Dept. of Bioanalogous & Special Polymers

Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Working group:

Bioactive & Degradable Polymers


1st Spring Brain-Storming Meeting:

Cells and Extracellular Matrix:

What we can learn from the cells-cells and cells-ECM interactions

for the design of smarter biomaterials ?



Dolní Jílovice, May 16-17th, 2003


Scientific Program

Friday, May 16th

F. Rypáček Polymer biomaterials in cell therapies and tissue engineering: An introduction
D. Horák PHEMA-based slabs as a mouse-embryonic-stem-cell support
H. Drnovská Superporous gels with controlled porosity for neural tissue regeneration
E. Brynda Multilayer protein assemblies and fibrin networks on polymer surfaces
Š. Popelka Design and preparation of bioactive surfaces on polymer matrices for tissue regeneration
V. Proks Block copolymers with adhesion-peptide sequences
J. Czernek Amino-acid propensities for a-helix and b-sheet conformations in self-assembling peptides


Saturday, May 17th

L. Bačáková Cell adhesion: An introduction
E. Filová The role of CDK2 and its inhibitors in cell cycle regulation
K. Náměstková Hipocampus in rat after its injury: changes in its structure and function
P. Lesný Implantation of hydrogels in spinal cord injury

List of Participants

Inst. of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, Prague

Dept. of Bioanalogous & Special Polymers

Centre for Cell Therapy and Tissue Repair

Dept. of Hydrogels

Dept. of Membranes

Inst. of Physiology AS CR, Prague

Dept. of Cell Populations Growth and Differentiation

2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague

Centre for Cell Therapy and Tissue Repair, Inst. of Neuroscience

Inst. of Experimental Medicine AS CR, Prague & Mendel University Brno

Dept. of Molecular Embryology

Centre for Cell Therapy and Tissue Repair