Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
www.avcr.cz Academy of Sciences
www.lib.cas.cz Library of the Academy of Sciences
www.mmr.cz Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic
www.mze.cz Ministry Agriculture of the Czech Republic
www.mzp.cz Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic
www.jcu.cz University of South Bohemia
www.ufb.jcu.cz Institute of Physical Biology
www.muni.cz Masaryk University
mendelu.cz Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno
www.osu.cz University of Ostrava
www.cuni.cz Charles University in Prague
cozp.cuni.cz Charles University Environment Centre
www.ujep.cz Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem
www.upol.cz Palacký University, Olomouc
www.vscht.cz Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague
www.zcu.cz University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
International institution
www.europa.eu EU on-line
www.iucn.org IUCN - The World Conservation Union
www.unesco.org/mab MAB - Man and Biosphere
www2.mtnforum.org Mountain Forum
www.biomagres.com Biomagnetic research and technology
www.sav.sk Ekológia
www.usbe.cas.cz/czechcarbo CzechCarbo
www.czechglobe.cz Center for Global Climate Change Impacts Studies
www.bc.cas.cz/EKOTECH Ekotech