Dept. of Bioanalogous & Special Polymers
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Working group of Bioactive & Degradable Polymers


2nd Brain-Storming Meeting: Bio-Material Interfaces

Dolní Jílovice 17. - 18.9. 2004


Friday, 17. 9. 2004

13:30 - 14:15 Opening F. Rypáček: Polymer biomaterials for tissue regeneration: An introduction
14:15 - 15:15 L. Bačáková: Adhesion to synthetic material - a milestone in the cell life. (Principles and mechanisms of cell adhesion: An introduction)
15:15 - 16:00 J. Michálek: Materials for cultivation of keratinocytes and for implants to central nervous system (CNS)
16:00 - 16:30 coffee break
16:30 - 17:00 D. Horák: Colloidal magnetite coatings and stem cells labeling
17:00 - 17:30 E. Brynda: Modification of polymer scaffolds by assemblies of biological macromolecules
17:30 - 18:00 General discussion
18:30 Informal discussion and dinner (Denaturation and degradation of mammalian proteins by thermal treatment of tissue samples)

Saturday, 18. 9. 2004

9:00 J. Pacherník: Stem cells: Growth of embryonic stem cells on surfaces modified by organized layers of biological macromolecules
  Neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ES) and tumor cells (EC) in vitro
  N-CAM (Neural cell adhesion molecule)
10:00 Š. Popelka: Design and preparation of bioactive surfaces on polymer scaffolds for tissue regeneration
10:30 E. Filová: Control of adhesion and proliferation of smooth muscle cells on PLLA-PEO polymers with adhesion oligopeptides and CDK2 inhibitors
11:00 E. Chánová: Surface topography of polymer biomaterials by atomic force microscopy
11:30 K. Mulinková: 3D scaffolds: Polylactide fibrous meshes for cartilage engineering
12:00 H. Studenovská-Drnovská: 3D scaffolds: Biodegradable polymer hydrogels for neural tissue regeneration
12:30 Discussion
13:45 Lunch
14:45 Excursion
20:00 Dinner
