the slide projector does not function with slides thicker than 2.5 mm), and blackboard are available for lectures and discussions.



    N.S. Allen, M. Edge, G. Sandoval, A. Ortega (Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK)
    Photoactivity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in polymers and coatings

    N.C. Billingham (University of Sussex, Brighton, UK)
    Chemiluminescence combined with thermal analysis for studying polymer oxidation

    H. Bockhorn (University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany)
    Thermal degradation of polymers: basic principles and unsolved problems

    J.L. Gardette (Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France)
    to be specified

    F. La Mantia, R. Scaffaro (University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy)
    Optimisation of processing conditions in the recycling of polycondensation polymers 

    N. Mayne (Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe, Brussels, Belgium)
    Essential criteria for successful recycling and recovery of polymers on commercial scale

    A. Okuwaki (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
    Feedstock recycling of plastics in Japan

    I. Tincul (Sasol Technology Ltd, Sasolburg, Republic of South Africa)
    Overview and particularities in degradation of polyolefins derived from Fischer-Tropsch synthesis


    The following titles of the special lectures have been accepted by February 10, 2003:

    M. Aglietto, M.B. Coltelli, S. Savi (Italy)
    Post-consumer recycling of polyolefins and condensation polymers by reactive blending

    N.S. Allen, M. Edge, D. Mourelatou, A. Wilkinson, Ch.M. Liauw, M.D. Parellada, J.A. Barrio, V.R.S. Quitera (UK, Spain)
    Thermal degradation and ozone attack on styrene-ethene-butene-styrene (SEBS) copolymers

    L. Costa, P. Bracco, E.M. Brach del Prever, M.P. Luda (Italy)
    Stabilisation of orthopaedic UHMWPE with vitamin E

    M. Danko, Š. Chmela, P. Hrdlovič (Slovakia)
    Photochemical stability and photostabilizing efficiency of anthracene/hindered amine stabilizer probes in polymer matrices

    J.F. Feller, Y. Grohens (France)
    Bisphenol A poly(carbonate) recycling: rheological & calorimetric study

    M.P. Foulc, A. Ergeret, L. Ferry, P. Ienny, A. Crespy (France)
    Hydrothermal stability of glass fiber reinforced poly(ethylene terephthalate) composites: a multi-scale approach

    M. Grob (Switzerland)
    Enhancing lifetime of glazing applications by tailor-made, improved stabilizer packages

    C. Kiss, E. Epacher, P. Staniek, B. Pukánszky (Hungary)
    The role of weak sites in the long-term aging of HDPE under the effect of extractive media

    S. Krüger, K. Brademann-Jock (Germany)
    Thermoluminescence: a promising new testing method to investigate weathering effects of polymers

    J. Rychlý, L. Matisová-Rychlá, I. Lacík, K. Slovák (Slovakia)
    Thermal oxidation of cellulose investigated by chemiluminescence: extrapolation of stability data to conditions close to ambient

    V. Wachtendorf, K. Jansen, U. Schulz, P. Trubiroha (Germany)
    Faster assessment of the climatic stability of polymers by use of chemiluminescence combined with artificial weathering

    For further information on the special lectures, please visit our web site at


    Contributions covering unpublished results related to the programme topics may be presented as posters.

    Every poster communication is to be registered for presentation on the Registration Form; the registered poster communication is automatically accepted if the author's participation fee has been remitted.

    Boards for mounting poster materials are 120 cm high and 150 cm wide.


    Summaries of main and special lectures and poster communications will be published in the Programme Booklet provided that they have been registered (see General Information, p. 12) and their camera-ready texts have reached the P.M.M. Secretariat by 30 April 2003, on diskettes, by e-mail, or using upload through Microsymposium website. Files in RTF or Microsoft Word files are most suitable, files in PDF or as GIF pictures with resolution 600 dpi can also be accepted.

    It is useful to use file names derived from the name of the participant (if you register with WWW form and upload your abstract, the file is renamed automatically). You may also send a hard copy of the summary; facsimiles cannot be accepted.

    The P.M.M. Secretariat will confirm the receipt of the summary of a registered poster communication. Summaries of unregistered participants will be neither confirmed nor published or returned.

    Summaries, except for their headings, will be printed without editing.

    The Programme Booklet will be available at the Registration Desk.

    Preparation of summaries

    Summaries should not exceed one page of the A4 size.

    A sample of an abstract is enclosed at the end of the Circular. It is also available at in formats: RTF, MS Word 97 template, MS Word 95 document.

    Summaries not corresponding to the sample will not be accepted.


    Main and special lectures will be published in a special volume of Macromolecular Symposia. Their authors are asked to send the manuscripts to the Microsymposium Editor, Dr J. Kahovec, at the P.M.M. Secretariat, and to give their e-mail addresses (the receipt will be confirmed).

    A maximum of 15 pages is allowed for main and special lectures. As the papers are published in camera-ready form, the manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the instructions, which are available at (

    A diskette with the text of the paper including figures should accompany a hard copy of the manuscript (if possible, not a Macintosh file).



    Registration Form/Fees 30 April 2003
    Reservation and payment of accommodation in the student dormitory 30 April 2003
    Camera-ready summaries of main and special lectures 30 April 2003
    Cancellation of registration (if full refund is required) 15 June 2003
    Camera-ready papers based on main and special lectures during the microsymposium
    Detailed information see General Information p.12  


    Sunday, 13 July

    14:00 to 18:30 On-site registration

    Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Praha 6, Heyrovského nám. 2.
    All participants, including invited speakers, should register.

    The registration will continue on Monday.

    19:00 - 21:00 An informal get-together party with cold dishes in the refectory of the hall of dormitory "Větrník" (Praha 6, K Větrníku 1).

    Complimentary for all registered participants.

    All the following sessions (Monday through Thursday) take place in the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Praha 6, Heyrovského nám. 2.

    Monday, 14 July

    09:00 - 16:00 Registration (continued)
    09:00 - 09:30 Opening ceremony
    09:30 - 18:00 Lectures

    Tuesday, 15 July

    09:00 - 18:00 Lectures

    Wednesday, 16 July

    09:00 - 12:15 Lectures
    14:00 - 23:00 Excursion with informal dinner
    Visit to one of the historic castles or towns near Prague, followed by an informal dinner. The excursion will not coincide with any programme session or any event of the Accompanying Persons Programme.

    Please book for the excursion using the Registration Form (admission by tickets only). Price: 70 EUR (extra fee).

    Thursday, 17 July

    09:00 Lectures
    around 15:30 Closing ceremony
      A farewell drink - complimentary for all participants.



    Sightseeing and visits will be guided.

    Monday, 14 July

    12:30-13:30 Lunch
    14:00-17:00 Introductory sightseeing in Prague

    Tuesday, 15 July

    09:00-17:00 Visit to a famous castle or well-known spa in Bohemia (lunch included)

    Wednesday, 16 July

    09:00-12:30 Visit to Prague Castle (Hradčany)
    12:30-13:30 Lunch

    Thursday, 17 July

    09:00-12:30 Sightseeing featuring the Old Town of Prague
    12:30-13:30 Lunch



    For booking and payment, see General Information.

    .Unregistered accompanying persons and children cannot participate in the scheduled events, nor are they provided with lunch tickets.



    Final registration

    Any person wishing to attend the Microsymposium (including invited speakers) must submit the enclosed Registration Form to the P.M.M. Secretariat by 30 April 2003.

    The Registration Form (unless submitted using the WWW form) should be completed in three copies: any item not filled in means that the particular reservation is not requested. Please return the white and green copies and keep the yellow one; the receipt of your final registration will be confirmed on the green copy sent back to you. The confirmation of Registration Form means only that your registration is accepted; it is not a receipt of payment (see Remittance of fees).

    Please note that the title of any contribution should be definitive and identical with the summary heading (see preparation of suumaries). The summary of a contribution does not replace the final registration. Registration Form is also available at

    Registration fees

    The fees can be paid in any convertible currency but the total must be equivalent to the sum specified in Euro (EUR):

      Before 30 April 30 April and later
    Full fee 450 EUR 480 EUR
    IUPAC Affiliate Member fee* 420 EUR 450 EUR
    Student fee** 250 EUR 280 EUR
    Accompanying person fee 300 EUR 300 EUR
    Excursion with informal dinner   70 EUR

    The registration fee for an active participant includes microsymposium materials, admission to all sessions, refreshments, four lunches, and participation in the welcome reception and farewell drink.

    The registration fee for an accompanying person includes participation in events according to the Accompanying Persons Programme, in the welcome reception and farewell drink.

    None of the registration fees includes the excursion with informal dinner on Wednesday.

     * The participant is requested to give the number of his/her IUPAC Affiliate Membership card valid in 2003 in his/her Registration Form and show the card during on-site registration.

    ** Student-rate registration is available for students (under 30) who can prove their full-time student status by enclosing a statement from their university or institute with the Registration Form.

    Remittance of fees

    Please order your bank to transfer the respective amount or enclose a cheque payable to the account "ústav makromolekulární chemie av čr, Heyrovského nám. 2, 162 06  Praha 6, No. 478387443/0300", variable symbol 428140, with the Československá obchodní banka (address: Na příkopě 14, CZ-115 20 Praha 1, Czech Republic; swift: CEKOCZPP) together with your Registration Form. If you use payment through bank transfer, please enclose a copy of your bank draft with your Registration Form. The P.M.M. Secretariat will acknowledge payments by mailing receipts.

    The P.M.M. Secretariat is able to accept mail order payments with embossed Eurocard/Mastercard or VISA cards. Please fill in the form (available at or sent on request), sign it and send to the address of the P.M.M. Secretariat by airmail. The receipt of payment will be confirmed.

    Remittance of fees is to be made by 30 April 2003. If a cheque is delivered to the P.M.M. Secretariat or payment recorded at the bank in Prague after 15 June 2003 (late payment), the higher rate of registration fees will come into effect and possible arrears will have to be cleared at the Registration Desk. On-site cash payment of a registration fee as a late payment may be accepted only exceptionally and after preliminary agreement of the organizers; without such agreement, the applicant could not be included in the list of participants in the Programme Booklet.


    In the event of cancellation of participation, a full refund of the fees paid (less an administrative bank tax) will be made if the P.M.M. Secretariat receives notification before 15 June 2003. Only 75 % of the fees paid will be refunded if cancellation is received after 14 June but before 1 July 2003. In any case, please inform the P.M.M. Secretariat where to return the payment (bank, address, and account No.). Refunds will not be issued for cancellations received after 30 June 2002.



    Accommodation in hotels

    Participants who prefer accommodation in a hotel or those who could not book the student dormitory due to their late order should make hotel reservation through travel or accommodation agencies. Due to good experience and long-term cooperation, we recommend the Congress Agency EKU (CZ-110 00 Praha 1, Vodičkova 17, tel./fax +420-224 947 589, e-mail,

    The organizers and the P.M.M. Secretariat neither make hotel reservations nor mediate contacts with travel and accommodation agencies.

    Accommodation in the student dormitory

    Participants wishing to lodge in the Hvězda student dormitory (Praha 6, Zvoníčkova 5 - ca. 600 m from the Institute) should indicate their reservation requirement in the Registration Form. In the dormitory, double rooms are available. If you wish to share a room with a certain person, please give the name of your roommate in the Registration Form. If no name is given, the P.M.M. Secretariat will feel free to make any occupation. As the number of rooms is limited, they will be allotted on a "first-come, first-served" basis.

    Accommodation charges (including breakfast) are to be paid together with other Microsymposium fees using cheques or money orders (see Remittance of fees):

    On the departure day, the room must be cleared at noon at the latest; after that time, a full charge for the day must be paid.


    A valid passport is required for entry into the Czech Republic. The visas are valid for three months from the date of issue; please note that your visa must be valid until the end of your stay in the Czech Republic. Visas are not required if participants come from countries having a visa-free agreement with the Czech Republic.

    IUPAC sponsorship implies that entry visas will be granted to all bona fide scientists provided application is made not less than three months in advance. If a visa is not granted one month before the Microsymposium, the IUPAC Secretariat should be immediately notified by the applicant (phone: +1-919-4858 701,
    fax: +1-919-4858 706, e-mail:


    Participants are advised to arrange health and travel insurance and whatever insurance they consider necessary prior to departure. The registration fees do not include provision of any insurance. Neither organizing institutions nor their representatives assume responsibility or liability for personal accident and loss or damage to belongings however caused.




    Foreign currency may be brought into the Czech Republic without restrictions. The official currency in the Czech Republic is the Czech crown (Kč). It can be purchased in banks and other exchange offices. The exchange rate is about 31 Kč for 1 EUR (Euro) as of January 2003.

    Common international payment cards are usually accepted. Please make inquiries before asking services.


    The international airport Praha is situated in Ruzyně about 20 km (12 miles) from the city centre and 8 km from the Institute, and is well served by city transport. In addition, airport buses operated by CEDAZ run in about 30-min intervals from the airport to the city terminal (Praha 1, Náměstí Republiky, Metro station of the yellow line B) from 05:30 till 21:30. Airport-bus fare: 90 Kč to city centre, 60 Kč to Dejvická Metro station (as of February 2003).

    International trains arrive in Prague at the following railway stations: Praha - hlavní nádraží (Main Station; also a Metro station of the red line C), Praha - Holešovice (Metro station of the red line C), and Praha - Smíchov (Metro station of the yellow line B).

    No special transport for the Microsymposium participants from the airport and railway stations is organized.

    Public transport

    In Prague, an integrated transport system (underground Metro, trams, and buses) operates without conductors. Tickets must be purchased in advance and stamped inside tram or bus, or before passing the gates of the Metro. Ticket machines are in all Metro stations.

    In buses, the most common 60-min tickets can also be purchased from the driver, but with an additional charge of 3 Kč and with the exact change only. Tickets for 8 Kč for a single 15-min journey by tram or bus, or four-stop journey by Metro - as well as transfer tickets for 12 Kč for a 60-min (at night, on Saturdays and Sundays 90-min) journey by all means of transport are on sale at the airport, at railway stations, newspaper stands and tobacco shops, at hotel reception desks, in restaurants, etc. The Metro runs from 05:00 till midnight. The timetables are available on Internet:

    How to reach the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (Praha 6, Petřiny area)

    From the Prague Airport, bus No. 179 takes you directly to the Institute (12 stops -"Petřiny" stop).

    From the Main Railway Station (Hlavní nádraží), travel by Metro red line C as far as "Vltavská" station (2 stops). From there, take tram No. 1 (direction of Petřiny) to the terminus "Petřiny" (14 stops).

    From the student dormitory Hvězda, take any of buses No. 179, 184 or 191 (direction of Petřiny or Letiště Ruzyně) to the "Petřiny" stop (3 stops). You can also walk through Zeyerova Alej along the high-voltage line to the Institute (600 m).

    For more details see at .

    How to reach the Hvězda student dormitory (Praha 6, Petřiny area)

    The student dormitory Hvězda is located at the crossing of Ankarská, Zvoníčkova, Brunclíkova and Zeyerova Alej Streets. The nearest bus stop is "Nad Markétou", which is located 50 m from the dormitory (150 m from the reception). The nearest tram stops are "Vypich" (500 m), "Větrník" (700 m), "Obchodní dům Petřiny" (500 m).

    From the Prague Airport bus No. 179 takes you directly to the student dormitory (two more stops than to the Institute).

    From the Main Railway Station (Hlavní nádraží), travel by Metro red line C as far as "Vltavská" station (2 stops). From there, take tram No. 1 (direction of Petřiny). Get off at the "Větrník" (12th stop) or "Obchodní dům Petřiny" (13th stop) and walk to the dormitory or take a bus No. 179, 184, 191 in the opposite direction to "Nad Markétou" stop (1 stop).

    From the Institute, you can either walk through Zeyerova Alej along the high-voltage line to the student dormitory (600 m), or take any of buses No. 179, 184, 191 (direction of Nové Butovice or Na Knížecí) to the "Nad Markétou" stop (2 stops). The student dormitory is the house across the street.


    Taxis can be hired at the airport or the railway stations. The fare is max. 22 Kč per kilometre and 30 Kč is the boarding fee within the city boundaries (2003 January prices). A special taxi fare from the Prague Airport to the Hvězda student dormitory or the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry is 500-600 Kč, to downtown 600-700 Kč. The Airport minibus service CEDAZ provides transport to any place within the City for 360 Kč (1-4 persons).

    We recommend negotiating the fare before entering a taxi.


    Coffee, tea, and soft drinks (included in the registration fee) will be available during the breaks of the programme sessions.

    Lunches (included in the registration fee) will be served from Monday to Thursday from 12:30 to 13:30) for active participants and registered accompanying persons (for the latter except for Tuesday) in the refectory of the "Větrník" student dormitory, which is at a walking distance from the Institute (about 1 km, 2 stops by tram). Admission by tickets only.


    All correspondence should be addressed to the

    P.M.M. Secretariat

    Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry

    Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

    Heyrovského nám. 2

    CZ-162 06 Praha 6

    Czech Republic

    Phone: +420-296 809 332

    Fax: +420-296 809 410

    E-mail: sympo


    We would like to apologise for errors in the printed 2nd circular of this conference. Since the epidemy of influenza affected most of the people responsible for the circular, the error persisted in the text going to press.